#define ESP_ROM_HAS_LAYOUT_TABLE (1) // ROM has the layout table
#define ESP_ROM_HAS_SPI_FLASH (1) // ROM has the implementation of SPI Flash driver
#define ESP_ROM_WITHOUT_REGI2C (1) // ROM has no regi2c APIs TODO: IDF-10110 need refactor
#define ESP_ROM_HAS_NEWLIB (1) // ROM has newlib (at least parts of it) functions included
#define ESP_ROM_HAS_NEWLIB_NORMAL_FORMAT (1) // ROM has the newlib normal/full version of formatting functions (as opposed to the nano versions)
#define ESP_ROM_WDT_INIT_PATCH (1) // ROM version does not configure the clock
#define ESP_ROM_RAM_APP_NEEDS_MMU_INIT (1) // ROM doesn't init cache MMU when it's a RAM APP, needs MMU hal to init
#define ESP_ROM_HAS_VERSION (1) // ROM has version/eco information
#define ESP_ROM_SUPPORT_DEEP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_STUB (1) // ROM supports the HP core to jump to the RTC memory to execute stub code after waking up from deepsleep.