A few actual packets are collected and exported as bins in the ```in``` folder, which is then passed as input to AFL when testing. The setup procedure for the test includes all possible services and scenarios that could be used with the given input packets.The output of the parser before fuzzing can be found in [input_packets.txt](input_packets.txt)
## Building and running the tests using AFL
To build and run the tests using AFL(afl-clang-fast) instrumentation
cd $IDF_PATH/components/mdns/test_afl_host
make fuzz
(Please note you have to install AFL instrumentation first, check `Installing AFL` section)
## Building the tests using GCC INSTR(off)
To build the tests without AFL instrumentations and instead of that use GCC compiler(In this case it will only check for compilation issues and will not run AFL tests).
To run the test yourself, you need to dounload the [latest afl archive](http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/releases/afl-latest.tgz) and extract it to a folder on your computer.
The rest of the document will refer to that folder as ```PATH_TO_AFL```.
After successful compilation, you can export the following variables to your shell (you can also add them to your profile if you want to use AFL in other projects).
Please note LLVM must be <=4.0.0, otherwise afl does not compile, as there are some limitations with building AFL on MacOS/Linux with the latest LLVM. Also, Windows build on cygwin is not fully supported.