The ``esp_partition`` component has higher-level API functions which work with partitions defined in the :doc:`partition table </api-guides/partition-tables>`. These APIs are based on lower level API provided by :doc:`SPI Flash driver </api-reference/peripherals/spi_flash/index>`.
ESP-IDF projects use a partition table to maintain information about various regions of SPI flash memory (bootloader, various application binaries, data, filesystems). More information can be found in :doc:`Partition Tables </api-guides/partition-tables>`.
This component provides API functions to enumerate partitions found in the partition table and perform operations on them. These functions are declared in ``esp_partition.h``:
-:cpp:func:`esp_partition_find` checks a partition table for entries with specific type, returns an opaque iterator.
-:cpp:func:`esp_partition_get` returns a structure describing the partition for a given iterator.
-:cpp:func:`esp_partition_next` shifts the iterator to the next found partition.
-:cpp:func:`esp_partition_iterator_release` releases iterator returned by :cpp:func:`esp_partition_find`.
-:cpp:func:`esp_partition_find_first` is a convenience function which returns the structure describing the first partition found by :cpp:func:`esp_partition_find`.
-:cpp:func:`esp_partition_read`, :cpp:func:`esp_partition_write`, :cpp:func:`esp_partition_erase_range` are equivalent to :cpp:func:`esp_flash_read`, :cpp:func:`esp_flash_write`, :cpp:func:`esp_flash_erase_region`, but operate within partition boundaries.