#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test_config.h" struct flash_test_ctx { uint32_t offset; bool fail; SemaphoreHandle_t done; }; static void flash_test_task(void *arg) { struct flash_test_ctx *ctx = (struct flash_test_ctx *) arg; vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); const uint32_t sector = ctx->offset; printf("t%d\n", sector); printf("es%d\n", sector); if (spi_flash_erase_sector(sector) != ESP_OK) { ctx->fail = true; printf("Erase failed\r\n"); xSemaphoreGive(ctx->done); vTaskDelete(NULL); } printf("ed%d\n", sector); vTaskDelay(0 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); uint32_t val = 0xabcd1234; for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE; offset += 4) { if (spi_flash_write(sector * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE + offset, (const uint8_t *) &val, 4) != ESP_OK) { printf("Write failed at offset=%d\r\n", offset); ctx->fail = true; break; } } printf("wd%d\n", sector); vTaskDelay(0 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); uint32_t val_read; for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE; offset += 4) { if (spi_flash_read(sector * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE + offset, (uint8_t *) &val_read, 4) != ESP_OK) { printf("Read failed at offset=%d\r\n", offset); ctx->fail = true; break; } if (val_read != val) { printf("Read invalid value=%08x at offset=%d\r\n", val_read, offset); ctx->fail = true; break; } } printf("td%d\n", sector); xSemaphoreGive(ctx->done); vTaskDelete(NULL); } TEST_CASE("flash write and erase work both on PRO CPU and on APP CPU", "[spi_flash][ignore]") { SemaphoreHandle_t done = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(4, 0); struct flash_test_ctx ctx[4] = { { .offset = 0x100 + 6, .done = done }, { .offset = 0x100 + 7, .done = done }, { .offset = 0x100 + 8, .done = done }, { .offset = 0x100 + 9, .done = done } }; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(flash_test_task, "1", 2048, &ctx[0], 3, NULL, 0); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(flash_test_task, "2", 2048, &ctx[1], 3, NULL, 1); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(flash_test_task, "3", 2048, &ctx[2], 3, NULL, tskNO_AFFINITY); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(flash_test_task, "4", 2048, &ctx[3], 3, NULL, tskNO_AFFINITY); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { xSemaphoreTake(done, portMAX_DELAY); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(ctx[i].fail); } vSemaphoreDelete(done); }