# Copyright 2015-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http:#www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ DUT for IDF applications """ import functools import os import os.path import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import pexpect # python2 and python3 queue package name is different try: import Queue as _queue except ImportError: import queue as _queue from serial.tools import list_ports from tiny_test_fw import DUT, Utility from tiny_test_fw.Utility import format_case_id try: import esptool except ImportError: # cheat and use IDF's copy of esptool if available idf_path = os.getenv('IDF_PATH') if not idf_path or not os.path.exists(idf_path): raise sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(idf_path, 'components', 'esptool_py', 'esptool')) import esptool class IDFToolError(OSError): pass class IDFDUTException(RuntimeError): pass class IDFRecvThread(DUT.RecvThread): PERFORMANCE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\[Performance]\[(\w+)]: ([^\r\n]+)\r?\n') EXCEPTION_PATTERNS = [ re.compile(r"(Guru Meditation Error: Core\s+\d panic'ed \([\w].*?\))"), re.compile(r'(abort\(\) was called at PC 0x[a-fA-F\d]{8} on core \d)'), re.compile(r'(rst 0x\d+ \(TG\dWDT_SYS_RESET|TGWDT_CPU_RESET\))') ] BACKTRACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Backtrace:((\s(0x[0-9a-f]{8}):0x[0-9a-f]{8})+)') BACKTRACE_ADDRESS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(0x[0-9a-f]{8}):0x[0-9a-f]{8}') def __init__(self, read, dut): super(IDFRecvThread, self).__init__(read, dut) self.exceptions = _queue.Queue() self.performance_items = _queue.Queue() def collect_performance(self, comp_data): matches = self.PERFORMANCE_PATTERN.findall(comp_data) for match in matches: Utility.console_log('[Performance][{}]: {}'.format(format_case_id(match[0], self.dut.app.target, self.dut.app.config_name), match[1]), color='orange') self.performance_items.put((match[0], match[1])) def detect_exception(self, comp_data): for pattern in self.EXCEPTION_PATTERNS: start = 0 while True: match = pattern.search(comp_data, pos=start) if match: start = match.end() self.exceptions.put(match.group(0)) Utility.console_log('[Exception]: {}'.format(match.group(0)), color='red') else: break def detect_backtrace(self, comp_data): start = 0 while True: match = self.BACKTRACE_PATTERN.search(comp_data, pos=start) if match: start = match.end() Utility.console_log('[Backtrace]:{}'.format(match.group(1)), color='red') # translate backtrace addresses = self.BACKTRACE_ADDRESS_PATTERN.findall(match.group(1)) translated_backtrace = '' for addr in addresses: ret = self.dut.lookup_pc_address(addr) if ret: translated_backtrace += ret + '\n' if translated_backtrace: Utility.console_log('Translated backtrace\n:' + translated_backtrace, color='yellow') else: Utility.console_log('Failed to translate backtrace', color='yellow') else: break CHECK_FUNCTIONS = [collect_performance, detect_exception, detect_backtrace] def _uses_esptool(func): """ Suspend listener thread, connect with esptool, call target function with esptool instance, then resume listening for output """ @functools.wraps(func) def handler(self, *args, **kwargs): self.stop_receive() settings = self.port_inst.get_settings() try: if not self._rom_inst: self._rom_inst = esptool.ESPLoader.detect_chip(self.port_inst) self._rom_inst.connect('hard_reset') esp = self._rom_inst.run_stub() ret = func(self, esp, *args, **kwargs) # do hard reset after use esptool esp.hard_reset() finally: # always need to restore port settings self.port_inst.apply_settings(settings) self.start_receive() return ret return handler class IDFDUT(DUT.SerialDUT): """ IDF DUT, extends serial with esptool methods (Becomes aware of IDFApp instance which holds app-specific data) """ # /dev/ttyAMA0 port is listed in Raspberry Pi # /dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port port is listed in Mac INVALID_PORT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'AMA|Bluetooth') # if need to erase NVS partition in start app ERASE_NVS = True RECV_THREAD_CLS = IDFRecvThread def __init__(self, name, port, log_file, app, allow_dut_exception=False, **kwargs): super(IDFDUT, self).__init__(name, port, log_file, app, **kwargs) self.allow_dut_exception = allow_dut_exception self.exceptions = _queue.Queue() self.performance_items = _queue.Queue() self._rom_inst = None @classmethod def _get_rom(cls): raise NotImplementedError('This is an abstraction class, method not defined.') @classmethod def get_mac(cls, app, port): """ get MAC address via esptool :param app: application instance (to get tool) :param port: serial port as string :return: MAC address or None """ esp = None try: esp = cls._get_rom()(port) esp.connect() return esp.read_mac() except RuntimeError: return None finally: if esp: # do hard reset after use esptool esp.hard_reset() esp._port.close() @classmethod def confirm_dut(cls, port, **kwargs): inst = None try: expected_rom_class = cls._get_rom() except NotImplementedError: expected_rom_class = None try: # TODO: check whether 8266 works with this logic # Otherwise overwrite it in ESP8266DUT inst = esptool.ESPLoader.detect_chip(port) if expected_rom_class and type(inst) != expected_rom_class: raise RuntimeError('Target not expected') return inst.read_mac() is not None, get_target_by_rom_class(type(inst)) except(esptool.FatalError, RuntimeError): return False, None finally: if inst is not None: inst._port.close() @_uses_esptool def _try_flash(self, esp, erase_nvs, baud_rate): """ Called by start_app() to try flashing at a particular baud rate. Structured this way so @_uses_esptool will reconnect each time """ flash_files = [] encrypt_files = [] try: # Open the files here to prevents us from having to seek back to 0 # each time. Before opening them, we have to organize the lists the # way esptool.write_flash needs: # If encrypt is provided, flash_files contains all the files to # flash. # Else, flash_files contains the files to be flashed as plain text # and encrypt_files contains the ones to flash encrypted. flash_files = self.app.flash_files encrypt_files = self.app.encrypt_files encrypt = self.app.flash_settings.get('encrypt', False) if encrypt: flash_files = encrypt_files encrypt_files = [] else: flash_files = [entry for entry in flash_files if entry not in encrypt_files] flash_files = [(offs, open(path, 'rb')) for (offs, path) in flash_files] encrypt_files = [(offs, open(path, 'rb')) for (offs, path) in encrypt_files] if erase_nvs: address = self.app.partition_table['nvs']['offset'] size = self.app.partition_table['nvs']['size'] nvs_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() nvs_file.write(b'\xff' * size) nvs_file.seek(0) if not isinstance(address, int): address = int(address, 0) # We have to check whether this file needs to be added to # flash_files list or encrypt_files. # Get the CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT macro # value. If it is set to True, then NVS is always encrypted. sdkconfig_dict = self.app.get_sdkconfig() macro_encryption = 'CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT' in sdkconfig_dict # If the macro is not enabled (plain text flash) or all files # must be encrypted, add NVS to flash_files. if not macro_encryption or encrypt: flash_files.append((address, nvs_file)) else: encrypt_files.append((address, nvs_file)) # fake flasher args object, this is a hack until # esptool Python API is improved class FlashArgs(object): def __init__(self, attributes): for key, value in attributes.items(): self.__setattr__(key, value) # write_flash expects the parameter encrypt_files to be None and not # an empty list, so perform the check here flash_args = FlashArgs({ 'flash_size': self.app.flash_settings['flash_size'], 'flash_mode': self.app.flash_settings['flash_mode'], 'flash_freq': self.app.flash_settings['flash_freq'], 'addr_filename': flash_files, 'encrypt_files': encrypt_files or None, 'no_stub': False, 'compress': True, 'verify': False, 'encrypt': encrypt, 'ignore_flash_encryption_efuse_setting': False, 'erase_all': False, }) esp.change_baud(baud_rate) esptool.detect_flash_size(esp, flash_args) esptool.write_flash(esp, flash_args) finally: for (_, f) in flash_files: f.close() for (_, f) in encrypt_files: f.close() def start_app(self, erase_nvs=ERASE_NVS): """ download and start app. :param: erase_nvs: whether erase NVS partition during flash :return: None """ last_error = None for baud_rate in [921600, 115200]: try: self._try_flash(erase_nvs, baud_rate) break except RuntimeError as e: last_error = e else: raise last_error @_uses_esptool def reset(self, esp): """ hard reset DUT :return: None """ # decorator `_use_esptool` will do reset # so we don't need to do anything in this method pass @_uses_esptool def erase_partition(self, esp, partition): """ :param partition: partition name to erase :return: None """ raise NotImplementedError() # TODO: implement this # address = self.app.partition_table[partition]["offset"] size = self.app.partition_table[partition]['size'] # TODO can use esp.erase_region() instead of this, I think with open('.erase_partition.tmp', 'wb') as f: f.write(chr(0xFF) * size) @_uses_esptool def erase_flash(self, esp): """ erase the flash completely :return: None """ esp.erase_flash() @_uses_esptool def dump_flash(self, esp, output_file, **kwargs): """ dump flash :param output_file: output file name, if relative path, will use sdk path as base path. :keyword partition: partition name, dump the partition. ``partition`` is preferred than using ``address`` and ``size``. :keyword address: dump from address (need to be used with size) :keyword size: dump size (need to be used with address) :return: None """ if os.path.isabs(output_file) is False: output_file = os.path.relpath(output_file, self.app.get_log_folder()) if 'partition' in kwargs: partition = self.app.partition_table[kwargs['partition']] _address = partition['offset'] _size = partition['size'] elif 'address' in kwargs and 'size' in kwargs: _address = kwargs['address'] _size = kwargs['size'] else: raise IDFToolError("You must specify 'partition' or ('address' and 'size') to dump flash") content = esp.read_flash(_address, _size) with open(output_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(content) @staticmethod def _sort_usb_ports(ports): """ Move the usb ports to the very beginning :param ports: list of ports :return: list of ports with usb ports at beginning """ usb_ports = [] rest_ports = [] for port in ports: if 'usb' in port.lower(): usb_ports.append(port) else: rest_ports.append(port) return usb_ports + rest_ports @classmethod def list_available_ports(cls): # It will return other kinds of ports as well, such as ttyS* ports. # Give the usb ports higher priority ports = cls._sort_usb_ports([x.device for x in list_ports.comports()]) espport = os.getenv('ESPPORT') if not espport: # It's a little hard filter out invalid port with `serial.tools.list_ports.grep()`: # The check condition in `grep` is: `if r.search(port) or r.search(desc) or r.search(hwid)`. # This means we need to make all 3 conditions fail, to filter out the port. # So some part of the filters will not be straight forward to users. # And negative regular expression (`^((?!aa|bb|cc).)*$`) is not easy to understand. # Filter out invalid port by our own will be much simpler. return [x for x in ports if not cls.INVALID_PORT_PATTERN.search(x)] # On MacOs with python3.6: type of espport is already utf8 if isinstance(espport, type(u'')): port_hint = espport else: port_hint = espport.decode('utf8') # If $ESPPORT is a valid port, make it appear first in the list if port_hint in ports: ports.remove(port_hint) return [port_hint] + ports # On macOS, user may set ESPPORT to /dev/tty.xxx while # pySerial lists only the corresponding /dev/cu.xxx port if sys.platform == 'darwin' and 'tty.' in port_hint: port_hint = port_hint.replace('tty.', 'cu.') if port_hint in ports: ports.remove(port_hint) return [port_hint] + ports return ports def lookup_pc_address(self, pc_addr): cmd = ['%saddr2line' % self.TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX, '-pfiaC', '-e', self.app.elf_file, pc_addr] ret = '' try: translation = subprocess.check_output(cmd) ret = translation.decode() except OSError: pass return ret @staticmethod def _queue_read_all(source_queue): output = [] while True: try: output.append(source_queue.get(timeout=0)) except _queue.Empty: break return output def _queue_copy(self, source_queue, dest_queue): data = self._queue_read_all(source_queue) for d in data: dest_queue.put(d) def _get_from_queue(self, queue_name): self_queue = getattr(self, queue_name) if self.receive_thread: recv_thread_queue = getattr(self.receive_thread, queue_name) self._queue_copy(recv_thread_queue, self_queue) return self._queue_read_all(self_queue) def stop_receive(self): if self.receive_thread: for name in ['performance_items', 'exceptions']: source_queue = getattr(self.receive_thread, name) dest_queue = getattr(self, name) self._queue_copy(source_queue, dest_queue) super(IDFDUT, self).stop_receive() def get_exceptions(self): """ Get exceptions detected by DUT receive thread. """ return self._get_from_queue('exceptions') def get_performance_items(self): """ DUT receive thread will automatic collect performance results with pattern ``[Performance][name]: value\n``. This method is used to get all performance results. :return: a list of performance items. """ return self._get_from_queue('performance_items') def close(self): super(IDFDUT, self).close() if not self.allow_dut_exception and self.get_exceptions(): Utility.console_log('DUT exception detected on {}'.format(self), color='red') raise IDFDUTException() class ESP32DUT(IDFDUT): TARGET = 'esp32' TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX = 'xtensa-esp32-elf-' @classmethod def _get_rom(cls): return esptool.ESP32ROM def erase_partition(self, esp, partition): raise NotImplementedError() class ESP32S2DUT(IDFDUT): TARGET = 'esp32s2' TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX = 'xtensa-esp32s2-elf-' @classmethod def _get_rom(cls): return esptool.ESP32S2ROM def erase_partition(self, esp, partition): raise NotImplementedError() class ESP32C3DUT(IDFDUT): TARGET = 'esp32c3' TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX = 'riscv32-esp-elf-' @classmethod def _get_rom(cls): return esptool.ESP32C3ROM def erase_partition(self, esp, partition): raise NotImplementedError() class ESP8266DUT(IDFDUT): TARGET = 'esp8266' TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX = 'xtensa-lx106-elf-' @classmethod def _get_rom(cls): return esptool.ESP8266ROM def erase_partition(self, esp, partition): raise NotImplementedError() def get_target_by_rom_class(cls): for c in [ESP32DUT, ESP32S2DUT, ESP32C3DUT, ESP8266DUT, IDFQEMUDUT]: if c._get_rom() == cls: return c.TARGET return None class IDFQEMUDUT(IDFDUT): TARGET = None TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX = None ERASE_NVS = True DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT = 30 # longer timeout, since app startup takes more time in QEMU (due to slow SHA emulation) QEMU_SERIAL_PORT = 3334 def __init__(self, name, port, log_file, app, allow_dut_exception=False, **kwargs): self.flash_image = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('rb+', suffix='.bin', prefix='qemu_flash_img') self.app = app self.flash_size = 4 * 1024 * 1024 self._write_flash_img() args = [ 'qemu-system-xtensa', '-nographic', '-machine', self.TARGET, '-drive', 'file={},if=mtd,format=raw'.format(self.flash_image.name), '-nic', 'user,model=open_eth', '-serial', 'tcp::{},server,nowait'.format(self.QEMU_SERIAL_PORT), '-S', '-global driver=timer.esp32.timg,property=wdt_disable,value=true'] # TODO(IDF-1242): generate a temporary efuse binary, pass it to QEMU if 'QEMU_BIOS_PATH' in os.environ: args += ['-L', os.environ['QEMU_BIOS_PATH']] self.qemu = pexpect.spawn(' '.join(args), timeout=self.DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT) self.qemu.expect_exact(b'(qemu)') super(IDFQEMUDUT, self).__init__(name, port, log_file, app, allow_dut_exception=allow_dut_exception, **kwargs) def _write_flash_img(self): self.flash_image.seek(0) self.flash_image.write(b'\x00' * self.flash_size) for offs, path in self.app.flash_files: with open(path, 'rb') as flash_file: contents = flash_file.read() self.flash_image.seek(offs) self.flash_image.write(contents) self.flash_image.flush() @classmethod def _get_rom(cls): return esptool.ESP32ROM @classmethod def get_mac(cls, app, port): # TODO(IDF-1242): get this from QEMU/efuse binary return '11:22:33:44:55:66' @classmethod def confirm_dut(cls, port, **kwargs): return True, cls.TARGET def start_app(self, erase_nvs=ERASE_NVS): # TODO: implement erase_nvs # since the flash image is generated every time in the constructor, maybe this isn't needed... self.qemu.sendline(b'cont\n') self.qemu.expect_exact(b'(qemu)') def reset(self): self.qemu.sendline(b'system_reset\n') self.qemu.expect_exact(b'(qemu)') def erase_partition(self, partition): raise NotImplementedError('method erase_partition not implemented') def erase_flash(self): raise NotImplementedError('method erase_flash not implemented') def dump_flash(self, output_file, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('method dump_flash not implemented') @classmethod def list_available_ports(cls): return ['socket://localhost:{}'.format(cls.QEMU_SERIAL_PORT)] def close(self): super(IDFQEMUDUT, self).close() self.qemu.sendline(b'q\n') self.qemu.expect_exact(b'(qemu)') for _ in range(self.DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT): if not self.qemu.isalive(): break time.sleep(1) else: self.qemu.terminate(force=True) class ESP32QEMUDUT(IDFQEMUDUT): TARGET = 'esp32' TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX = 'xtensa-esp32-elf-'