2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
Test script for unit test case.
import re
import os
import sys
import time
import threading
# if we want to run test case outside `tiny-test-fw` folder,
# we need to insert tiny-test-fw path into sys path
test_fw_path = os.getenv("TEST_FW_PATH")
if test_fw_path and test_fw_path not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, test_fw_path)
import TinyFW
import IDF
import Utility
from DUT import ExpectTimeout
from IDF.IDFApp import UT
UT_APP_BOOT_UP_DONE = "Press ENTER to see the list of tests."
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
RESET_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(ets [\w]{3}\s+[\d]{1,2} [\d]{4} [\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}[^()]*\([\w].*?\))")
EXCEPTION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(Guru Meditation Error: Core\s+\d panic'ed \([\w].*?\))")
ABORT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(abort\(\) was called at PC 0x[a-eA-E\d]{8} on core \d)")
FINISH_PATTERN = re.compile(r"1 Tests (\d) Failures (\d) Ignored")
2018-05-21 14:50:27 +10:00
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
def format_test_case_config(test_case_data):
convert the test case data to unified format.
We need to following info to run unit test cases:
1. unit test app config
2. test case name
3. test case reset info
the formatted case config is a dict, with ut app config as keys. The value is a list of test cases.
Each test case is a dict with "name" and "reset" as keys. For example::
case_config = {
"default": [{"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "reset": "SW_CPU_RESET"}, {...}],
"psram": [{"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "reset": "SW_CPU_RESET"}],
If config is not specified for test case, then
:param test_case_data: string, list, or a dictionary list
:return: formatted data
case_config = dict()
def parse_case(one_case_data):
""" parse and format one case """
def process_reset_list(reset_list):
# strip space and remove white space only items
_output = list()
for _r in reset_list:
_data = _r.strip(" ")
if _data:
return _output
_case = dict()
if isinstance(one_case_data, str):
_temp = one_case_data.split(" [reset=")
_case["name"] = _temp[0]
_case["reset"] = process_reset_list(_temp[1][0:-1].split(","))
except IndexError:
_case["reset"] = list()
elif isinstance(one_case_data, dict):
_case = one_case_data.copy()
assert "name" in _case
if "reset" not in _case:
_case["reset"] = list()
if isinstance(_case["reset"], str):
_case["reset"] = process_reset_list(_case["reset"].split(","))
raise TypeError("Not supported type during parsing unit test case")
if "config" not in _case:
_case["config"] = "default"
return _case
if not isinstance(test_case_data, list):
test_case_data = [test_case_data]
for case_data in test_case_data:
parsed_case = parse_case(case_data)
except KeyError:
case_config[parsed_case["config"]] = [parsed_case]
return case_config
@TinyFW.test_method(app=UT, dut=IDF.IDFDUT, chip="ESP32", module="unit_test",
execution_time=1, env_tag="UT_T1_1")
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
def run_unit_test_cases(env, extra_data):
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
extra_data can be three types of value
1. as string:
1. "case_name"
2. "case_name [reset=RESET_REASON]"
2. as dict:
1. with key like {"name": "Intr_alloc test, shared ints"}
2. with key like {"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "reset": "SW_CPU_RESET", "config": "psram"}
3. as list of string or dict:
[case1, case2, case3, {"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "reset": "SW_CPU_RESET"}, ...]
:param extra_data: the case name or case list or case dictionary
:return: None
case_config = format_test_case_config(extra_data)
# we don't want stop on failed case (unless some special scenarios we can't handle)
# this flag is used to log if any of the case failed during executing
# Before exit test function this flag is used to log if the case fails
failed_cases = []
for ut_config in case_config:
2018-05-15 11:51:56 +08:00
Utility.console_log("Running unit test for config: " + ut_config, "O")
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
dut = env.get_dut("unit-test-app", app_path=ut_config)
for one_case in case_config[ut_config]:
# esptool ``run`` cmd takes quite long time.
# before reset finish, serial port is closed. therefore DUT could already bootup before serial port opened.
# this could cause checking bootup print failed.
# now we input cmd `-`, and check either bootup print or test history,
# to determine if DUT is ready to test.
dut.write("-", flush=False)
2018-05-21 14:50:27 +10:00
"0 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored", timeout=STARTUP_TIMEOUT)
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
# run test case
dut.expect("Running " + one_case["name"] + "...")
exception_reset_list = []
# we want to set this flag in callbacks (inner functions)
# use list here so we can use append to set this flag
test_finish = list()
# expect callbacks
def one_case_finish(result):
""" one test finished, let expect loop break and log result """
if result:
Utility.console_log("Success: " + one_case["name"], color="green")
Utility.console_log("Failed: " + one_case["name"], color="red")
def handle_exception_reset(data):
just append data to exception list.
exception list will be checked in ``handle_reset_finish``, once reset finished.
def handle_test_finish(data):
""" test finished without reset """
# in this scenario reset should not happen
assert not exception_reset_list
if int(data[1]):
# case ignored
Utility.console_log("Ignored: " + one_case["name"], color="orange")
one_case_finish(not int(data[0]))
def handle_reset_finish(data):
""" reset happened and reboot finished """
assert exception_reset_list # reboot but no exception/reset logged. should never happen
result = False
if len(one_case["reset"]) == len(exception_reset_list):
for i, exception in enumerate(exception_reset_list):
if one_case["reset"][i] not in exception:
result = True
if not result:
Utility.console_log("""Reset Check Failed: \r\n\tExpected: {}\r\n\tGet: {}"""
.format(one_case["reset"], exception_reset_list),
while not test_finish:
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
dut.expect_any((RESET_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(EXCEPTION_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(ABORT_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(FINISH_PATTERN, handle_test_finish),
(UT_APP_BOOT_UP_DONE, handle_reset_finish),
2018-05-21 14:50:27 +10:00
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
except ExpectTimeout:
Utility.console_log("Timeout in expect", color="orange")
# raise exception if any case fails
if failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("Failed Cases:", color="red")
for _case_name in failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("\t" + _case_name, color="red")
raise AssertionError("Unit Test Failed")
class Handler(threading.Thread):
WAIT_SIGNAL_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Waiting for signal: \[(.+)\]!')
SEND_SIGNAL_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Send signal: \[(.+)\]!')
FINISH_PATTERN = re.compile(r"1 Tests (\d) Failures (\d) Ignored")
2018-05-21 14:50:27 +10:00
def __init__(self, dut, sent_signal_list, lock, parent_case_name, child_case_index, timeout):
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
self.dut = dut
self.sent_signal_list = sent_signal_list
self.lock = lock
self.parent_case_name = parent_case_name
self.child_case_name = ""
self.child_case_index = child_case_index + 1
self.finish = False
self.result = False
self.fail_name = None
self.timeout = timeout
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="{} Handler".format(dut))
def run(self):
def get_child_case_name(data):
self.child_case_name = data[0]
def one_device_case_finish(result):
""" one test finished, let expect loop break and log result """
self.finish = True
self.result = result
if not result:
self.fail_name = self.child_case_name
def device_wait_action(data):
start_time = time.time()
expected_signal = data[0]
while 1:
if time.time() > start_time + self.timeout:
Utility.console_log("Timeout in device for function: %s"%self.child_case_name, color="orange")
with self.lock:
if expected_signal in self.sent_signal_list:
self.dut.write(" ")
def device_send_action(data):
with self.lock:
def handle_device_test_finish(data):
""" test finished without reset """
# in this scenario reset should not happen
if int(data[1]):
# case ignored
Utility.console_log("Ignored: " + self.child_case_name, color="orange")
one_device_case_finish(not int(data[0]))
self.dut.write("-", flush=False)
self.dut.expect_any(UT_APP_BOOT_UP_DONE, "0 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored")
self.dut.expect("Running " + self.parent_case_name + "...")
while not self.finish:
self.dut.expect_any((re.compile('\(' + str(self.child_case_index) + '\)\s"(\w+)"'), get_child_case_name),
(self.WAIT_SIGNAL_PATTERN, device_wait_action), # wait signal pattern
(self.SEND_SIGNAL_PATTERN, device_send_action), # send signal pattern
(self.FINISH_PATTERN, handle_device_test_finish), # test finish pattern
2018-05-21 14:50:27 +10:00
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
except ExpectTimeout:
Utility.console_log("Timeout in expect", color="orange")
def get_case_info(one_case):
parent_case = one_case["name"]
child_case_num = one_case["child case num"]
return parent_case, child_case_num
def get_dut(duts, env, name, ut_config):
if name in duts:
dut = duts[name]
dut = env.get_dut(name, app_path=ut_config)
duts[name] = dut
return dut
def case_run(duts, ut_config, env, one_case, failed_cases):
lock = threading.RLock()
threads = []
send_signal_list = []
failed_device = []
result = True
parent_case, case_num = get_case_info(one_case)
for i in range(case_num):
dut = get_dut(duts, env, "dut%d" % i, ut_config)
threads.append(Handler(dut, send_signal_list, lock,
2018-05-21 14:50:27 +10:00
parent_case, i, one_case["timeout"]))
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:
result = result and thread.result
if not thread.result:
if result:
Utility.console_log("Success: " + one_case["name"], color="green")
Utility.console_log("Failed: " + one_case["name"], color="red")
@TinyFW.test_method(app=UT, dut=IDF.IDFDUT, chip="ESP32", module="master_slave_test_case", execution_time=1,
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
def run_multiple_devices_cases(env, extra_data):
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
extra_data can be two types of value
1. as dict:
{"name": "gpio master/slave test example",
"child case num": 2,
"config": "release",
"env_tag": "UT_T2_1"}
2. as list dict:
[{"name": "gpio master/slave test example1",
"child case num": 2,
"config": "release",
"env_tag": "UT_T2_1"},
{"name": "gpio master/slave test example2",
"child case num": 2,
"config": "release",
"env_tag": "UT_T2_1"}]
failed_cases = []
case_config = format_test_case_config(extra_data)
DUTS = {}
for ut_config in case_config:
2018-05-15 11:51:56 +08:00
Utility.console_log("Running unit test for config: " + ut_config, "O")
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
for one_case in case_config[ut_config]:
case_run(DUTS, ut_config, env, one_case, failed_cases)
if failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("Failed Cases:", color="red")
for _case_name in failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("\t" + _case_name, color="red")
raise AssertionError("Unit Test Failed")
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
@TinyFW.test_method(app=UT, dut=IDF.IDFDUT, chip="ESP32", module="unit_test",
execution_time=1, env_tag="UT_T1_1")
def run_multiple_stage_cases(env, extra_data):
extra_data can be 2 types of value
1. as dict: Mandantory keys: "name" and "child case num", optional keys: "reset" and others
3. as list of string or dict:
[case1, case2, case3, {"name": "restart from PRO CPU", "child case num": 2}, ...]
:param extra_data: the case name or case list or case dictionary
:return: None
case_config = format_test_case_config(extra_data)
# we don't want stop on failed case (unless some special scenarios we can't handle)
# this flag is used to log if any of the case failed during executing
# Before exit test function this flag is used to log if the case fails
failed_cases = []
for ut_config in case_config:
2018-05-15 11:51:56 +08:00
Utility.console_log("Running unit test for config: " + ut_config, "O")
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
dut = env.get_dut("unit-test-app", app_path=ut_config)
for one_case in case_config[ut_config]:
dut.write("-", flush=False)
"0 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored")
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
exception_reset_list = []
2018-01-31 18:59:10 +08:00
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
for test_stage in range(one_case["child case num"]):
# select multi stage test case name
dut.expect("Running " + one_case["name"] + "...")
# select test function for current stage
dut.write(str(test_stage + 1))
# we want to set this flag in callbacks (inner functions)
# use list here so we can use append to set this flag
stage_finish = list()
def last_stage():
return test_stage == one_case["child case num"] - 1
def check_reset():
if one_case["reset"]:
assert exception_reset_list # reboot but no exception/reset logged. should never happen
result = False
if len(one_case["reset"]) == len(exception_reset_list):
for i, exception in enumerate(exception_reset_list):
if one_case["reset"][i] not in exception:
result = True
if not result:
Utility.console_log("""Reset Check Failed: \r\n\tExpected: {}\r\n\tGet: {}"""
.format(one_case["reset"], exception_reset_list),
# we allow omit reset in multi stage cases
result = True
return result
# expect callbacks
def one_case_finish(result):
""" one test finished, let expect loop break and log result """
# handle test finish
result = result and check_reset()
if result:
Utility.console_log("Success: " + one_case["name"], color="green")
Utility.console_log("Failed: " + one_case["name"], color="red")
def handle_exception_reset(data):
just append data to exception list.
exception list will be checked in ``handle_reset_finish``, once reset finished.
def handle_test_finish(data):
""" test finished without reset """
# in this scenario reset should not happen
if int(data[1]):
# case ignored
Utility.console_log("Ignored: " + one_case["name"], color="orange")
# only passed in last stage will be regarded as real pass
if last_stage():
one_case_finish(not int(data[0]))
Utility.console_log("test finished before enter last stage", color="orange")
def handle_next_stage(data):
""" reboot finished. we goto next stage """
if last_stage():
# already last stage, should never goto next stage
Utility.console_log("didn't finish at last stage", color="orange")
while not stage_finish:
dut.expect_any((RESET_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(EXCEPTION_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(ABORT_PATTERN, handle_exception_reset),
(FINISH_PATTERN, handle_test_finish),
(UT_APP_BOOT_UP_DONE, handle_next_stage),
2018-05-21 14:50:27 +10:00
2018-03-09 14:50:34 +08:00
except ExpectTimeout:
Utility.console_log("Timeout in expect", color="orange")
if stage_finish[0] == "break":
# test breaks on current stage
# raise exception if any case fails
if failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("Failed Cases:", color="red")
for _case_name in failed_cases:
Utility.console_log("\t" + _case_name, color="red")
raise AssertionError("Unit Test Failed")
if __name__ == '__main__':
run_multiple_devices_cases(extra_data={"name": "gpio master/slave test example",
"child case num": 2,
"config": "release",
"env_tag": "UT_T2_1"})