/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #pragma once #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp_openthread_types.h" #include "driver/spi_master.h" #include "lib/spinel/spinel_interface.hpp" namespace esp { namespace openthread { class SpiSpinelInterface { public: /** * @brief This constructor of object. * * @param[in] callback Callback on frame received * @param[in] callback_context Callback context * @param[in] frame_buffer A reference to a `RxFrameBuffer` object. * */ SpiSpinelInterface(ot::Spinel::SpinelInterface::ReceiveFrameCallback callback, void *callback_context, ot::Spinel::SpinelInterface::RxFrameBuffer &frame_buffer); /** * @brief This destructor of the object. * */ ~SpiSpinelInterface(void); /** * @brief This method initializes the spinel interface. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if already initialized * - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if allocation has failed * - ESP_FAIL on failure */ esp_err_t Init(const esp_openthread_spi_host_config_t &spi_config); /** * @brief This method deinitializes the HDLC interface. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failure */ esp_err_t Deinit(void); /** * @brief This method encodes and sends a spinel frame to Radio Co-processor (RCP) over the socket. * * @param[in] frame A pointer to buffer containing the spinel frame to send. * @param[in] length The length (number of bytes) in the frame. * * @return * -OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully encoded and sent the spinel frame. * -OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS Insufficient buffer space available to encode the frame. * -OT_ERROR_FAILED Failed to send due to socket not becoming writable within `kMaxWaitTime`. * */ otError SendFrame(const uint8_t *frame, uint16_t length); /** * This method waits for receiving part or all of spinel frame within specified timeout. * * @param[in] timeout_us The timeout value in microseconds. * * @return * -OT_ERROR_NONE Part or all of spinel frame is received. * -OT_ERROR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT No spinel frame is received within @p timeout_us. * */ otError WaitForFrame(uint64_t timeout_us); /** * This method performs spi processing to the RCP. * * @param[in] mainloop The mainloop context * */ void Process(const esp_openthread_mainloop_context_t &mainloop); /** * This methods updates the mainloop context. * * @param[inout] mainloop The mainloop context. * */ void Update(esp_openthread_mainloop_context_t &mainloop); /** * This methods registers the callback for RCP failure. * * @param[in] handler The RCP failure handler. * */ void RegisterRcpFailureHandler(esp_openthread_rcp_failure_handler handler) { mRcpFailureHandler = handler; } /** * This method is called when RCP is reset to recreate the connection with it. * Intentionally empty. * */ otError ResetConnection(void) { return OT_ERROR_NONE; } /** * This method is called when RCP failure detected and resets internal states of the interface. * */ void OnRcpReset(void); private: static constexpr uint8_t kSPIFrameHeaderSize = 5; static constexpr uint16_t kSPIFrameSize = ot::Spinel::SpinelInterface::kMaxFrameSize + kSPIFrameHeaderSize; static constexpr uint8_t kSmallPacketSize = 32; static constexpr uint16_t kSPIDataEvent = 1; static void GpioIntrHandler(void *arg); esp_err_t ConductSPITransaction(bool reset, uint16_t tx_data_size, uint16_t rx_data_size); esp_openthread_spi_host_config_t m_spi_config; uint8_t m_tx_buffer[kSPIFrameSize]; int m_event_fd; volatile uint16_t m_pending_data_len; ot::Spinel::SpinelInterface::ReceiveFrameCallback m_receiver_frame_callback; void *m_receiver_frame_context; ot::Spinel::SpinelInterface::RxFrameBuffer &m_receive_frame_buffer; bool m_has_pending_device_frame; spi_device_handle_t m_device; esp_openthread_rcp_failure_handler mRcpFailureHandler; }; } // namespace openthread } // namespace esp