/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include "ccomp_timer_impl.h" #include "esp_intr_alloc.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_attr.h" #include "eri.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "esp_freertos_hooks.h" #include "perfmon.h" #include "xtensa/core-macros.h" #include "xtensa/xt_perf_consts.h" #include "xtensa-debug-module.h" #include "esp_private/esp_clk.h" #define D_STALL_COUNTER_ID 0 #define I_STALL_COUNTER_ID 1 typedef enum { PERF_TIMER_UNINIT = 0, // timer has not been initialized yet PERF_TIMER_IDLE, // timer has been initialized but is not tracking elapsed time PERF_TIMER_ACTIVE // timer is tracking elapsed time } ccomp_timer_state_t; typedef struct { int i_ovfl; // number of times instruction stall counter has overflowed int d_ovfl; // number of times data stall counter has overflowed uint32_t last_ccount; // last CCOUNT value, updated every os tick ccomp_timer_state_t state; // state of the timer intr_handle_t intr_handle; // handle to allocated handler for perfmon counter overflows, so that it can be freed during deinit int64_t ccount; // accumulated processors cycles during the time when timer is active } ccomp_timer_status_t; // Each core has its independent timer ccomp_timer_status_t s_status[] = { (ccomp_timer_status_t){ .i_ovfl = 0, .d_ovfl = 0, .ccount = 0, .last_ccount = 0, .state = PERF_TIMER_UNINIT, .intr_handle = NULL, }, (ccomp_timer_status_t){ .i_ovfl = 0, .d_ovfl = 0, .ccount = 0, .last_ccount = 0, .state = PERF_TIMER_UNINIT, .intr_handle = NULL } }; static portMUX_TYPE s_lock = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; static void IRAM_ATTR update_ccount(void) { if (s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].state == PERF_TIMER_ACTIVE) { int64_t new_ccount = xthal_get_ccount(); if (new_ccount > s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].last_ccount) { s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].ccount += new_ccount - s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].last_ccount; } else { // CCOUNT has wrapped around s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].ccount += new_ccount + (UINT32_MAX - s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].last_ccount); } s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].last_ccount = new_ccount; } } static void inline update_overflow(int id, int *cnt) { uint32_t pmstat = eri_read(ERI_PERFMON_PMSTAT0 + id * sizeof(int32_t)); if (pmstat & PMSTAT_OVFL) { *cnt += 1; // Clear overflow and PerfMonInt asserted bits. The only valid bits in PMSTAT is the ones we're trying to clear. So it should be // ok to just modify the whole register. eri_write(ERI_PERFMON_PMSTAT0 + id, ~0x0); } } static void IRAM_ATTR perf_counter_overflow_handler(void *args) { update_overflow(D_STALL_COUNTER_ID, &s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].d_ovfl); update_overflow(I_STALL_COUNTER_ID, &s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].i_ovfl); } static void set_perfmon_interrupt(bool enable) { uint32_t d_pmctrl = eri_read(ERI_PERFMON_PMCTRL0 + D_STALL_COUNTER_ID * sizeof(int32_t)); uint32_t i_pmctrl = eri_read(ERI_PERFMON_PMCTRL0 + I_STALL_COUNTER_ID * sizeof(int32_t)); if (enable) { d_pmctrl |= PMCTRL_INTEN; i_pmctrl |= PMCTRL_INTEN; } else { d_pmctrl &= ~PMCTRL_INTEN; i_pmctrl &= ~PMCTRL_INTEN; } eri_write(ERI_PERFMON_PMCTRL0 + D_STALL_COUNTER_ID * sizeof(int32_t), d_pmctrl); eri_write(ERI_PERFMON_PMCTRL0 + I_STALL_COUNTER_ID * sizeof(int32_t), i_pmctrl); } esp_err_t ccomp_timer_impl_init(void) { // Keep track of how many times each counter has overflowed. esp_err_t err = esp_intr_alloc(ETS_INTERNAL_PROFILING_INTR_SOURCE, 0, perf_counter_overflow_handler, NULL, &s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].intr_handle); if (err != ESP_OK) { return err; } xtensa_perfmon_init(D_STALL_COUNTER_ID, XTPERF_CNT_D_STALL, XTPERF_MASK_D_STALL_BUSY, 0, -1); xtensa_perfmon_init(I_STALL_COUNTER_ID, XTPERF_CNT_I_STALL, XTPERF_MASK_I_STALL_BUSY, 0, -1); set_perfmon_interrupt(true); s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].state = PERF_TIMER_IDLE; return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t ccomp_timer_impl_deinit(void) { set_perfmon_interrupt(false); esp_err_t err = esp_intr_free(s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].intr_handle); if (err != ESP_OK) { return err; } s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].intr_handle = NULL; s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].state = PERF_TIMER_UNINIT; return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t ccomp_timer_impl_start(void) { s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].state = PERF_TIMER_ACTIVE; s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].last_ccount = xthal_get_ccount(); // Update elapsed cycles every OS tick esp_register_freertos_tick_hook_for_cpu(update_ccount, xPortGetCoreID()); xtensa_perfmon_start(); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t IRAM_ATTR ccomp_timer_impl_stop(void) { xtensa_perfmon_stop(); esp_deregister_freertos_tick_hook_for_cpu(update_ccount, xPortGetCoreID()); update_ccount(); s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].state = PERF_TIMER_IDLE; return ESP_OK; } int64_t IRAM_ATTR ccomp_timer_impl_get_time(void) { update_ccount(); int64_t d_stalls = xtensa_perfmon_value(D_STALL_COUNTER_ID) + s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].d_ovfl * (1 << sizeof(int32_t)); int64_t i_stalls = xtensa_perfmon_value(I_STALL_COUNTER_ID) + s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].i_ovfl * (1 << sizeof(int32_t)); int64_t stalls = d_stalls + i_stalls; int64_t cycles = s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].ccount; return ((cycles - stalls) * 1000000) / esp_clk_cpu_freq(); } esp_err_t ccomp_timer_impl_reset(void) { xtensa_perfmon_reset(D_STALL_COUNTER_ID); xtensa_perfmon_reset(I_STALL_COUNTER_ID); s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].d_ovfl = 0; s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].i_ovfl = 0; s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].ccount = 0; s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].last_ccount = 0; return ESP_OK; } bool ccomp_timer_impl_is_init(void) { return s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].state != PERF_TIMER_UNINIT; } bool IRAM_ATTR ccomp_timer_impl_is_active(void) { return s_status[xPortGetCoreID()].state == PERF_TIMER_ACTIVE; } void IRAM_ATTR ccomp_timer_impl_lock(void) { portENTER_CRITICAL(&s_lock); } void IRAM_ATTR ccomp_timer_impl_unlock(void) { portEXIT_CRITICAL(&s_lock); }