(See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.)
The application creates a TCP socket and tries to connect to the server with predefined IP address and port number. When a connection is successfully established, the application sends message and waits for the answer. After the server's reply, application prints received reply as ASCII text, waits for 2 seconds and sends another message.
## How to use example
In order to create TCP server that communicates with TCP Client example, choose one of the following options.
Note: please replace ` 3333` with desired IPV4/IPV6 address (displayed in monitor console) and port number in the following command.
In addition to those tools, simple Python scripts can be found under sockets/scripts directory. Every script is designed to interact with one of the examples.
Script example_test.py could be used as a counter part to the tcp-client project, ip protocol name (IPv4 or IPv6) shall be stated as argument. Example:
Configure Wi-Fi or Ethernet under "Example Connection Configuration" menu. See "Establishing Wi-Fi or Ethernet Connection" section in [examples/protocols/README.md](../../README.md) for more details.