This updates the minimal supported version of CMake to 3.16, which in turn enables us to use more CMake features and have a cleaner build system.
This is the version that provides most new features and also the one we use in our latest docker image for CI.
Added the RMT/addr LED blink to the example and more detailed
Moved component/led_strip to common_components
Added missing README file to common_components/led_strip
README file update
Makefile and Kconfig fixed for led_strip component
Fixing end-of-line on main/blink.c
Component updated to handle multiple instances
Added note on the RMT channel number (ESP32 and ESP32-S2)
Removed components folder from rmt/led_strip example and README updated
Changed the led_strip_denit function and added ESP32-C3 RMT info on channel configuration
Updates on README, Kconfig default settings and configure_led() function added