# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 """ Test case for iperf example. This test case might have problem running on Windows: - use `sudo killall iperf` to force kill iperf, didn't implement windows version """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals import os import subprocess import pytest from common_test_methods import get_host_ip4_by_dest_ip from idf_iperf_test_util import IperfUtility from pytest_embedded import Dut try: from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple except ImportError: # Only used for type annotations pass NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT = -1 # iperf send bandwidth is not limited class IperfTestUtilityEth(IperfUtility.IperfTestUtility): """ iperf test implementation """ def __init__(self, dut: str, config_name: str, pc_nic_ip: str, pc_iperf_log_file: str, test_result:Any=None) -> None: IperfUtility.IperfTestUtility.__init__(self, dut, config_name, 'None', 'None', pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result) def setup(self) -> Tuple[str,int]: """ setup iperf test: 1. kill current iperf process 2. reboot DUT (currently iperf is not very robust, need to reboot DUT) """ try: subprocess.check_output('sudo killall iperf 2>&1 > /dev/null', shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass self.dut.write('restart') self.dut.expect("Type 'help' to get the list of commands.") self.dut.expect('iperf>') dut_ip = self.dut.expect(r'esp_netif_handlers: .+ ip: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+),').group(1) rssi = 0 return dut_ip, rssi @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.ethernet_router def test_esp_eth_iperf( dut: Dut, log_performance: Callable[[str, object], None], check_performance: Callable[[str, float, str], None], ) -> None: """ steps: | 1. test TCP tx rx and UDP tx rx throughput 2. compare with the pre-defined pass standard """ # 1. wait for DUT dut.expect_exact('iperf>') # 2. preparing pc_iperf_log_file = os.path.join(dut.logdir, 'pc_iperf_log.md') dut_ip = dut.expect(r'esp_netif_handlers: .+ ip: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+),').group(1) pc_nic_ip = get_host_ip4_by_dest_ip(dut_ip) test_result = { 'tcp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'tx', 'ethernet'), 'tcp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'rx', 'ethernet'), 'udp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'tx', 'ethernet'), 'udp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'rx', 'ethernet'), } test_utility = IperfTestUtilityEth(dut, 'ethernet', pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result) # 3. run test for TCP Tx, Rx and UDP Tx, Rx test_utility.run_test('tcp', 'tx', 0, NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT) test_utility.run_test('tcp', 'rx', 0, NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT) test_utility.run_test('udp', 'tx', 0, 80) test_utility.run_test('udp', 'rx', 0, NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT) # 4. log performance and compare with pass standard for throughput_type in test_result: log_performance('{}_throughput'.format(throughput_type), '{:.02f} Mbps'.format(test_result[throughput_type].get_best_throughput())) # do check after logging, otherwise test will exit immediately if check fail, some performance can't be logged. for throughput_type in test_result: check_performance('{}_throughput'.format(throughput_type + '_eth'), test_result[throughput_type].get_best_throughput(), dut.target)