Prevent a remote device from doing a Bluetooth Impersonation Attack
(BIAS) by:
- Preventing remote device to downgrade secure connection
feature mask. Secure connection feature mask should remain same or
increase to enabled in link key generation and authentication.
- Doing a mutual authentication during Legacy Authentication.
1. Improve WiFi throughput in some Classic BT scienarios(idle, inquire scan,
connected, sniff, a2dp pause, etc).
2. Support WiFi + Classic BT + BLE mesh coexistence scienario.
3. Improve WiFi scan and connect succeed ratio in coexistence scienario.
4. Do not support to choose software coexistence preference anymore for it is
determined according to coexistence scienario automatically.
components/lwip: increase TCP send buffer and receive window limitation when TCP window scale is enabled
components/ble_mesh: Fix some bugs about ble mesh
1. fix send acl pkt after ble have sent terminate ind modify min adv interval to 10ms.
- Backport(v3.3) of IDF MR!6122
- Modifies `smp_utils.c` to add check on encryption key size received from
- Modifies `esp_ble_gap_set_security_param` API to add minimum encryption key
size requirement.
In pevious implementation, A2DP sink will register an A2DP source Stream End Point(SEP) although the SEP is not\
supposed to be used. Now remove the unused SEP for source so that only one role of A2DP can be supported at one
time. Service record in local SDP server only includes at most one service for A2DP sink role or source
1. esp_ble_remove_bond_device will only remove BLE bond key and disconnect BLE device.
2. esp_bt_gap_remove_bond_device will only remove BT bond key and disconnect BT device.
1. Change all the hash used from the coap module to generated by the bluedroid module directly.
component/bt: Added the <string.h> include file to the gattc_co module to avoid compile error.
1. add the L1 include path with a prefix, such like osi/list.h, stack/a2d_api.h and etc.
2. modify component, only bluedroid/api/include/api is export to another component and application,
other include path just for bluedroid used
3. put bluedroid/include into common/include/common, so the root directory of bluedroid have no include path.
4. modify doxygen to use esp_bt.h and redirect to
fix compile