unsignedintdc_high_on_cmd:1;/*!< If enabled, DC level = 1 indicates command transfer */
unsignedintdc_low_on_data:1;/*!< If enabled, DC level = 0 indicates color data transfer */
unsignedintdc_low_on_param:1;/*!< If enabled, DC level = 0 indicates parameter transfer */
unsignedintoctal_mode:1;/*!< transmit with octal mode (8 data lines), this mode is used to simulate Intel 8080 timing */
unsignedintquad_mode:1;/*!< transmit with quad mode (4 data lines), this mode is useful when transmitting LCD parameters (Only use one line for command) */
unsignedintsio_mode:1;/*!< Read and write through a single data line (MOSI) */
unsignedintlsb_first:1;/*!< transmit LSB bit first */
unsignedintcs_high_active:1;/*!< CS line is high active */
}flags;/*!< Extra flags to fine-tune the SPI device */