mirror of
synced 2024-10-05 20:47:46 -04:00
ieee802154: add ieee802154 component CI
This commit is contained in:
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ build:integration_test:
# For i154 runners
- "example_test-i154"
- "target_test-i154"
- target_test
@ -85,9 +85,11 @@
- "components/**/*"
.patterns-target_test-i154: &patterns-target_test-i154
- "components/esp_netif/**/*"
- "components/esp_phy/**/*"
- "components/ieee802154/**/*"
.patterns-example_test-i154: &patterns-example_test-i154
- "components/esp_netif/**/*"
- "components/lwip/**/*"
- "components/openthread/**/*"
- "examples/common_components/iperf/**/*"
@ -999,6 +1001,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -1033,6 +1037,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -1065,6 +1071,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -1098,6 +1106,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -1130,6 +1140,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -1162,6 +1174,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -1194,6 +1208,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -1226,6 +1242,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -1335,6 +1353,8 @@
changes: *patterns-example_test-bt
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-ethernet
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-usb
- <<: *if-dev-push
@ -2016,6 +2036,8 @@
when: never
- <<: *if-label-example_test
- <<: *if-label-target_test
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-example_test-i154
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-target_test-i154
@ -13,17 +13,715 @@
#include "argtable3/argtable3.h"
#include "ieee802154_cmd.h"
#include "esp_phy_init.h"
#include "soc/soc.h"
static uint8_t s_tx_frame[131] = { 0 };
static const char* TAG = "i154test";
static void register_rx(void);
static void register_tx(void);
static void register_energy(void);
static void register_channel(void);
static void register_txpower(void);
static void register_promisc(void);
static void register_panid(void);
static void register_shortaddr(void);
static void register_extaddr(void);
static void register_coordinator(void);
static void register_pending(void);
static void register_cca(void);
static void register_esp154(void);
static void register_reg(void);
static void register_free(void);
void register_ieee802154_cmd(void)
static struct {
struct arg_int *duration;
struct arg_end *end;
} energy_args;
static int process_energy(int argc, char **argv)
uint32_t duration = 0;
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &energy_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, energy_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (energy_args.duration->count) {
duration = energy_args.duration->ival[0];
if (energy_args.duration->ival[0]) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ed start");
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 1;
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 1;
return 0;
static void register_energy(void)
energy_args.duration =
arg_int0("d", "duration", "<duration>", "configure the duration of energy detection");
energy_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "ed",
.help = "configure the duration",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_energy,
.argtable = &energy_args
/* 'channel' command gets/sets the channel number which the radio will work on */
static struct {
struct arg_lit *get_channel;
struct arg_int *set_channel;
struct arg_end *end;
} channel_args;
static int process_channel(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &channel_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, channel_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (channel_args.get_channel->count) {
uint8_t channel = esp_ieee802154_get_channel();
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "current channel: %d", channel);
} else if (channel_args.set_channel->count) {
uint8_t channel = channel_args.set_channel->ival[0];
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set channel: %d", channel);
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 1;
return 0;
static void register_channel()
channel_args.get_channel =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get channel number");
channel_args.set_channel =
arg_int0("s", "set", "<n>", "set channel number");
channel_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "channel",
.help = "get/set the channel number",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_channel,
.argtable = &channel_args
/* 'txpower' command gets/sets the txpower */
static struct {
struct arg_lit *get_txpower;
struct arg_int *set_txpower;
struct arg_end *end;
} txpower_args;
static int process_txpower(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &txpower_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, txpower_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (txpower_args.get_txpower->count) {
int8_t txpower = esp_ieee802154_get_txpower();
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "current txpower: %d", txpower);
} else if (txpower_args.set_txpower->count) {
int8_t txpower = txpower_args.set_txpower->ival[0];
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set txpower: %d", txpower);
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 1;
return 0;
static void register_txpower()
txpower_args.get_txpower =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get txpower");
txpower_args.set_txpower =
arg_int0("s", "set", "<n>", "set txpower,value range -80dBm~-10dBm");
txpower_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "txpower",
.help = "get/set the txpower",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_txpower,
.argtable = &txpower_args
/* 'promisc' command enable/disable the promiscuous mode */
static struct {
struct arg_lit *enable;
struct arg_lit *disable;
struct arg_lit *get_promisc;
struct arg_end *end;
} promisc_args;
static int process_promisc(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &promisc_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, promisc_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (promisc_args.enable->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "promiscuous mode is enabled");
} else if (promisc_args.disable->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "promiscuous mode is disabled");
} else if (promisc_args.get_promisc->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "hardware promiscuous mode was %s", esp_ieee802154_get_promiscuous() ? "enabled" : "disabled");
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 1;
return 0;
static void register_promisc()
promisc_args.enable =
arg_lit0("e", "enable", "enable the promiscuous mode");
promisc_args.disable =
arg_lit0("d", "disable", "disable the promiscuous mode");
promisc_args.get_promisc =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get the promiscuous mode");
promisc_args.end = arg_end(4);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "promisc",
.help = "enable/disable/get the promiscuous mode",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_promisc,
.argtable = &promisc_args
/* 'panid' command set the device Pan ID */
static struct {
struct arg_int *set_panid;
struct arg_lit *get_panid;
struct arg_end *end;
} panid_args;
static int process_panid(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &panid_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, panid_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (panid_args.set_panid->count == 1) {
uint16_t panid = panid_args.set_panid->ival[0];
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set panid: 0x%x", panid);
} else if (panid_args.get_panid->count) {
uint16_t panid = esp_ieee802154_get_panid();
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "current panid: 0x%x", panid);
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 0;
static void register_panid()
panid_args.set_panid =
arg_int0(NULL, NULL, "<panid>", "set the device Pan ID");
panid_args.get_panid =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get the device Pan ID");
panid_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "panid",
.help = "get/set the device Pan ID",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_panid,
.argtable = &panid_args
static struct {
struct arg_int *set_shortaddr;
struct arg_lit *get_shortaddr;
struct arg_end *end;
} shortaddr_args;
static int process_shortaddr(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &shortaddr_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, shortaddr_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (shortaddr_args.set_shortaddr->count == 1) {
uint16_t short_address = shortaddr_args.set_shortaddr->ival[0];
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set shortaddr: 0x%x", short_address);
} else if (shortaddr_args.get_shortaddr->count) {
uint16_t short_address = esp_ieee802154_get_short_address();
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "current shortaddr: 0x%x", short_address);
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 0;
static void register_shortaddr()
shortaddr_args.set_shortaddr =
arg_int0(NULL, NULL, "<shortaddr>", "set the device short address");
shortaddr_args.get_shortaddr =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get the device short address");
shortaddr_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "shortaddr",
.help = "get/set the device short address",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_shortaddr,
.argtable = &shortaddr_args
static struct {
struct arg_lit *get_extaddr;
struct arg_int *set_extaddr;
struct arg_end *end;
} extaddr_args;
static int process_extaddr(int argc, char **argv)
uint8_t extaddr[8] = {0};
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &extaddr_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, extaddr_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (extaddr_args.set_extaddr->count == 8) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
extaddr[i] = extaddr_args.set_extaddr->ival[i];
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set extaddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", extaddr[7], extaddr[6], extaddr[5], extaddr[4],
extaddr[3], extaddr[2], extaddr[1], extaddr[0]);
} else if (extaddr_args.get_extaddr->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "get extaddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", extaddr[7], extaddr[6], extaddr[5], extaddr[4],
extaddr[3], extaddr[2], extaddr[1], extaddr[0]);
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 0;
static void register_extaddr()
extaddr_args.set_extaddr =
arg_intn(NULL, NULL, "<extaddr>", 0, 127, "set the device extended address");
extaddr_args.get_extaddr =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get the device extended address");
extaddr_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "extaddr",
.help = "set/get the device extended address",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_extaddr,
.argtable = &extaddr_args
/* 'coordinator' command enable/disable the coordinator */
static struct {
struct arg_lit *enable;
struct arg_lit *disable;
struct arg_lit *get_coordinator;
struct arg_end *end;
} coordinator_args;
static int process_coordinator(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &coordinator_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, coordinator_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (coordinator_args.enable->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "hardware coordinator is enabled");
} else if (coordinator_args.disable->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "hardware coordinator is disabled");
} else if (coordinator_args.get_coordinator->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "hardware coordinator was %s", esp_ieee802154_get_coordinator() ? "enabled" : "disabled");
return 0;
static void register_coordinator()
coordinator_args.enable =
arg_lit0("e", "enable", "enable the coordinator");
coordinator_args.disable =
arg_lit0("d", "disable", "disable the coordinator");
coordinator_args.get_coordinator =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get the coordinator");
coordinator_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "coordinator",
.help = "enable/disable/get the coordinator",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_coordinator,
.argtable = &coordinator_args
static struct {
struct arg_int *set_mode;
struct arg_lit *get_mode;
struct arg_lit *reset;
struct arg_int *add_addr;
struct arg_int *del_addr;
struct arg_end *end;
} pending_args;
static int process_pending(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &pending_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, pending_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
esp_ieee802154_pending_mode_t pending_mode = 0;
if (pending_args.set_mode->count) {
pending_mode = pending_args.set_mode->ival[0];
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set auto pending mode as: %d", pending_mode);
} else if (pending_args.get_mode->count) {
pending_mode = esp_ieee802154_get_pending_mode();
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "get auto pending mode as: %d", pending_mode);
} else if (pending_args.reset->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "clear the pending address table");
} else if (pending_args.add_addr->count == 2) {
uint8_t short_addr[2];
short_addr[0] = pending_args.add_addr->ival[0];
short_addr[1] = pending_args.add_addr->ival[1];
esp_ieee802154_add_pending_addr(short_addr, true);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "add pending shortaddr: 0x%02x%02x", short_addr[1], short_addr[0]);
} else if (pending_args.add_addr->count == 8) {
uint8_t extaddr[8] = {0};
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
extaddr[i] = pending_args.add_addr->ival[i];
esp_ieee802154_add_pending_addr(extaddr, false);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "add pending extaddr: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", extaddr[7], extaddr[6], extaddr[5], extaddr[4],
extaddr[3], extaddr[2], extaddr[1], extaddr[0]);
} else if (pending_args.del_addr->count == 2) {
uint8_t short_addr[2];
short_addr[0] = pending_args.del_addr->ival[0];
short_addr[1] = pending_args.del_addr->ival[1];
esp_ieee802154_clear_pending_addr(short_addr, true);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "delete pending shortaddr: 0x%02x%02x", short_addr[1], short_addr[0]);
} else if (pending_args.del_addr->count == 8) {
uint8_t extaddr[8] = {0};
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
extaddr[i] = pending_args.del_addr->ival[i];
esp_ieee802154_clear_pending_addr(extaddr, false);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "delete pending extaddr: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", extaddr[7], extaddr[6], extaddr[5], extaddr[4],
extaddr[3], extaddr[2], extaddr[1], extaddr[0]);
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 0;
static void register_pending()
pending_args.set_mode =
arg_int0("m", "mode", "<mode>", "set the autopending mode (0: disable; 1: enable; 2: enhanced)");
pending_args.get_mode =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get the autopending mode (0: disable; 1: enable; 2: enhanced)");
pending_args.reset =
arg_lit0("r", "reset", "reset the pending address table");
pending_args.add_addr =
arg_intn(NULL, NULL, "<addr>", 0, 8, "add the address to pending table (2 bytes for short address, 8 bytes for extended address)");
pending_args.del_addr =
arg_intn("d", "delete", "<addr>", 0, 8, "delete the address from pending table (2 bytes for short address, 8 bytes for extended address)");
pending_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "pending",
.help = "configure the pending address table",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_pending,
.argtable = &pending_args
//CCA command
static struct {
struct arg_int *cca_threshold_set;
struct arg_int *cca_mode_set;
struct arg_lit *cca_cfg_get;
struct arg_end *end;
} cca_args;
static int process_cca(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &cca_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, cca_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
int8_t cca_threshold = 0;
esp_ieee802154_cca_mode_t cca_mode = 0;
if (cca_args.cca_threshold_set->count) {
cca_threshold = cca_args.cca_threshold_set->ival[0];
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set cca threshold as: %d", cca_threshold);
else if (cca_args.cca_mode_set->count) {
cca_mode = cca_args.cca_mode_set->ival[0];
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "set cca mode as: %d", cca_mode);
else if (cca_args.cca_cfg_get->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "threshold:%d dB, mode: %d", esp_ieee802154_get_cca_threshold(), esp_ieee802154_get_cca_mode());
} else {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 0;
static void register_cca()
cca_args.cca_threshold_set =
arg_int0("v", "value", "<threshold>", "cca threshold setting");
cca_args.cca_mode_set =
arg_int0("m", "mode", "<mode>", "cca mode, 0: carrier; 1: ED; 2: carrier or ED; 3: carrier and ED");
cca_args.cca_cfg_get =
arg_lit0("g", "get", "get the cca cfg");
cca_args.end = arg_end(4);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "cca",
.help = "cca config",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_cca,
.argtable = &cca_args
/* 'esp_154' command enable/disable initialize the IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem */
static struct {
struct arg_lit *enable;
struct arg_lit *disable;
struct arg_end *end;
} esp154_args;
static int process_esp154(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &esp154_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, esp154_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (esp154_args.enable->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "initialize the IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem");
} else if (esp154_args.disable->count) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "deinitialize the IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem");
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 1;
return 0;
static void register_esp154()
esp154_args.enable =
arg_lit0("e", "enable", "initialize the IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem");
esp154_args.disable =
arg_lit0("d", "disable", "deinitialize the IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem");
esp154_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "esp154",
.help = "enable/disable initialize the IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_esp154,
.argtable = &esp154_args
/* 'fheap' command check for memory leaks */
static struct {
struct arg_end *end;
} free_args;
static int process_free(int argc, char **argv)
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &free_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, free_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "heap size: %"PRIu32"\n", esp_get_free_heap_size());
return 0;
static void register_free()
free_args.end = arg_end(2);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "fheap",
.help = "get the size of heap memory",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_free,
.argtable = &free_args
/* 'reg' command reads/writes the registers */
extern uint32_t IEEE802154;
static struct {
struct arg_lit *base;
struct arg_int *get_reg;
struct arg_int *set_reg;
struct arg_int *value;
struct arg_end *end;
} reg_args;
static int process_reg(int argc, char **argv)
uint32_t *base = &IEEE802154;
int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) ®_args);
if (nerrors != 0) {
arg_print_errors(stderr, reg_args.end, argv[0]);
return 1;
if (reg_args.get_reg->count == 1) {
uint32_t reg_offset = reg_args.get_reg->ival[0];
uint32_t reg_value = REG_READ(reg_offset + base);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "reg 0x%lx value: 0x%lx", reg_offset, reg_value);
} else if (reg_args.set_reg->count == 1 && reg_args.value->count == 1) {
uint32_t reg_offset = reg_args.set_reg->ival[0];
uint32_t reg_value = reg_args.value->ival[0];
REG_WRITE(reg_offset + base, reg_value);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "write reg 0x%lx: 0x%lx", reg_offset, reg_value);
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "no valid arguments");
return 1;
return 0;
static void register_reg()
reg_args.get_reg =
arg_int0("r", "read", "<address>", "read the register value");
reg_args.set_reg =
arg_int0("w", "write", "<address>", "register address to be written");
reg_args.value =
arg_int0("v", "value", "<value>", "register value to be written");
reg_args.end = arg_end(6);
const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
.command = "reg",
.help = "read/write the register",
.hint = NULL,
.func = &process_reg,
.argtable = ®_args
static struct {
@ -149,6 +847,15 @@ void esp_ieee802154_transmit_done(const uint8_t *frame, const uint8_t *ack, esp_
frame[idx], frame[idx+1], frame[idx+2], frame[idx+3],
frame[idx+4], frame[idx+5], frame[idx+6], frame[idx+7]);
if (ack != NULL) {
ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG, "Rx ack %d bytes", ack[0]);
for(uint8_t idx = 1; idx < ack[0]; idx+=8) {
ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG, "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
ack[idx], ack[idx+1], ack[idx+2], ack[idx+3],
ack[idx+4], ack[idx+5], ack[idx+6], ack[idx+7]);
void esp_ieee802154_receive_done(uint8_t *frame, esp_ieee802154_frame_info_t *frame_info)
@ -160,3 +867,23 @@ void esp_ieee802154_receive_done(uint8_t *frame, esp_ieee802154_frame_info_t *fr
frame[idx+4], frame[idx+5], frame[idx+6], frame[idx+7]);
void esp_ieee802154_energy_detect_done(int8_t power)
ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG, "ed_scan_rss_value: %d dB", power);
void esp_ieee802154_transmit_sfd_done(uint8_t *frame)
ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG, "tx sfd done, Radio state: %d", esp_ieee802154_get_state());
void esp_ieee802154_receive_sfd_done(void)
ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG, "rx sfd done, Radio state: %d", esp_ieee802154_get_state());
void esp_ieee802154_transmit_failed(const uint8_t *frame, esp_ieee802154_tx_error_t error)
ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG, "the Frame Transmission failed, Failure reason: %d", error);
@ -1,12 +1,115 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
from typing import Tuple
import random
import re
from time import sleep
from typing import List, Tuple
import pexpect
import pytest
from pytest_embedded_idf.dut import IdfDut
def generate_shortaddr() -> str:
shortaddr = ''
cnt = 0
while cnt < 2:
num = random.randint(0, 255)
shortaddr = shortaddr + '0x%02X ' % (num)
cnt = cnt + 1
shortaddr = shortaddr.rstrip()
return shortaddr
def generate_extaddr() -> str:
extaddr = ''
cnt = 0
while cnt < 8:
num = random.randint(0, 255)
extaddr = extaddr + '0x%02X ' % (num)
cnt = cnt + 1
extaddr = extaddr.rstrip()
return extaddr
def dlt_pendingtable(ser:IdfDut, addr:str) -> None:
if addr != '':
addr_list = re.findall(r'0x([A-Za-z0-9]{2})', addr)
addr_field = '0x' + ''.join(reversed(addr_list))
addr_field = addr_field.lower()
addr_list = addr.split(' ')
if len(addr_list) == 2 or len(addr_list) == 8:
cmd = 'pending'
for item in addr_list:
cmd = cmd + ' -d {}'.format(item)
cmd = cmd + '\n'
if len(addr_list) == 2:
ser.expect('delete pending shortaddr: {}'.format(addr_field), timeout=1)
ser.expect('delete pending extaddr: {}'.format(addr_field), timeout=1)
def add_pendingtable(ser:IdfDut, addr:str='') -> None:
if len(addr.split(' ')) == 2 or len(addr.split(' ')) == 8:
cmd = 'pending %s\n' % (addr)
addr_list = re.findall(r'0x([A-Za-z0-9]{2})', addr)
addr_field = '0x' + ''.join(reversed(addr_list))
addr_field = addr_field.lower()
if len(addr.split(' ')) == 2:
ser.expect('add pending shortaddr: {}'.format(addr_field), timeout=1)
ser.expect('add pending extaddr: {}'.format(addr_field), timeout=1)
def generate_wrong_PANID_addr(right:str) -> str:
wrong = ''
for i in right.split(' '):
num = (int(i, 16) + random.randint(1, 255)) % 256
wrong = wrong + '0x%02X ' % (num)
wrong = wrong.rstrip()
return wrong
def set_mismatch_short_extern_addr_pendingtable(ser:IdfDut, addr:str, short:int=12, extern:int=12) -> List[List]:
short_addr = []
extern_addr = []
cnt = 0
while cnt < short:
if len(addr.split(' ')) == 2:
addr = generate_wrong_PANID_addr(addr)
add_pendingtable(ser, addr)
addr = generate_shortaddr()
add_pendingtable(ser, addr)
cnt = cnt + 1
while cnt < extern:
if len(addr.split(' ')) == 8:
addr = generate_wrong_PANID_addr(addr)
add_pendingtable(ser, addr)
addr = generate_extaddr()
add_pendingtable(ser, addr)
cnt = cnt + 1
return [short_addr, extern_addr]
def dlt_short_extern_addr_in_pendingtable(ser:IdfDut, table:List, short:int=5, extern:int=5) -> None:
cnt = 0
while cnt < short:
dlt_pendingtable(ser, table[0][cnt])
cnt = cnt + 1
while cnt < extern:
dlt_pendingtable(ser, table[1][cnt])
cnt = cnt + 1
@ -17,13 +120,495 @@ from pytest_embedded_idf.dut import IdfDut
def test_based_txrx(dut: Tuple[IdfDut, IdfDut]) -> None:
transmit = dut[0]
receive = dut[1]
receive.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=60)
receive.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('channel -s 23')
transmit.expect('set channel: 23', timeout=1)
receive.write('channel -s 23')
receive.expect('set channel: 23', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 1')
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=60)
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=60)
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx -l 10')
transmit.expect('Tx Done 10 bytes', timeout=60)
transmit.expect('00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07', timeout=60)
transmit.expect('08 09 00 00 00 00 00 00', timeout=60)
receive.expect('Rx Done 10 bytes', timeout=60)
receive.expect('00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07', timeout=60)
transmit.expect('tx sfd done, Radio state: 3', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('Tx Done 10 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('08 09 00 00 00 00 00 00', timeout=1)
receive.expect('rx sfd done, Radio state: 2', timeout=1)
receive.expect('Rx Done 10 bytes', timeout=1)
receive.expect('00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 0')
receive.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx -l 10')
transmit.expect('tx sfd done, Radio state: 3', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('Tx Done 10 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('08 09 00 00 00 00 00 00', timeout=1)
tmp = receive.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=5)
assert 'Rx Done' not in str(tmp)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_energy(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('ed -d 8')
transmit.expect('ed start', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('ed_scan_rss_value:', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_channel(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('channel -s 23')
transmit.expect('set channel: 23', timeout=1)
transmit.write('channel -g')
transmit.expect('current channel: 23', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_txpower(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('txpower -s 13')
transmit.expect('set txpower: 13', timeout=1)
transmit.write('txpower -g')
transmit.expect('current txpower: 13', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_promiscuous(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -e')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is enabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -g')
transmit.expect('hardware promiscuous mode was enabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -d')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -g')
transmit.expect('hardware promiscuous mode was disabled', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_panid(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('panid 0x60')
transmit.expect('set panid: 0x60', timeout=1)
transmit.write('panid -g')
transmit.expect('current panid: 0x60', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_shortaddr(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('shortaddr 0x1234')
transmit.expect('set shortaddr: 0x1234', timeout=1)
transmit.write('shortaddr -g')
transmit.expect('current shortaddr: 0x1234', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_extaddr(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('extaddr 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08')
transmit.expect('set extaddr: 0807060504030201', timeout=1)
transmit.write('extaddr -g')
transmit.expect('get extaddr: 0807060504030201', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_coordinator(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('coordinator -e')
transmit.expect('hardware coordinator is enabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('coordinator -g')
transmit.expect('hardware coordinator was enabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('coordinator -d')
transmit.expect('hardware coordinator is disabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('coordinator -g')
transmit.expect('hardware coordinator was disabled', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_pending(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('pending -m 2')
transmit.expect('set auto pending mode as: 2', timeout=1)
transmit.write('pending -g')
transmit.expect('get auto pending mode as: 2', timeout=1)
add_pendingtable(transmit, addr='0x01 0x02')
add_pendingtable(transmit, addr='0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08')
dlt_pendingtable(transmit, addr='0x22 0x11')
dlt_pendingtable(transmit, addr='0x77 0x66 0x55 0x44 0x33 0x22 0x11 0x00')
transmit.write('pending -r')
transmit.expect('clear the pending address table', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_cca(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('cca -v -60')
transmit.expect('set cca threshold as: -60', timeout=1)
transmit.write('cca -m 0')
transmit.expect('set cca mode as: 0', timeout=1)
transmit.write('cca -g')
transmit.expect('threshold:-60 dB, mode: 0', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(2, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_autoack(dut: Tuple[IdfDut, IdfDut]) -> None:
transmit = dut[0]
receive = dut[1]
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('channel -s 23')
transmit.expect('set channel: 23', timeout=1)
receive.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
receive.write('channel -s 23')
receive.expect('set channel: 23', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -d')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
receive.write('promisc -d')
receive.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('panid 0x280A')
transmit.expect('set panid: 0x280a', timeout=1)
transmit.write('shortaddr 0x435A')
transmit.expect('set shortaddr: 0x435a', timeout=1)
receive.write('panid 0x94BC')
receive.expect('set panid: 0x94bc', timeout=1)
receive.write('shortaddr 0x6FDB')
receive.expect('set shortaddr: 0x6fdb', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 1')
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx 0x20 0x88 0x00 0x0A 0x28 0xDB 0x6F 0xBC 0x94 0x5A 0x43 0x68 0x02 0xaa 0x15 0x30 0x01 0x02')
transmit.expect('tx sfd done, Radio state: 3', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('rx sfd done, Radio state: 3', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('Tx Done 18 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('20 88 00 0a 28 db 6f bc', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('94 5a 43 68 02 aa 15 30', timeout=1)
receive.expect('rx sfd done, Radio state: 2', timeout=1)
receive.expect('Rx Done 18 bytes', timeout=1)
receive.expect('20 88 00 0a 28 db 6f bc', timeout=1)
receive.expect('94 5a 43 68 02 aa 15 30', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('Rx ack 5 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('02 00 00', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(2, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_autopending(dut: Tuple[IdfDut, IdfDut]) -> None:
transmit = dut[0]
receive = dut[1]
# mode 0: CMD ID = 0x04 --> FP = 1
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('rx -r 0')
transmit.expect('radio exit receive mode')
transmit.write('channel -s 23')
transmit.expect('set channel: 23')
transmit.write('promisc -d')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled')
receive.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
receive.write('pending -r')
receive.expect('clear the pending address table', timeout=1)
receive.write('channel -s 23')
receive.expect('set channel: 23', timeout=1)
receive.write('promisc -d')
receive.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 0')
receive.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
receive.write('pending -m 0')
receive.expect('set auto pending mode as: 0', timeout=1)
receive.write('panid 0x2E74')
receive.expect('set panid: 0x2e74', timeout=1)
receive.write('shortaddr 0x2649')
receive.expect('set shortaddr: 0x2649', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 1')
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx 0x23 0x08 0x00 0x74 0x2E 0x49 0x26 0x04 0x53 0x04 0xe3 0x71 0xc2 0x36 0xf7 0xa5 0x2b 0x68 0x79 0x8c 0x72 0x50 0x8b 0x61 0x55 0x56')
transmit.expect('Rx ack 5 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('12 00 00', timeout=1)
# mode 0: CMD ID != 0x04 --> FP = 0
receive.write('pending -r')
receive.expect('clear the pending address table', timeout=1)
receive.write('promisc -d')
receive.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('rx -r 0')
transmit.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -d')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 0')
receive.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
receive.write('pending -m 0')
receive.expect('set auto pending mode as: 0', timeout=1)
receive.write('panid 0x3E66')
receive.expect('set panid: 0x3e66', timeout=1)
receive.write('shortaddr 0x3970')
receive.expect('set shortaddr: 0x3970', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 1')
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx 0x23 0x08 0x0c 0x66 0x3E 0x70 0x39 0x01 0xef 0x2e 0x9f 0xf3 0xfe 0x75 0x99 0x35 0x66 0xd3')
transmit.expect('Rx ack 5 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('02 00 0c', timeout=1)
# mode 1: CMD ID = 0x04, src addr in pending table --> FP = 1
receive.write('pending -r')
receive.expect('clear the pending address table', timeout=1)
receive.write('promisc -d')
receive.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 0')
receive.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
receive.write('pending -m 1')
receive.expect('set auto pending mode as: 1', timeout=1)
receive.write('panid 0x2D9B')
receive.expect('set panid: 0x2d9b', timeout=1)
receive.write('shortaddr 0x3B21')
receive.expect('set shortaddr: 0x3b21', timeout=1)
transmit.write('rx -r 0')
transmit.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -d')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('panid 0xD9C3')
transmit.expect('set panid: 0xd9c3', timeout=1)
transmit.write('shortaddr 0x93EE')
transmit.expect('set shortaddr: 0x93ee', timeout=1)
wrong_table = set_mismatch_short_extern_addr_pendingtable(receive, '0xEE 0x93')
dlt_short_extern_addr_in_pendingtable(receive, wrong_table)
add_pendingtable(receive, '0xEE 0x93')
receive.write('rx -r 1')
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx 0x23 0x88 0x00 0x9B 0x2D 0x21 0x3B 0xC3 0xD9 0xEE 0x93 0x04 0xc8 0x05 0xf8 0x1d 0x6e 0xe3')
transmit.expect('Rx ack 5 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('12 00 00', timeout=1)
# mode 1: CMD ID = 0x04, src addr not in pending table --> FP = 0
receive.write('pending -r')
receive.expect('clear the pending address table', timeout=1)
receive.write('promisc -d')
receive.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 0')
receive.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
receive.write('pending -m 1')
receive.expect('set auto pending mode as: 1', timeout=1)
receive.write('panid 0x9FE3')
receive.expect('set panid: 0x9fe3', timeout=1)
receive.write('shortaddr 0x9E20')
receive.expect('set shortaddr: 0x9e20', timeout=1)
transmit.write('rx -r 0')
transmit.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -d')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('panid 0xE718')
transmit.expect('set panid: 0xe718', timeout=1)
transmit.write('shortaddr 0xC466')
transmit.expect('set shortaddr: 0xc466', timeout=1)
wrong_table = set_mismatch_short_extern_addr_pendingtable(receive, '0x66 0xC4')
dlt_short_extern_addr_in_pendingtable(receive, wrong_table)
receive.write('rx -r 1')
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx 0x2b 0x88 0x08 0xE3 0x9F 0x20 0x9E 0x18 0xE7 0x66 0xC4 0x17 0x92 0x8a 0xcd 0x4c 0xd0 0x20 0x40 0x0d 0x46 0x04 0xa0 0xe3 0x9c 0x57')
transmit.expect('Rx ack 5 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('02 00 08', timeout=1)
# mode 2: frame type is data, src addr in pending table --> FP = 1
receive.write('pending -r')
receive.expect('clear the pending address table', timeout=1)
receive.write('promisc -d')
receive.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 0')
receive.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
receive.write('pending -m 2')
receive.expect('set auto pending mode as: 2', timeout=1)
receive.write('panid 0xA116')
receive.expect('set panid: 0xa116', timeout=1)
receive.write('shortaddr 0x939C')
receive.expect('set shortaddr: 0x939c', timeout=1)
transmit.write('rx -r 0')
transmit.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -d')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('panid 0x9B0B')
transmit.expect('set panid: 0x9b0b', timeout=1)
transmit.write('shortaddr 0x04E4')
transmit.expect('set shortaddr: 0x4e4', timeout=1)
wrong_table = set_mismatch_short_extern_addr_pendingtable(receive, '0xE4 0x04')
dlt_short_extern_addr_in_pendingtable(receive, wrong_table)
add_pendingtable(receive, '0xE4 0x04')
receive.write('rx -r 1')
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx 0x21 0x88 0x10 0x16 0xA1 0x9C 0x93 0x0B 0x9B 0xE4 0x04 0xb8 0xc5 0x63 0x43 0xa7 0x81 0xaf')
transmit.expect('Rx ack 5 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('12 00 10', timeout=1)
# mode 2: frame type is data, src addr not in pending table --> FP = 0
receive.write('pending -r')
receive.expect('clear the pending address table', timeout=1)
receive.write('promisc -d')
receive.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
receive.write('rx -r 0')
receive.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
receive.write('pending -m 2')
receive.expect('set auto pending mode as: 2', timeout=1)
receive.write('panid 0xE0C9')
receive.expect('set panid: 0xe0c9', timeout=1)
receive.write('shortaddr 0x3325')
receive.expect('set shortaddr: 0x3325', timeout=1)
transmit.write('rx -r 0')
transmit.expect('radio exit receive mode', timeout=1)
transmit.write('promisc -d')
transmit.expect('promiscuous mode is disabled', timeout=1)
transmit.write('panid 0x844F')
transmit.expect('set panid: 0x844f', timeout=1)
transmit.write('shortaddr 0x7C4C')
transmit.expect('set shortaddr: 0x7c4c', timeout=1)
wrong_table = set_mismatch_short_extern_addr_pendingtable(receive, '0x4C 0x7C')
dlt_short_extern_addr_in_pendingtable(receive, wrong_table)
receive.write('rx -r 1')
receive.expect('RX Start', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx 0x21 0x88 0x10 0xC9 0xE0 0x25 0x33 0x4F 0x84 0x4C 0x7C 0xa8 0xff 0x51 0x72 0xef 0xc1 0xbb')
transmit.expect('Rx ack 5 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('02 00 10', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_transmit_failed(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
transmit.write('channel -s 23')
transmit.expect('set channel: 23', timeout=1)
transmit.write('cca -v -120')
transmit.expect('set cca threshold as: -120', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx -l 10 -C')
transmit.expect('the Frame Transmission failed, Failure reason: 1', timeout=1)
transmit.write('tx -l 10')
transmit.expect('tx sfd done, Radio state: 3', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('Tx Done 10 bytes', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07', timeout=1)
transmit.expect('08 09 00 00 00 00 00 00', timeout=1)
'count, config, beta_target', [
(1, 'release', 'esp32h2beta2'),
], indirect=True
def test_based_initialize(dut: IdfDut) -> None:
transmit = dut
transmit.expect('ieee802154>', timeout=1)
fst_data = transmit.expect(r'heap size: [0-9]+', timeout=1)[0].decode()
fst_size = re.findall(r'heap size: ([0-9]+)', fst_data)
transmit.write('esp154 -e')
transmit.expect('initialize the IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem', timeout=1)
transmit.write('esp154 -d')
transmit.expect('deinitialize the IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem', timeout=1)
scd_data = transmit.expect(r'heap size: [0-9]+', timeout=1)[0].decode()
scd_size = re.findall(r'heap size: ([0-9]+)', scd_data)
print('first heap size: ', int(fst_size[0]))
print('second heap size: ', int(scd_size[0]))
Reference in New Issue
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