#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_TX_BUF_LEN CONFIG_AWS_IOT_MQTT_TX_BUF_LEN ///< Any time a message is sent out through the MQTT layer. The message is copied into this buffer anytime a publish is done. This will also be used in the case of Thing Shadow
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_RX_BUF_LEN CONFIG_AWS_IOT_MQTT_RX_BUF_LEN ///< Any message that comes into the device should be less than this buffer size. If a received message is bigger than this buffer size the message will be dropped.
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_NUM_SUBSCRIBE_HANDLERS CONFIG_AWS_IOT_MQTT_NUM_SUBSCRIBE_HANDLERS ///< Maximum number of topic filters the MQTT client can handle at any given time. This should be increased appropriately when using Thing Shadow
#define SHADOW_MAX_SIZE_OF_RX_BUFFER CONFIG AWS_IOT_SHADOW_MAX_SIZE_OF_RX_BUFFER ///< Maximum size of the SHADOW buffer to store the received Shadow message, including NULL termianting byte
#define MAX_SIZE_OF_UNIQUE_CLIENT_ID_BYTES 80 ///< Maximum size of the Unique Client Id. For More info on the Client Id refer \ref response "Acknowledgments"
#define MAX_SIZE_CLIENT_ID_WITH_SEQUENCE (MAX_SIZE_OF_UNIQUE_CLIENT_ID_BYTES + 10) ///< This is size of the extra sequence number that will be appended to the Unique client Id
#define MAX_SIZE_CLIENT_TOKEN_CLIENT_SEQUENCE (MAX_SIZE_CLIENT_ID_WITH_SEQUENCE + 20) ///< This is size of the the total clientToken key and value pair in the JSON
#define MAX_ACKS_TO_COMEIN_AT_ANY_GIVEN_TIME CONFIG_AWS_IOT_SHADOW_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_ACKS ///< At Any given time we will wait for this many responses. This will correlate to the rate at which the shadow actions are requested
#define MAX_THINGNAME_HANDLED_AT_ANY_GIVEN_TIME CONFIG_AWS_IOT_SHADOW_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_THINGNAMES ///< We could perform shadow action on any thing Name and this is maximum Thing Names we can act on at any given time
#define MAX_JSON_TOKEN_EXPECTED CONFIG_AWS_IOT_SHADOW_MAX_JSON_TOKEN_EXPECTED ///< These are the max tokens that is expected to be in the Shadow JSON document. Include the metadata that gets published
#define MAX_SHADOW_TOPIC_LENGTH_WITHOUT_THINGNAME CONFIG_AWS_IOT_SHADOW_MAX_SHADOW_TOPIC_LENGTH_WITHOUT_THINGNAME ///< All shadow actions have to be published or subscribed to a topic which is of the formablogt $aws/things/{thingName}/shadow/update/accepted. This refers to the size of the topic without the Thing Name
#define MAX_SIZE_OF_THING_NAME CONFIG_AWS_IOT_SHADOW_MAX_SIZE_OF_THING_NAME ///< The Thing Name should not be bigger than this value. Modify this if the Thing Name needs to be bigger
#define MAX_SHADOW_TOPIC_LENGTH_BYTES (MAX_SHADOW_TOPIC_LENGTH_WITHOUT_THINGNAME + MAX_SIZE_OF_THING_NAME) ///< This size includes the length of topic with Thing Name
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_MIN_RECONNECT_WAIT_INTERVAL CONFIG_AWS_IOT_MQTT_MIN_RECONNECT_WAIT_INTERVAL ///< Minimum time before the First reconnect attempt is made as part of the exponential back-off algorithm
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_MAX_RECONNECT_WAIT_INTERVAL CONFIG_AWS_IOT_MQTT_MAX_RECONNECT_WAIT_INTERVAL ///< Maximum time interval after which exponential back-off will stop attempting to reconnect.