.. include:: ../../../components/spi_flash/README.rst See also -------- - :doc:`Partition Table documentation ` - :doc:`Over The Air Update (OTA) API ` provides high-level API for updating app firmware stored in flash. - :doc:`Non-Volatile Storage (NVS) API ` provides a structured API for storing small items of data in SPI flash. API Reference ------------- Header Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :component_file:`spi_flash/include/esp_spi_flash.h` * :component_file:`spi_flash/include/esp_partition.h` * :component_file:`bootloader_support/include/esp_flash_encrypt.h` Macros ^^^^^^ .. doxygendefine:: ESP_ERR_FLASH_BASE .. doxygendefine:: ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL .. doxygendefine:: ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_TIMEOUT .. doxygendefine:: SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE .. doxygendefine:: SPI_FLASH_MMU_PAGE_SIZE .. doxygendefine:: ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_OTA Type Definitions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygentypedef:: spi_flash_mmap_handle_t .. doxygentypedef:: esp_partition_iterator_t Enumerations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygenenum:: spi_flash_mmap_memory_t .. doxygenenum:: esp_partition_type_t .. doxygenenum:: esp_partition_subtype_t Structures ^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygenstruct:: esp_partition_t Functions ^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_init .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_get_chip_size .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_erase_sector .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_erase_range .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_write .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_write_encrypted .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_read .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_read_encrypted .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_mmap .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_munmap .. doxygenfunction:: spi_flash_mmap_dump .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_find .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_find_first .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_get .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_next .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_iterator_release .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_read .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_write .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_erase_range .. doxygenfunction:: esp_partition_mmap .. doxygenfunction:: esp_flash_encryption_enabled .. _spi-flash-implementation-details: Implementation details ---------------------- In order to perform some flash operations, we need to make sure both CPUs are not running any code from flash for the duration of the flash operation. In a single-core setup this is easy: we disable interrupts/scheduler and do the flash operation. In the dual-core setup this is slightly more complicated. We need to make sure that the other CPU doesn't run any code from flash. When SPI flash API is called on CPU A (can be PRO or APP), we start spi_flash_op_block_func function on CPU B using esp_ipc_call API. This API wakes up high priority task on CPU B and tells it to execute given function, in this case spi_flash_op_block_func. This function disables cache on CPU B and signals that cache is disabled by setting s_flash_op_can_start flag. Then the task on CPU A disables cache as well, and proceeds to execute flash operation. While flash operation is running, interrupts can still run on CPUs A and B. We assume that all interrupt code is placed into RAM. Once interrupt allocation API is added, we should add a flag to request interrupt to be disabled for the duration of flash operations. Once flash operation is complete, function on CPU A sets another flag, s_flash_op_complete, to let the task on CPU B know that it can re-enable cache and release the CPU. Then the function on CPU A re-enables the cache on CPU A as well and returns control to the calling code. Additionally, all API functions are protected with a mutex (s_flash_op_mutex). In a single core environment (CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE enabled), we simply disable both caches, no inter-CPU communication takes place.