/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include "esp_log.h" #include "perfmon.h" #include "unity.h" #include "xtensa-debug-module.h" #include "eri.h" #include "xtensa_perfmon_access.h" static const char *TAG = "perfmon"; static void delay(void) { for (int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i++) { __asm__ __volatile__("nop"); } } TEST_CASE("Start/stop/reset sanity check", "[perfmon]") { xtensa_perfmon_stop(); xtensa_perfmon_init(0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 6); xtensa_perfmon_reset(0); delay(); uint32_t count_0 = eri_read(ERI_PERFMON_PM0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_MESSAGE(0, count_0, "Counter should be 0 after reset"); xtensa_perfmon_start(); delay(); uint32_t count_1 = eri_read(ERI_PERFMON_PM0); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT32_MESSAGE(0, count_1, "Counter should not be 0 after start"); xtensa_perfmon_stop(); uint32_t count_2 = eri_read(ERI_PERFMON_PM0); delay(); uint32_t count_3 = eri_read(ERI_PERFMON_PM0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32_MESSAGE(count_2, count_3, "Counter should not change after stop"); xtensa_perfmon_reset(0); xtensa_perfmon_start(); delay(); delay(); uint32_t count_4 = eri_read(ERI_PERFMON_PM0); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_UINT32_MESSAGE(count_1, count_4, "Counter should be greater when delay is longer"); xtensa_perfmon_stop(); } static void test_call(void *params) { delay(); } static void test_callback(void *params, uint32_t select, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value) { int *call_count = (int *)params; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "%s: select=%" PRIu32 ", mask=%" PRIx32 ", value=%" PRIu32, __func__, select, mask, value); (*call_count)++; } TEST_CASE("xtensa_perfmon_exec custom callback", "[perfmon]") { int num_counters = sizeof(xtensa_perfmon_select_mask_all) / sizeof(xtensa_perfmon_select_mask_all[0]) / 2; int callback_call_count = 0; xtensa_perfmon_config_t pm_config = { .counters_size = num_counters, .select_mask = xtensa_perfmon_select_mask_all, .repeat_count = 200, .max_deviation = 1, .call_function = test_call, .call_params = NULL, .callback = test_callback, .callback_params = &callback_call_count, .tracelevel = -1 }; TEST_ESP_OK(xtensa_perfmon_exec(&pm_config)); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(0, callback_call_count, "Callback should be called at least once"); // Performance counters should not have overflow status set TEST_ESP_OK(xtensa_perfmon_overflow(0)); TEST_ESP_OK(xtensa_perfmon_overflow(1)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(num_counters, callback_call_count, "Callback should be called once for every counter"); } TEST_CASE("xtensa_perfmon_view_cb test", "[perfmon]") { const uint32_t test_table[] = { XTPERF_CNT_CYCLES, XTPERF_MASK_CYCLES, // total cycles XTPERF_CNT_INSN, XTPERF_MASK_INSN_ALL, // total instructions XTPERF_CNT_D_LOAD_U1, XTPERF_MASK_D_LOAD_LOCAL_MEM, // Mem read XTPERF_CNT_D_STORE_U1, XTPERF_MASK_D_STORE_LOCAL_MEM, // Mem write XTPERF_CNT_BUBBLES, XTPERF_MASK_BUBBLES_ALL &(~XTPERF_MASK_BUBBLES_R_HOLD_REG_DEP), // wait for other reasons XTPERF_CNT_BUBBLES, XTPERF_MASK_BUBBLES_R_HOLD_REG_DEP, // Wait for register dependency XTPERF_CNT_OVERFLOW, XTPERF_MASK_OVERFLOW, // Last test cycle }; int num_counters = sizeof(test_table) / sizeof(test_table[0]) / 2; // We will collect the output of xtensa_perfmon_view_cb in a string // and check that the output matches the counters table above. char *out_str = NULL; size_t out_len = 0; FILE *out_stream = open_memstream(&out_str, &out_len); xtensa_perfmon_config_t pm_config = { .counters_size = num_counters, .select_mask = test_table, .repeat_count = 200, .max_deviation = 1, .call_function = test_call, .call_params = NULL, .callback = xtensa_perfmon_view_cb, .callback_params = out_stream, .tracelevel = -1, }; TEST_ESP_OK(xtensa_perfmon_exec(&pm_config)); fclose(out_stream); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(strlen(out_str) > 0, "xtensa_perfmon_view_cb should print something"); // Check that performance counters defined in test_table are present in the output: const char *p = out_str; // 1. XTPERF_CNT_CYCLES p = strstr(p, "Value ="); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "Counts cycles."); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); // 2. XTPERF_CNT_INSN p = strstr(p, "Value ="); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "Successfully Retired Instructions."); // 3. XTPERF_CNT_D_LOAD_U1 p = strstr(p, "Value ="); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "Load Instruction (Data Memory)."); // 4. XTPERF_CNT_D_STORE_U1 p = strstr(p, "Value ="); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "Store Instruction (Data Memory)."); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); // 5. XTPERF_CNT_BUBBLES p = strstr(p, "Value ="); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "Hold and Other Bubble cycles."); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "CTI bubble (e.g. branch delay slot)"); // 6. XTPERF_CNT_BUBBLES (with a different mask) p = strstr(p, "Value ="); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "Hold and Other Bubble cycles."); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "R hold caused by register dependency"); // 7. XTPERF_CNT_OVERFLOW p = strstr(p, "Value ="); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); p = strstr(p, "Overflow counter"); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p); free(out_str); }