// This file was generated from the file esp_efuse_custom_table.csv. DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE MANUALLY.
// If you want to change some fields, you need to change esp_efuse_custom_table.csv file
// then run `efuse_common_table` or `efuse_custom_table` command it will generate this file.
// To show efuse_table run the command 'show_efuse_table'.
// The last free bit in the block is counted over the entire file.
#define LAST_FREE_BIT_BLK3 94
_Static_assert(LAST_FREE_BIT_BLK3<=MAX_BLK_LEN,"The eFuse table does not match the coding scheme. Edit the table and restart the efuse_common_table or efuse_custom_table command to regenerate the new files.");