2024-04-01 20:01:06 +08:00
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"
#include "esp_vfs_fat.h"
#include "sdmmc_cmd.h"
#include "driver/sdmmc_host.h"
#include "driver/jpeg_encode.h"
2024-04-18 10:31:50 +08:00
#include "sd_pwr_ctrl_by_on_chip_ldo.h"
2024-04-01 20:01:06 +08:00
static const char *TAG = "jpeg.example";
static sdmmc_card_t *s_card;
#define MOUNT_POINT "/sdcard"
const static char s_infile_1080p[] = "/sdcard/esp1080.rgb";
const static char s_outfile_1080p[] = "/sdcard/outjpg.jpg";
static esp_err_t sdcard_init(void)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount_config_t mount_config = {
.format_if_mount_failed = true,
.format_if_mount_failed = false,
.max_files = 5,
.allocation_unit_size = 16 * 1024
const char mount_point[] = MOUNT_POINT;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing SD card");
sdmmc_host_t host = SDMMC_HOST_DEFAULT();
host.max_freq_khz = SDMMC_FREQ_HIGHSPEED;
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sd_pwr_ctrl_ldo_config_t ldo_config = {
.ldo_chan_id = 4, // `LDO_VO4` is used as the SDMMC IO power
sd_pwr_ctrl_handle_t pwr_ctrl_handle = NULL;
ret = sd_pwr_ctrl_new_on_chip_ldo(&ldo_config, &pwr_ctrl_handle);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to new an on-chip ldo power control driver");
return ret;
host.pwr_ctrl_handle = pwr_ctrl_handle;
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// This initializes the slot without card detect (CD) and write protect (WP) signals.
// Modify slot_config.gpio_cd and slot_config.gpio_wp if your board has these signals.
sdmmc_slot_config_t slot_config = SDMMC_SLOT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
slot_config.width = 4;
ret = esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount(mount_point, &host, &slot_config, &mount_config, &s_card);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
if (ret == ESP_FAIL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to mount filesystem. "
"If you want the card to be formatted, set the EXAMPLE_FORMAT_IF_MOUNT_FAILED menuconfig option.");
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to initialize the card (%s). "
"Make sure SD card lines have pull-up resistors in place.", esp_err_to_name(ret));
return ret;
// Card has been initialized, print its properties
sdmmc_card_print_info(stdout, s_card);
return ret;
static void sdcard_deinit(void)
const char mount_point[] = MOUNT_POINT;
esp_vfs_fat_sdcard_unmount(mount_point, s_card);
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esp_err_t ret = sd_pwr_ctrl_del_on_chip_ldo(s_card->host.pwr_ctrl_handle);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to delete on-chip ldo power control driver");
2024-04-01 20:01:06 +08:00
void app_main(void)
uint32_t raw_size_1080p;
uint32_t jpg_size_1080p;
jpeg_encoder_handle_t jpeg_handle;
FILE *file_raw_1080p = fopen(s_infile_1080p, "rb");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "s_infile_1080p:%s", s_infile_1080p);
if (file_raw_1080p == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "fopen file_raw_1080p error");
jpeg_encode_engine_cfg_t encode_eng_cfg = {
.timeout_ms = 70,
jpeg_encode_memory_alloc_cfg_t rx_mem_cfg = {
.buffer_direction = JPEG_DEC_ALLOC_OUTPUT_BUFFER,
jpeg_encode_memory_alloc_cfg_t tx_mem_cfg = {
.buffer_direction = JPEG_DEC_ALLOC_INPUT_BUFFER,
2024-04-07 17:11:41 +08:00
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(jpeg_new_encoder_engine(&encode_eng_cfg, &jpeg_handle));
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// Read 1080p raw picture
fseek(file_raw_1080p, 0, SEEK_END);
raw_size_1080p = ftell(file_raw_1080p);
fseek(file_raw_1080p, 0, SEEK_SET);
size_t tx_buffer_size = 0;
uint8_t *raw_buf_1080p = (uint8_t*)jpeg_alloc_encoder_mem(raw_size_1080p, &tx_mem_cfg, &tx_buffer_size);
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assert(raw_buf_1080p != NULL);
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fread(raw_buf_1080p, 1, raw_size_1080p, file_raw_1080p);
size_t rx_buffer_size = 0;
uint8_t *jpg_buf_1080p = (uint8_t*)jpeg_alloc_encoder_mem(raw_size_1080p / 10, &rx_mem_cfg, &rx_buffer_size); // Assume that compression ratio of 10 to 1
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assert(jpg_buf_1080p != NULL);
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jpeg_encode_cfg_t enc_config = {
.sub_sample = JPEG_DOWN_SAMPLING_YUV422,
.image_quality = 80,
.width = 1920,
.height = 1080,
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ESP_ERROR_CHECK(jpeg_encoder_process(jpeg_handle, &enc_config, raw_buf_1080p, raw_size_1080p, jpg_buf_1080p, rx_buffer_size, &jpg_size_1080p));
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FILE *file_jpg_1080p = fopen(s_outfile_1080p, "wb");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "outfile:%s", s_outfile_1080p);
if (file_jpg_1080p == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "fopen file_jpg_1080p error");
fwrite(jpg_buf_1080p, 1, jpg_size_1080p, file_jpg_1080p);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Card unmounted");