2022-09-08 02:48:30 -04:00
# These formatting options will be used by default.
# If you are modifying this, update tools/format.sh as well!
options: "--style=otbs --attach-namespaces --attach-classes --indent=spaces=4 --convert-tabs --align-reference=name --keep-one-line-statements --pad-header --pad-oper --unpad-paren --max-continuation-indent=120"
# Don't format the code in submodules
check: false
- "/components/bootloader/subproject/components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc/"
- "/components/bt/controller/lib_esp32/"
- "/components/bt/controller/lib_esp32c2/esp32c2-bt-lib/"
- "/components/bt/controller/lib_esp32c3_family/"
- "/components/bt/controller/lib_esp32c6/esp32c6-bt-lib/"
- "/components/bt/controller/lib_esp32h2/esp32h2-bt-lib/"
- "/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/"
2023-11-07 20:57:57 -05:00
- "/components/bt/esp_ble_mesh/lib/lib/"
2022-09-08 02:48:30 -04:00
- "/components/cmock/CMock/"
- "/components/esp_coex/lib/"
- "/components/esp_phy/lib/"
- "/components/esp_wifi/lib/"
- "/components/heap/tlsf/"
- "/components/json/cJSON/"
- "/components/lwip/lwip/"
- "/components/mbedtls/mbedtls/"
- "/components/mqtt/esp-mqtt/"
- "/components/openthread/lib/"
- "/components/openthread/openthread/"
- "/components/protobuf-c/protobuf-c/"
- "/components/spiffs/spiffs/"
- "/components/unity/unity/"
# Formatting in these components isn't checked yet.
# For each of these components, decide whether it should be formatted or not.
# 1. If yes, format the code and remove the component from the exclude list.
# Add special rules for upstream source files, if necessary.
# To reformat the files:
# - Remove the directory from this exclude list
# - Run 'git add .astyle-rules.yml'
# - Run 'pre-commit run --all-files'
# 2. If no, move it to 'components_not_formatted_permanent' section below.
check: false
- "/components/app_trace/"
- "/components/app_update/"
- "/components/bootloader_support/"
- "/components/bootloader/"
- "/components/bt/"
- "/components/cmock/"
- "/components/console/"
- "/components/cxx/"
- "/components/driver/"
- "/components/efuse/"
- "/components/esp_app_format/"
- "/components/esp_bootloader_format/"
- "/components/esp_coex/"
- "/components/esp_common/"
- "/components/esp_eth/"
- "/components/esp_event/"
- "/components/esp_gdbstub/"
- "/components/esp_hid/"
- "/components/esp_http_client/"
- "/components/esp_http_server/"
- "/components/esp_https_ota/"
- "/components/esp_https_server/"
- "/components/esp_hw_support/"
- "/components/esp_local_ctrl/"
- "/components/esp_netif/"
- "/components/esp_partition/"
- "/components/esp_phy/"
- "/components/esp_pm/"
- "/components/esp_ringbuf/"
- "/components/esp_rom/"
- "/components/esp_system/"
- "/components/esp_timer/"
- "/components/esp_wifi/"
- "/components/esp-tls/"
- "/components/espcoredump/"
- "/components/esptool_py/"
- "/components/fatfs/"
- "/components/freertos/"
- "/components/hal/"
- "/components/heap/"
- "/components/idf_test/"
- "/components/ieee802154/"
- "/components/json/"
- "/components/linux/"
- "/components/log/"
- "/components/lwip/"
- "/components/mbedtls/"
- "/components/mqtt/"
- "/components/newlib/"
- "/components/nvs_flash/"
- "/components/nvs_sec_provider/"
- "/components/openthread/"
- "/components/partition_table/"
- "/components/perfmon/"
- "/components/protobuf-c/"
- "/components/protocomm/"
- "/components/pthread/"
- "/components/riscv/"
- "/components/sdmmc/"
- "/components/soc/"
- "/components/spi_flash/"
- "/components/spiffs/"
- "/components/tcp_transport/"
- "/components/touch_element/"
- "/components/ulp/"
- "/components/unity/"
- "/components/vfs/"
- "/components/wear_levelling/"
- "/components/wifi_provisioning/"
- "/components/wpa_supplicant/"
- "/components/xtensa/"
- "/examples/bluetooth/"
- "/examples/build_system/"
- "/examples/common_components/"
- "/examples/custom_bootloader/"
- "/examples/cxx/"
- "/examples/ethernet/"
- "/examples/get-started/"
- "/examples/mesh/"
- "/examples/network/"
- "/examples/openthread/"
- "/examples/phy/"
- "/examples/protocols/"
- "/examples/provisioning/"
- "/examples/security/"
- "/examples/storage/"
- "/examples/system/"
- "/examples/wifi/"
- "/examples/zigbee/"
- "/tools/esp_app_trace/test/"
- "/tools/mocks/"
- "/tools/test_apps/"
- "/tools/unit-test-app/"
# Files which are not supposed to be formatted.
# Typically, these are:
# - Upstream source code we don't want to modify
# - Generated files
check: false
# Xtensa header files (generated)
- "/components/xtensa/esp32/"
- "/components/xtensa/esp32s2/"
- "/components/xtensa/esp32s3/"
- "/components/xtensa/include/xtensa/"
# FAT FS (upstream source code)
- "/components/fatfs/src/"
# Nginx HTTP parser (upstream source code)
- "/components/http_parser/"
# Argtable (upstream source code)
- "/components/console/argtable3/"
# Linenoise (upstream source code)
- "/components/console/linenoise/"
# Catch (upstream source code)
- "/tools/catch/catch.hpp"
# FreeRTOS kernel files (upstream source code).
- "/components/freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel/"
- "/components/freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel-SMP/"
- "/components/freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel-V10.5.1/"
# Segger SystemView (upstream source code).
# Could also try to find suitable astyle options, instead.
- "/components/app_trace/sys_view/Config/"
- "/components/app_trace/sys_view/Sample/"
- "/components/app_trace/sys_view/SEGGER/"
# SoC header files (generated)
- "/components/soc/*/include/soc/"
2023-09-27 21:43:12 -04:00
# Example resource files (generated)
- "/examples/peripherals/lcd/i80_controller/main/images/"
- "/examples/peripherals/dac/dac_continuous/dac_audio/main/audio_example_file.h"
2022-09-08 02:48:30 -04:00
# Docs directory contains some .inc files, which are not C include files
# and should not be formatted
check: false
- "/docs/**/*.inc"