mbedtls is only required in NVS if NVS encryption is enabled.
Hence the mbedtls dependency is now only added if encryption
is enabled, otherwise it is not added.
BREAKING CHANGE: Removed mbedtls as default dependency
The following files have been ported:
* esp_rom_crc.h
* esp_rom_sys.h
* esp_rom_efuse.h (mostly no-ops)
* esp_rom_md5.h
Integrated Linux-based rom implementation into log
and NVS component.
Added brief host tests for ROM to ensure basic
consistency on Linux.
Added ROM printf host unit tests.
Temporarily added reset reason for Linux in ROM.
* General tests like page loading from flash
* Rough test of fixed-size data types
* Rough test of blob read
* Added coverage target in cmake, also accessible
via `idf.py coverage`
* Fixed unsigned comparison in comp. enum table
* introducing temporary LINUX_TARGET define
* partition api changed from spi_flash* API to
esp_partition* API and is abstracted as a C++
* The old nvs encryption is still possible
* changed default unit test app partition table
* Partitions coming from esp_partition API are
checked for generic flash encryption. If yes,
an error is returned since generic flash
encryption isn't compatible with nvs
* esp32, esp32s2 tests don't require nvs_flash
but mbedtls now
Closes IDF-1340
Closes IDF-858
* Philosophical: "explicit is better than implicit".
* Practical: Allows useful errors if invalid directories given in components as the defaults aren't
always used. Also trims the -I path from a number of components that have no actual include
* Simplifies knowing which components will be header-only and which won't