.check_doc_links_template: &check_doc_links_template stage: post_deploy image: $ESP_IDF_DOC_ENV_IMAGE tags: [ "build", "amd64", "internet" ] only: refs: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null artifacts: when: always paths: - docs/_build/*/*/*.txt - docs/_build/*/*/linkcheck/*.txt expire_in: 1 week allow_failure: true dependencies: [] script: - cd docs - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.6.10 pip install -r requirements.txt # At the moment this check will always fail due to multiple known limitations, ignore result - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.6.10 ./build_docs.py -l $DOCLANG -t $DOCTGT linkcheck || { echo "THERE ARE ISSUES DUE TO KNOWN LIMITATIONS, PLEASE FIX THEM. Nowadays we're ignored them to pass pipeline."; true; } check_doc_links_en_esp32: extends: .check_doc_links_template variables: DOCLANG: "en" DOCTGT: "esp32" check_doc_links_en_esp32s2: extends: .check_doc_links_template variables: DOCLANG: "en" DOCTGT: "esp32s2" check_doc_links_zh_CN_esp32: extends: .check_doc_links_template variables: DOCLANG: "zh_CN" DOCTGT: "esp32" check_doc_links_zh_CN_esp32s2: extends: .check_doc_links_template variables: DOCLANG: "zh_CN" DOCTGT: "esp32s2"