which blocks BlueZ from reconnecting
2.fix the issue bt_spp_acceptor example fails when SPP is initiated
on a windows machine using Realtek Bluetooth adapter
3.fix the issue HCI_Read_Clock failed read local Bluetooth Clock
4.It is abnormal when getting the deep sleep state bit. So we need to
check the state again and run the "ble_master_soft_rst()" if neesed.
For the CID10564,10384,10280,10098,10038,The memory was released in other place.
For the CID10365,it release the memory in the function when sent successfully.
For the CID10268,10011, we need not change the code.
The release of the semaphore indicating the item was successfully sent must be the last semaphore released. The receiver may be in another task and may delete the Ringbuffer (such as with a return code across tasks design pattern) if they are through with the Ringbuffer.
The function xRingbufferSendAcquire followed by xRingbufferSendComplete had the semaphores released in the proper order and that same pattern should have been used in xRingbufferSend and xRingbufferSendFromISR. This commit fixes this order.
Issue (IDFGH-6030) #7716 describes the problem in more detail.
Closes IDFGH-6030, https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/7716
Closes IDFGH-6036, https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/pull/7721
This commit brings two esp-lwip fixes to IDF:
1) Add configuration to disable DHCP client identification
This config could be used to disable option 61 in DHCP packets, so that
clients will be identified by their chaddr only.
(This is the lwip upstream original behaviour)
2) Fix server_idx increasing to DNS_MAX_SERVERS and trigger the LWIP_ASSERT
When lwip doesn't have DNS server and resolve a domain address, the server_idx
will increase to DNS_MAX_SERVERS, which will trigger the LWIP_ASSERT and make device crash.
Closes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/6878
The body of the bootloader_debug_buffer function was conditioned to
macros that were never defined, resulting in deactivated code.
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Henrique Nihei <gustavo.nihei@espressif.com>
1. add esp_mesh_send_block_time to set blocking time of esp_mesh_send
2. fix the issue that layer2 node connect to lower-layer node when FIXED-ROOT root disappeared
The psram cache bug fix was also being applied to the bootloader binary (for cmake),
which doesnt do any psram access.
Applying this fix would increase the binary size, as much as 300 bytes in worst case scenarios
The issue is related to the non-sequential way of description when
such fields going together sequential.
Related to esp32h2 chip for eFuses: MAC_FACTORY and MAC_EXT.
The issue is in wrong indexes of MAC_EXT.
MAC_EXT got indexes like it is joined to MAC_FACTORY.
const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_MAC_FACTORY[] = {
const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_MAC_EXT[] = {
This commit fixed it to:
const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_MAC_EXT[] = {
It was when in the partition table there is a partition with type="data" and suptype=""(empty),
in this case type=1, suptype=0. It is similar to otadata partition.
This commit fixes it, now it will handle it as type=1, suptype=6 (ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_DATA_UNDEFINED).