This example illustrates the usage of the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) APIs of the [Console Component]( to create an interactive shell on the ESP chip. The interactive shell running on the ESP chip can then be controlled/interacted with over a serial interface. This example supports UART and USB interfaces.
The interactive shell implemented in this example contains a wide variety of commands, and can act as a basis for applications that require a command-line interface (CLI).
Compared to the [advanced console example](../advanced), this example requires less code to initialize and run the console. `esp_console_repl` API handles most of the details. If you'd like to customize the way console works (for example, process console commands in an existing task), please check the advanced console example.
When UART interface is used, this example should run on any commonly available Espressif development board. UART interface is enabled by default (`CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART_DEFAULT` option in menuconfig). No extra configuration is required.
Enter the `help` command get a full list of all available commands. The following is a sample session of the Console Example where a variety of commands provided by the Console Example are used.
On ESP32, GPIO15 may be connected to GND to remove the boot log output.
The line endings in the Console Example are configured to match particular serial monitors. Therefore, if the following log output appears, consider using a different serial monitor (e.g. Putty for Windows) or modify the example's [UART configuration](#Configuring-UART-and-VFS).
This is an example of ESP-IDF console component.
Type 'help' to get the list of commands.
Use UP/DOWN arrows to navigate through command history.
Press TAB when typing command name to auto-complete.
Your terminal application does not support escape sequences.