# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 import ipaddress import subprocess import threading import time from typing import Dict, Union import pytest from pytest_embedded import Dut from scapy import layers from scapy.all import ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP, AsyncSniffer udp_port = 1234 tcp_port = 4321 def run_cmd(command: str, secure: bool=False) -> str: if secure is False: print(f'Running: {command}') cmd = command.strip().split(' ') # Run the command proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Send su password if secured if secure is True: proc.communicate(input=b'Esp@32') # Get the output stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() # Print the output if secure is False: if len(stdout.decode('utf-8')) > 0: print('Output: ', stdout.decode('utf-8')) if len(stderr.decode('utf-8')) > 0: print('Error: ', stderr.decode('utf-8')) return stdout.decode('utf-8') def run_cmd_sec(command: str) -> str: print(f'Running secured: {command}') return run_cmd(f'sudo -S -k {command}', secure=True) def clear_network(config: dict) -> None: # delete route for each_cmd in config['delete_route_cmd_l']: run_cmd_sec(each_cmd) # destroy Vlan interfaces for each_cmd in config['vlan_destroy_cmd_l']: run_cmd_sec(each_cmd) def setup_network(config: dict) -> None: # Clear network before setting it up clear_network(config) # Create Vlan interfaces for each_cmd in config['vlan_create_cmd_l']: run_cmd_sec(each_cmd) # set route for each_cmd in config['set_route_cmd_l']: run_cmd_sec(each_cmd) def create_config(dut: Dut) -> dict: pc_iface = dut.app.sdkconfig.get('EXAMPLE_VLAN_PYTEST_PC_IFACE') vlanClient_conf = {'id': str(dut.app.sdkconfig.get('EXAMPLE_ETHERNET_VLAN_ID')), 'name': 'vlanClient', 'ip': dut.app.sdkconfig.get('EXAMPLE_VLAN_STATIC_ADDR_DEF_GW')} vlanServer_conf = {'id': str(dut.app.sdkconfig.get('EXAMPLE_EXTRA_ETHERNET_VLAN_ID')), 'name': 'vlanServer', 'ip': dut.app.sdkconfig.get('EXAMPLE_EXTRA_VLAN_STATIC_ADDR_DEF_GW')} esp_vlanClient_ip = dut.app.sdkconfig.get('EXAMPLE_VLAN_STATIC_IPV4_ADDR') esp_vlanServer_ip = dut.app.sdkconfig.get('EXAMPLE_EXTRA_VLAN_STATIC_IPV4_ADDR') subnet_mask = ipaddress.IPv4Address('') tmp_ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(vlanServer_conf['ip']) vlanServer_net_addr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(int(tmp_ip) & int(subnet_mask)) config: Dict[str, Union[str, dict, dict, str, str, list, list, list, list]] = { # Basic Configurations 'pc_iface': pc_iface, 'vlanClient': vlanClient_conf, 'vlanServer': vlanServer_conf, 'esp_vlanClient_ip': esp_vlanClient_ip, 'esp_vlanServer_ip': esp_vlanServer_ip, 'vlan_create_cmd_l': [f'ip netns add ns_vlanClient', f"ip link add link {pc_iface} name {vlanClient_conf['name']} type vlan id {vlanClient_conf['id']}", f"ip link set {vlanClient_conf['name']} netns ns_vlanClient", f"ip netns exec ns_vlanClient ip addr add {vlanClient_conf['ip']}/ dev {vlanClient_conf['name']}", f"ip netns exec ns_vlanClient ip link set dev {vlanClient_conf['name']} up", f"ip link add link {pc_iface} name {vlanServer_conf['name']} type vlan id {vlanServer_conf['id']}", f"ip addr add {vlanServer_conf['ip']}/ dev {vlanServer_conf['name']}", f"ip link set dev {vlanServer_conf['name']} up"], 'vlan_destroy_cmd_l': [f"ip netns exec ns_vlanClient ip link set dev {vlanClient_conf['name']} down", f"ip netns exec ns_vlanClient ip link delete {vlanClient_conf['name']}", f"ip link set dev {vlanServer_conf['name']} down", f"ip link delete {vlanServer_conf['name']}", f'ip netns delete ns_vlanClient'], 'set_route_cmd_l': [f'ip netns exec ns_vlanClient ip route add {vlanServer_net_addr}/24 via {esp_vlanClient_ip}'], 'delete_route_cmd_l': [f'ip netns exec ns_vlanClient ip route delete {vlanServer_net_addr}/24 via {esp_vlanClient_ip}'], } return config # Ping Test def ping_test(config: dict) -> None: setup_network(config) capture = AsyncSniffer(iface=config['vlanServer']['name'], filter='icmp', count=10) # Start sniffing capture.start() time.sleep(1) # Run network test commands here print(run_cmd_sec(f"ip netns exec ns_vlanClient ping -I {config['vlanClient']['ip']} {config['vlanServer']['ip']} -c 10")) # Stop sniffing capture.join(timeout=20) vlanServer_pkt_list = capture.results clear_network(config) # Test Validation vlanServer_forward_flag = False vlanServer_return_flag = False if vlanServer_pkt_list is None: print('Failure: No packets captured') assert False print(f"Captured: {len(vlanServer_pkt_list)} packets on interface {config['vlanServer']['name']}") for pkt in vlanServer_pkt_list: print('Summary: ', pkt.summary()) if pkt[ICMP].type == 8 and pkt[IP].src == config['esp_vlanServer_ip'] and pkt[IP].dst == config['vlanServer']['ip']: vlanServer_forward_flag = True if pkt[ICMP].type == 0 and pkt[IP].src == config['vlanServer']['ip'] and pkt[IP].dst == config['esp_vlanServer_ip']: vlanServer_return_flag = True assert vlanServer_forward_flag and vlanServer_return_flag # UDP Test def udp_server(serverip: str, port: int) -> None: print(f'UDP server listening on IP: {serverip} port: {port}') run_cmd(f'timeout 10s iperf3 -s -p {port}') def udp_client(serverip: str, port: int) -> None: time.sleep(1) print(run_cmd_sec(f'timeout 10s ip netns exec ns_vlanClient iperf3 -c {serverip} -u -p {port} --bidir -k 20')) def udp_server_client_comm(config: dict, port: int) -> None: server_thread = threading.Thread(target=udp_server, args=(config['vlanServer']['ip'], port,)) client_thread = threading.Thread(target=udp_client, args=(config['vlanServer']['ip'], port)) server_thread.start() client_thread.start() server_thread.join() client_thread.join() print('UDP Test Done') def udp_lfilter(packet: layers.l2.Ether) -> layers.l2.Ether: return UDP in packet and (packet[UDP].dport == udp_port or packet[UDP].sport == udp_port) def udp_test(config: dict) -> None: setup_network(config) capture = AsyncSniffer(iface=config['vlanServer']['name'], filter='udp', lfilter=udp_lfilter, count=10) # Start sniffing capture.start() time.sleep(1) # Run network test commands here udp_server_client_comm(config, udp_port) # Stop sniffing capture.join(timeout=20) vlanServer_pkt_list = capture.results clear_network(config) # Test Validation vlanServer_forward_flag = False vlanServer_return_flag = False if vlanServer_pkt_list is None: print('Failure: No packets captured') assert False print(f"Captured: {len(vlanServer_pkt_list)} packets on interface {config['vlanServer']['name']}") for pkt in vlanServer_pkt_list: print('Summary: ', pkt.summary()) if UDP in pkt: if pkt[UDP].dport == udp_port and pkt[IP].src == config['esp_vlanServer_ip'] and pkt[IP].dst == config['vlanServer']['ip']: vlanServer_forward_flag = True if pkt[UDP].sport == udp_port and pkt[IP].src == config['vlanServer']['ip'] and pkt[IP].dst == config['esp_vlanServer_ip']: vlanServer_return_flag = True assert vlanServer_forward_flag and vlanServer_return_flag # TCP Test def tcp_server(serverip: str, port: int) -> None: print(f'TCP server listening on IP: {serverip} port: {port}') run_cmd(f'timeout 10s iperf3 -s -p {port}') def tcp_client(serverip: str, port: int) -> None: time.sleep(1) print(run_cmd_sec(f'timeout 10s ip netns exec ns_vlanClient iperf3 -c {serverip} -p {port} --bidir -k 20')) def tcp_server_client_comm(config: dict, port: int) -> None: server_thread = threading.Thread(target=tcp_server, args=(config['vlanServer']['ip'], port,)) client_thread = threading.Thread(target=tcp_client, args=(config['vlanServer']['ip'], port)) server_thread.start() client_thread.start() server_thread.join() client_thread.join() print('TCP Test Done') def tcp_lfilter(packet: layers.l2.Ether) -> layers.l2.Ether: return TCP in packet and (packet[TCP].dport == tcp_port or packet[TCP].sport == tcp_port) def tcp_test(config: dict) -> None: setup_network(config) capture = AsyncSniffer(iface=config['vlanServer']['name'], filter='tcp', lfilter=tcp_lfilter, count=10) # Start sniffing capture.start() time.sleep(1) # Run network test commands here tcp_server_client_comm(config, tcp_port) # Stop sniffing capture.join(timeout=20) vlanServer_pkt_list = capture.results clear_network(config) # Test Validation vlanServer_forward_flag = False vlanServer_return_flag = False if vlanServer_pkt_list is None: print('Failure: No packets captured') assert False print(f"Captured: {len(vlanServer_pkt_list)} packets on interface {config['vlanServer']['name']}") for pkt in vlanServer_pkt_list: print('Summary: ', pkt.summary()) if TCP in pkt: if pkt[TCP].dport == tcp_port and pkt[IP].src == config['esp_vlanServer_ip'] and pkt[IP].dst == config['vlanServer']['ip']: vlanServer_forward_flag = True if pkt[TCP].sport == tcp_port and pkt[IP].src == config['vlanServer']['ip'] and pkt[IP].dst == config['esp_vlanServer_ip']: vlanServer_return_flag = True assert vlanServer_forward_flag and vlanServer_return_flag @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.ethernet_vlan def test_vlan_napt_pingtest(dut: Dut) -> None: dut.expect('main_task: Returned from app_main()') test_conf = create_config(dut) ping_test(test_conf) @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.ethernet_vlan def test_vlan_napt_udptest(dut: Dut) -> None: dut.expect('main_task: Returned from app_main()') test_conf = create_config(dut) udp_test(test_conf) @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.ethernet_vlan def test_vlan_napt_tcptest(dut: Dut) -> None: dut.expect('main_task: Returned from app_main()') test_conf = create_config(dut) tcp_test(test_conf)