free osi_funcs struct memory duiring failure of controller_init when necessary
components/bt: use s_lp_stat.phy_enabled to control the on/off of phy module
clean up style for controller_disable
clean up some empty functions and unnecessary comments
Added async wakeup src "BTDM_ASYNC_WAKEUP_SRC_TMR"
remove use of assert in controller_init, set error code upon some exceptions
move stop esp_timer early to phase0, add state variable wakeup_timer_started
Refactor bluetooth hardware PowerUp/PowerDown functions
component/bt: fix use of a deprecated MACRO "CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_SW_COEXIST_ENABLE"
component/bt: fix sleep wakeup in controller disable procedure
remove use of s_pm_lock_sem
1. Modified the waking up approach from async to sync: post a message to controller task upon vhci downstream packets or controller disable, and in response, controller task goes through the wake-up procedure
2. Added Controller status check for the esp_vhci APIs
3. Adjust the procedure during controller_init, check the validity of arguments first
Some minor modifications for bluetooth sleep control and configuration
1. use variable flag s_btdm_allow_light_sleep to control the use of s_light_sleep_pm_lock
2. use variable btdm_lpclk_sel to choose bluetooth sleep clock, support only for external 32kHz crystal temporarily
component/bt: improve async_wakeup function
1. check power state first and then decide if wakeup needs to be performed
2. change the meaning of the return value, if wakeup request is posted to controller task, then return true, otherwise return false
put sleep control logics in controller init/deinit/enable/disable together
Use s_lp_cntl struct: replace bool-typed variable sleep_backup_en with s_lp_cntl.mac_bb_pd
Use s_lp_cntl struct: replace bool-typed variable s_btdm_allow_light_sleep with s_lp_cntl.no_light_sleep
Use s_lp_cntl struct: replace global variable btdm_lpclk_sel with s_lp_cntl.lpclk_sel
create semaphore s_wakeup_req_sem only when low power mode is required
Use s_lp_cntl struct: use s_lp_cntl.wakeup_timer_required to control the wakeup timer
use s_lp_stat to replace original state variable sleep_backup_done and s_pm_lock_acquired
one minor change for mac_bb_pd settings init: return error status if memeory allocation failed
1.Fix supervision timeout in LLC DISC busy statue can not disconnect issue.
2.Solve the problem that the ble terminate ack packet may lose with a high probability in coex mode.
Rewrite ble dynamic prio to fix ble disconn in conn_param_update/channel_map_update
Rewrite ble dynamic prio in connection establishment
Fix ble dynamic prio with latency
Fix status bit set error when conn fail
- Simplify PHY access API
- Move coexist initializing and deinitializing out from PHY API
to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
- Remove coexist pause and resume for they are no longer needed.
Prevent a remote device from doing a Bluetooth Impersonation Attack
(BIAS) by:
- Preventing remote device to downgrade secure connection
feature mask. Secure connection feature mask should remain same or
increase to enabled in link key generation and authentication.
- Doing a mutual authentication during Legacy Authentication.
Signed-off-by: Chinmay Chhajed <>