- Refer to the toolchain links on IDF Tools page
- Update the wording around v4.1/v4.2 releases
- Remove the section about 3 different versions (of S2-beta)
- Add link to the list of features maintained externally
1. Add an API to set Provisioner static oob value
2. Add an API to deinit BLE Mesh stack
3. Add an API to set Provisioner unicast address
4. Add an API to provision devices with fixed address
5. Add an API to store node composition data
6. Add an API to get node with device uuid
7. Add an API to get node with unicast address
8. Add an API to delete node with device uuid
9. Add an API to delete node with unicast address
10. Add an API for Provisioner to update local AppKey
11. Add an API for Provisioner to update local NetKey
12. Support Provisioner persistent functionality
13. Fix Provisioner entering IV Update procedure
14. Fix an issue which may cause client failing to send msg
15. Use bt_mesh.flags to indicate device role
16. Remove several useless macros
17. Callback RSSI of received mesh provisioning packets
18. Modify the Provisioner disable function
19. Change some log level from debug to info
20. Add parameters to Provisioner bind AppKey completion event
21. Fix node ignoring relay messages issue
22. Support using a specific partition for BLE Mesh
23. Fix compile warning when proxy related macros are disabled
24. Clean up BLE Mesh stack included header files
25. NULL can be input if client message needs no parameters
26. Fix compile warning when BT log is disabled
27. Initilize BLE Mesh stack local variables
28. Support using PSRAM for BLE Mesh mutex, queue and task
29. Add a menuconfig option to enable using memory from PSRAM
30. Clean up sdkconfig.defaults of BLE Mesh examples
spin_lock: cleaned-up port files and removed portmux files
components/soc: decoupled compare and set operations from FreeRTOS
soc/spinlock: filled initial implementation of spinlock refactor
It will decouple the spinlocks into separated components with not depencences of freertos
an similar interface was provided focusing the readabillity and maintenance, also
naming to spinlocks were adopted. On FreeRTOS side the legacy portMUX macros
gained a form of wrapper functions that calls the spinlocks component thus
minimizing the impact on RTOS side.
This feature aims to close IDF-967
soc/spinlock: spinlocks passed on unit test, missing test corner cases
components/compare_set: added better function namings plus minor performance optimization on spinlocks
soc/spinlock: code reordering to remove ISC C90 mix error
freertos/portmacro: gor rid of critical sections multiline macros, placed inline functions instead
soc/spinlock: improved spinlock performance from internal RAM
For cases where the spinlock is executed from IRAM, there is no
need to check where the spinlock object is placed on memory,
removing this checks caused a great improvement on performance.
This file was renamed in 62ed221 when CMake became default, but 8fe3ecd accidentally reintroduced it.
A redirect is still generated from ulp-cmake to ulp, so the old URL continues to work.