Goal is that multiple faults would be required to bypass a boot-time signature check.
- Also strengthens some address range checks for safe app memory addresses
- Change pre-enable logic to also check the bootloader signature before enabling SBV2 on ESP32
Add some additional checks for invalid sections:
- Sections only partially in DRAM or IRAM are invalid
- If a section is in D/IRAM, allow the possibility only some is in D/IRAM
- Only pass sections that are entirely in the same type of RTC memory region
Prefer assertions, making available functions only when caps support it
for cpu-related abstractions.
Changes cpu hal functions to stall, unstall, reset to not accept -1;
instead prefering macros that provide the same functionality.
* Let `[ignore] case` return to freedom
1) Because this test uses its own ISR, we need to release it with `esp_intr_free` instead of `pcnt_isr_service_uninstall`.
2) `pcnt_evt_queue` needs to be created before the interrupt is registered and needs to be released at the end of each case.
* Add test support for ESP32S2
* Support chip internal connection, no external wiring required.
On the ESP32S2, rtc_clk_cal(RTC_CAL_RTC_MUX) measures the frequency
of the 90kHz RTC clock regardless of the selected slow clock
frequency. Keep track which clock is selected and pass the argument
to rtc_clk_cal accordingly.
fix clock choices
update rtc 32k xtal code for s2
missed api in rtc.h
bootloader_clock: update for S2