The ULP LP-Core (Low-power core) coprocessor is a variant of the ULP present in {IDF_TARGET_NAME}. It features ultra-low power consumption while also being able to stay powered on while the main CPU stays in low-power modes. This enables the LP-Core coprocessor to handle tasks like GPIO or sensor readings while the main CPU is in sleep mode, resulting in significant overall power savings for the entire system.
The ULP LP-Core coprocessor has the following features:
* Utilizes a 32-bit processor based on the RISC-V ISA, encompassing the standard extensions integer (I), multiplication/division (M), atomic (A), and compressed (C).
* Interrupt controller
* Includes a debug module that supports external debugging via JTAG.
* Can access all of the High-power (HP) SRAM and peripherals when the entire system is active.
* Can access the Low-power (LP) SRAM and peripherals when the HP system is in sleep mode.
The ULP LP-Core code is compiled together with your ESP-IDF project as a separate binary and automatically embedded into the main project binary. To acheive this do the following:
1. Place the ULP LP-Core code, written in C or assembly (with the ``.S`` extension), in a dedicated directory within the component directory, such as ``ulp/``.
The first argument to ``ulp_embed_binary`` specifies the ULP binary name. The name specified here is also used by other generated artifacts such as the ELF file, map file, header file, and linker export file. The second argument specifies the ULP source files. Finally, the third argument specifies the list of component source files which include the header file to be generated. This list is needed to build the dependencies correctly and ensure that the generated header file is created before any of these files are compiled. See the section below for the concept of generated header files for ULP applications.
3. Enable both :ref:`CONFIG_ULP_COPROC_ENABLED` and :ref:`CONFIG_ULP_COPROC_TYPE` to ``CONFIG_ULP_COPROC_TYPE_LP_CORE`` options in menuconfig. The :ref:`CONFIG_ULP_COPROC_RESERVE_MEM` option reserves RTC memory for the ULP and must be set to a value big enough to store both the ULP LP-Core code and data. If the application components contain multiple ULP programs, then the size of the RTC memory must be sufficient to hold the largest one.
1.**Run each source file through the C compiler and assembler.** This step generates the object files (``.obj.c`` or ``.obj.S`` depending of source file processed) in the component build directory.
2.**Run the linker script template through the C preprocessor.** The template is located in ``components/ulp/ld`` directory.
3.**Link the object files into an output ELF file** (``ulp_app_name.elf``). The Map file (````) generated at this stage may be useful for debugging purposes.
4.**Dump the contents of the ELF file into a binary** (``ulp_app_name.bin``) which can then be embedded into the application.
5.**Generate a list of global symbols** (``ulp_app_name.sym``) in the ELF file using ``riscv32-esp-elf-nm``.
6.**Create an LD export script and a header file** (``ulp_app_name.ld`` and ``ulp_app_name.h``) containing the symbols from ``ulp_app_name.sym``. This is done using the ```` utility.
7.**Add the generated binary to the list of binary files** to be embedded into the application.
Accessing the ULP LP-Core Program Variables
Global symbols defined in the ULP LP-Core program may be used inside the main program.
For example, the ULP LP-Core program may define a variable ``measurement_count`` which defines the number of GPIO measurements the program needs to make before waking up the chip from deep sleep.
The main program can access the global ULP LP-Core program variables as the build system makes this possible by generating the ``${ULP_APP_NAME}.h`` and ``${ULP_APP_NAME}.ld`` files which define the global symbols present in the ULP LP-Core program. Each global symbol defined in the ULP LP-Core program is included in these files and are prefixed with ``ulp_``.
The header file contains the declaration of the symbol:
..code-block:: c
extern uint32_t ulp_measurement_count;
Note that all symbols (variables, arrays, functions) are declared as ``uint32_t``. For functions and arrays, take the address of the symbol and cast it to the appropriate type.
The generated linker script file defines the locations of symbols in LP_MEM::
To access the ULP LP-Core program variables from the main program, the generated header file should be included using an ``include`` statement. This allows the ULP LP-Core program variables to be accessed as regular variables.
To run a ULP LP-Core program, the main application needs to load the ULP program into RTC memory using the :cpp:func:`ulp_lp_core_load_binary` function, and then start it using the :cpp:func:`ulp_lp_core_run` function.
Each ULP LP-Core program is embedded into the ESP-IDF application as a binary blob. The application can reference this blob and load it in the following way (supposed ULP_APP_NAME was defined to ``ulp_app_name``):
How the ULP LP-Core coprocessor is started depends on the wakeup source selected in :cpp:type:`ulp_lp_core_cfg_t`. The most common use-case is for the ULP to periodically wake-up, do some measurements before either waking up the main CPU or going back to sleep again.
4. If ``lp_timer_sleep_duration_us`` is specified then configure the next wake-up alarm
5. Call :cpp:func:`ulp_lp_core_halt`
ULP LP-Core Peripheral Support
To enhance the capabilities of the ULP LP-Core coprocessor, it has access to peripherals which operate in the low-power domain. The ULP LP-Core coprocessor can interact with these peripherals when the main CPU is in sleep mode, and can wake up the main CPU once a wakeup condition is reached. The following peripherals are supported:
* LP I2C
Application Examples
* ULP LP-Core Coprocessor polls GPIO while main CPU is in deep sleep: :example:`system/ulp/lp_core/gpio`.
* ULP LP-Core Coprocessor reads external I2C ambient light sensor (BH1750) while the main CPU is in Deep-sleep and wakes up the main CPU once a threshold is met: :example:`system/ulp/lp_core/lp_i2c`.