- Technical details covered in section "15.3.2 Anti-DPA Attack Security
Control" chapter of the ESP32-C6 TRM
- Default configuration sets the security level low for the DPA
- This change applies to all the crypto peripherals where the clock
frequency is dynamically adjusted to create randomness in the power
consumption trajectory
- This configuration helps to make the SCA attacks difficult on the
crypto peripherals
Simple flash read command is not supported if Secure DL mode is enabled on the target.
Remove reference of this from the relevant docs part.
Related: https://github.com/espressif/esptool/issues/810
Related: ESPTOOL-567
Closes IDF-6468
List down considerations for the following areas:
- Hardware security
- Network security
- Product security
Also added brief explanation about "Security Policy" for ESP-IDF.
Closes IDF-1565