// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include "bt_target.h" #include "bt_trace.h" #include "bt_types.h" #include "gatt_api.h" #include "bta_api.h" #include "bta_gatt_api.h" #include "bta_gatts_int.h" #include "blufi_prf.h" #include "blufi_adv.h" #include "esp_adv_api.h" #include "esp_bt_defs.h" #include "esp_gatt_api.h" #define BT_BD_ADDR_STR "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" #define BT_BD_ADDR_HEX(addr) addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5] void blufi_config_success(void); void blufi_config_failed(void); UINT16 esp32_uuid = SVC_BLUFI_UUID; UINT8 esp32_manu[17] = {0xff,0x20,0x14,0x07,0x22,0x00,0x02,0x5B,0x00,0x33,0x49,0x31,0x30,0x4a,0x30,0x30,0x31}; tBTA_BLE_MANU p_esp32_manu = {sizeof(esp32_manu),esp32_manu}; /* manufacturer data */ tBTA_BLE_SERVICE esp32_service = { 0x01, //only one service in the blufi profile false, &esp32_uuid }; /* 16 bits services */ esp_ble_adv_data_cfg_t esp32_adv_data[ADV_SCAN_IDX_MAX] = { [BLE_ADV_DATA_IDX] = { .adv_name = "Espressif_008", { {0,0}, NULL, //no manufature data to be setting in the esp32 adervetisiing datas &esp32_service, NULL, //the 128 bits service uuid set to null(not used) NULL, //the 32 bits Service UUID set to null(not used) NULL, //16 bits services Solicitation UUIDs set to null(not used) NULL, //List of 32 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs set to null(not used) NULL, //List of 128 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs set to null(not used) NULL, //proprietary data set to null(not used) NULL, //service data set not null(no service data to be sent) 0x0200, //device type : generic display BTA_DM_GENERAL_DISC, // General discoverable. 0xFE //the tx power value,defult value is 0 }, }, [BLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA_IDX] = { .adv_name = NULL, { {0,0}, &p_esp32_manu, NULL, NULL, //the 128 bits service uuid set to null(not used) NULL, //the 32 bits Service UUID set to null(not used) NULL, //16 bits services Solicitation UUIDs set to null(not used) NULL, //List of 32 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs set to null(not used) NULL, //List of 128 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs set to null(not used) NULL, //proprietary data set to null(not used) NULL, //service data set not null(no service data to be sent) 0x0000, //device type : generic display 0x00, // General discoverable. 0x00}, //the tx power value,defult value is 0 } }; tBLE_BD_ADDR peer_bda = { .type = API_PUBLIC_ADDR, .bda = {0} }; esp_ble_adv_params_all_t adv_params = { .adv_int_min = BTM_BLE_ADV_INT_MIN + 0x100, .adv_int_max = BTM_BLE_ADV_INT_MIN + 0x100, .adv_type = API_NON_DISCOVERABLE, .addr_type_own = API_PUBLIC_ADDR, .channel_map = ESP_BLE_ADV_CHNL_MAP, .adv_filter_policy = ADV_ALLOW_SCAN_ANY_CON_ANY, .p_dir_bda = &peer_bda }; static tBLUFI_CB_ENV blufi_cb_env; /***************************************************************************** ** Constants *****************************************************************************/ static void blufi_profile_cb(esp_gatts_evt_t event, esp_gatts_t *p_data); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function blufi_profile_cb ** ** Description the callback function after the profile has been register to the BTA manager module ** ** Returns NULL ** *******************************************************************************/ static void blufi_profile_cb(esp_gatts_evt_t event, esp_gatts_t *p_data) { esp_gatts_rsp_t rsp; esp_bt_uuid_t uuid = {LEN_UUID_16, {SVC_BLUFI_UUID}}; tBLUFI_INST *p_inst = &blufi_cb_env.blufi_inst; UINT8 net_event = 0xff; UINT8 len = 0; UINT8 *p_rec_data = NULL; esp_gatt_status_t status; LOG_DEBUG("blufi profile cb event = %x\n",event); switch(event) { case ESP_GATTS_REG_EVT: status = p_data->reg_oper.status; LOG_DEBUG("p_data->reg_oper.status = %x\n",p_data->reg_oper.status); LOG_DEBUG("(p_data->reg_oper.uuid.uu.uuid16=%x\n",p_data->reg_oper.uuid.uu.uuid16); if(p_data->reg_oper.status != ESP_GATT_OK) { LOG_ERROR("blufi profile register failed\n"); return; } blufi_cb_env.gatt_if = p_data->reg_oper.server_if; blufi_cb_env.enabled = true; LOG_DEBUG("register complete: event=%d, status=%d, server_if=%d\n", event, status, blufi_cb_env.gatt_if); LOG_DEBUG("set advertising parameters\n"); //set the advertising data to the btm layer BlufiBleConfigadvData(&esp32_adv_data[BLE_ADV_DATA_IDX], NULL); //set the adversting data to the btm layer BlufiBleSetScanRsp(&esp32_adv_data[BLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA_IDX],NULL); esp_ble_start_advertising(&adv_params); //create the blufi service to the service data base. if(p_data->reg_oper.uuid.uu.uuid16 == SVC_BLUFI_UUID) { blufi_create_service(); } break; case ESP_GATTS_READ_EVT: memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(tBTA_GATTS_API_RSP)); rsp.attr_value.handle = p_data->req_data.p_data->read_req.handle; rsp.attr_value.len = 2; //rsp.attr_value.value[0] = 0xde; //rsp.attr_value.value[1] = 0xed; //rsp.attr_value.value[2] = 0xbe; //rsp.attr_value.value[3] = 0xef; esp_ble_gatts_send_rsp(p_data->req_data.conn_id,p_data->req_data.trans_id, p_data->req_data.status,&rsp); break; case ESP_GATTS_WRITE_EVT: esp_ble_gatts_send_rsp(p_data->req_data.conn_id,p_data->req_data.trans_id, p_data->req_data.status,NULL); LOG_DEBUG("Received blufi data:"); for(int i = 0; i < p_data->req_data.p_data->write_req.len; i++){ LOG_DEBUG("%x",p_data->req_data.p_data->write_req.value[i]); } LOG_DEBUG("\n"); if (p_data->req_data.p_data->write_req.handle == blufi_cb_env.blufi_inst.blufi_hdl) { p_rec_data = &p_data->req_data.p_data->write_req.value[0]; if (p_inst && p_inst->blufi_cback) p_inst->blufi_cback(blufi_cb_env.blufi_inst.app_id, net_event, len, p_rec_data); } break; case ESP_GATTS_CFM_EVT: /* Nothing */ break; case ESP_GATTS_CREATE_EVT: uuid.uu.uuid16 = CHAR_BLUFI_UUID; blufi_cb_env.clcb.cur_srvc_id = p_data->create.service_id; blufi_cb_env.is_primery = p_data->create.is_primary; //start the blufi service after created esp_ble_gatts_start_srvc(p_data->create.service_id); //add the frist blufi characteristic --> write characteristic esp_ble_gatts_add_char(blufi_cb_env.clcb.cur_srvc_id, &uuid, (GATT_PERM_WRITE | GATT_PERM_READ), (GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_READ | GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_WRITE | GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_NOTIFY)); break; case ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_EVT: if(p_data->add_result.char_uuid.uu.uuid16 == CHAR_BLUFI_UUID) { //save the att handle to the env blufi_cb_env.blufi_inst.blufi_hdl = p_data->add_result.attr_id; uuid.uu.uuid16 = GATT_UUID_CHAR_CLIENT_CONFIG; esp_ble_gatts_add_char_descr(blufi_cb_env.clcb.cur_srvc_id, (GATT_PERM_WRITE|GATT_PERM_WRITE), &uuid); } break; case ESP_GATTS_ADD_CHAR_DESCR_EVT: /* Nothing */ break; case ESP_GATTS_CONNECT_EVT: //set the connection flag to true blufi_env_clcb_alloc(p_data->conn.conn_id, p_data->conn.remote_bda); LOG_DEBUG("\ndevice is connected "BT_BD_ADDR_STR", server_if=%d,reason=0x%x,connect_id=%d\n", BT_BD_ADDR_HEX(p_data->conn.remote_bda), p_data->conn.server_if, p_data->conn.reason, p_data->conn.conn_id); /*return whether the remote device is currently connected*/ int is_connected = BTA_DmGetConnectionState(p_data->conn.remote_bda); LOG_DEBUG("is_connected=%d\n",is_connected); esp_ble_stop_advertising(); //stop adv break; case ESP_GATTS_DISCONNECT_EVT: //set the connection flag to true blufi_cb_env.clcb.connected = false; esp_ble_start_advertising(&adv_params); break; case ESP_GATTS_OPEN_EVT: break; case ESP_GATTS_CLOSE_EVT: if(blufi_cb_env.clcb.connected && (blufi_cb_env.clcb.conn_id == p_data->conn.conn_id)) { //set the connection channal congested flag to true blufi_cb_env.clcb.congest = p_data->congest.congested; } break; case ESP_GATTS_CONGEST_EVT: break; default: break; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function blufi_create_service ** ** Description Create a Service for the blufi profile ** ** Returns NULL ** *******************************************************************************/ void blufi_create_service(void) { esp_gatts_if_t server_if ; esp_bt_uuid_t uuid = {LEN_UUID_16, {SVC_BLUFI_UUID}}; UINT16 num_handle = BLUFI_HDL_NUM; UINT8 inst = 0x00; server_if = blufi_cb_env.gatt_if; blufi_cb_env.inst_id = inst; if(!blufi_cb_env.enabled) { LOG_ERROR("blufi service added error."); return; } esp_ble_gatts_create_srvc(server_if, &uuid, inst, num_handle, true); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function blufi_env_clcb_alloc ** ** Description The function allocates a GATT profile connection link control block ** ** Returns NULL if not found. Otherwise pointer to the connection link block. ** *******************************************************************************/ tBLUFI_CLCB *blufi_env_clcb_alloc (UINT16 conn_id, BD_ADDR remote_bda) { tBLUFI_CLCB *p_clcb = NULL; p_clcb = &blufi_cb_env.clcb; if(!p_clcb->in_use) { p_clcb->in_use = TRUE; p_clcb->conn_id = conn_id; p_clcb->connected = TRUE; memcpy(p_clcb->remote_bda, remote_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN); LOG_ERROR("p_clcb->conn_id = %x\n", conn_id); } return p_clcb; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function blufi_env_find_conn_id_by_bd_adddr ** ** Description The function searches all LCB with macthing bd address ** ** Returns total number of clcb found. ** *******************************************************************************/ /* UINT16 blufi_env_find_conn_id_by_bd_adddr(BD_ADDR remote_bda) { UINT8 i_clcb; tBLUFI_CLCB *p_clcb = NULL; for(i_clcb = 0, p_clcb = &blufi_cb_env.clcb; i_clcb < BLUFIT_MAX_APPS; i_clcb++, p_clcb++) { if(p_clcb->in_use && p_clcb->connected && memcmp(p_clcb->remote_bda, remote_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0) { return p_clcb->conn_id; } } return GATT_INVALID_CONN_ID; } */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function blufi_env_clcb_dealloc ** ** Description The function deallocates a GATT profile connection link control block ** ** Returns True the deallocation is successful ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN blufi_env_clcb_dealloc(UINT16 conn_id) { // UINT8 i_clcb = 0; // tBLUFI_CLCB *p_clcb = NULL; return FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function blufi_init ** ** Description Initializa the GATT Service for blufi profiles. ** *******************************************************************************/ esp_gatt_status_t blufi_profile_init (tBLUFI_CBACK *call_back) { esp_bt_uuid_t app_uuid = {LEN_UUID_16, {SVC_BLUFI_UUID}}; if(blufi_cb_env.enabled) { LOG_ERROR("blufi svc already initaliezd"); return GATT_ERROR; } else { memset(&blufi_cb_env,0,sizeof(tBLUFI_CB_ENV)); } if(call_back != NULL) { blufi_cb_env.blufi_inst.blufi_cback = call_back; } /* register the blufi profile to the ESP_GATTS module*/ esp_ble_gatts_app_register(&app_uuid, blufi_profile_cb); return GATT_SUCCESS; } void blufi_msg_notify(UINT8 *blufi_msg, UINT8 len) { BOOLEAN conn_status = blufi_cb_env.clcb.connected; UINT16 conn_id = blufi_cb_env.clcb.conn_id; UINT16 attr_id = blufi_cb_env.blufi_inst.blufi_hdl; //notify rsp==false; indicate rsp==true. BOOLEAN rsp = false; if(!conn_status && blufi_cb_env.clcb.congest) { LOG_ERROR("the conneciton for blufi profile has been loss"); return; } esp_ble_gatts_hdl_val_indica(conn_id, attr_id, len, blufi_msg, rsp); } void blufi_config_success(void) { uint8_t *success_msg = "BLUFI_CONFIG_OK"; blufi_msg_notify(success_msg, strlen(success_msg)); } void blufi_config_failed(void) { uint8_t *failed_msg = "BLUFI_CONFIG_FAILED"; blufi_msg_notify(failed_msg, strlen(failed_msg)); }