buildsystem: flash binary to a named partition

Add support for CMake version less than 3.8. These versions don't
provide a way to have ternary expressions in expressions generator.
This commit is contained in:
Omar Chebib 2020-11-24 12:24:39 +08:00
parent 956538e364
commit ccaee8ce88

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@ -278,9 +278,45 @@ function(esptool_py_flash_target_image target_name image_name offset image)
set_property(TARGET encrypted-${target_name} APPEND PROPERTY NON_ENCRYPTED_IMAGES "${offset} ${image}")
# Use this function to generate a ternary expression that will be evaluated.
# - retexpr is the expression returned by the function
# - condition is the expression evaluated to a boolean
# - condtrue is the expression to evaluate if condition is true
# - condfalse is the expression to evaluate if condition is false
# This function can be summarized as:
# retexpr = condition ? condtrue : condfalse
function(if_expr_generator retexpr condition condtrue condfalse)
# CMake version 3.8 and above provide a ternary operator for expression
# generator. For version under, we must simulate this behaviour
# If condtrue is not empty, then we have to do something in case the
# condition is true. Generate the expression that will be used in that
# case
set(iftrue "$<${condition}:${condtrue}>")
# Same for condfalse. If it is empty, it is useless to create an expression
# that will be evaluated later
set(iffalse "$<$<NOT:${condition}>:${condfalse}>")
# Concatenate the previously generated expressions. If one of them was not
# initialized (because of empty condtrue/condfalse) it will be replace by
# an empty string
set(${retexpr} "${iftrue}${iffalse}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# CMake 3.8 and above implement what we want, making the expression simpler
set(${retexpr} "$<IF:${condition},${condtrue},${condfalse}>" PARENT_SCOPE)
function(esptool_py_flash_target target_name main_args sub_args)
set(single_value OFFSET IMAGE) # template file to use to be able to
# flash the image individually using esptool
@ -356,21 +392,30 @@ $<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target_name},IMAGES>,\n>")
# The variable has_non_encrypted_image will be evaluated to "1" if some
# images must not be encrypted. This variable will be used in the next
# expression
set(has_non_encrypted_images "$<BOOL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:encrypted-${target_name},NON_ENCRYPTED_IMAGES>>")
set(has_non_encrypted_images "$<BOOL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:\
# Prepare esptool arguments (--encrypt or --encrypt-files)
set_target_properties(encrypted-${target_name} PROPERTIES SUB_ARGS "${sub_args};\
$<IF:${has_non_encrypted_images},,--encrypt >")
if_expr_generator(if_non_enc_expr ${has_non_encrypted_images}
"" "--encrypt")
set_target_properties(encrypted-${target_name} PROPERTIES SUB_ARGS
"${sub_args}; ${if_non_enc_expr}")
# Generate the list of files to pass to esptool
set(encrypted_files "$<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:encrypted-${target_name},ENCRYPTED_IMAGES>,\n>")
set(non_encrypted_files "$<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:encrypted-${target_name},NON_ENCRYPTED_IMAGES>,\n>")
set(encrypted_files "$<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY\
set(non_encrypted_files "$<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:\
# Put both lists together, use --encrypted-files if we do also have
# plain images to flash
set(flash_args_content "$<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:encrypted-${target_name},SUB_ARGS>, >\
if_expr_generator(if_enc_expr ${has_non_encrypted_images}
"--encrypt-files\n" "")
set(flash_args_content "$<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:\
encrypted-${target_name},SUB_ARGS>, >\
# The expression is ready to be geenrated, write it to the file which