-:example:`bluetooth/bluedroid/classic_bt/bt_spp_acceptor` demonstrates how to use Bluetooth capabilities to create a Serial Port Protocol (SPP) acceptor that acts as a server and integrate Secure Simple Pairing (SSP). This example also includes a demo for communicating with an SPP initiator that acts as a client.
-:example:`bluetooth/bluedroid/classic_bt/bt_spp_initiator` demonstrates how to use Bluetooth capabilities to create an SPP initiator that performs as a client and integrate SSP. This example also includes a demo for communicating with an SPP acceptor that acts as a server.
-:example:`bluetooth/bluedroid/classic_bt/bt_spp_vfs_initiator` demonstrates how to use SPP APIs to create an SPP initiator that acts as a client and communicates with an SPP acceptor, using Virtual File System (VFS) interface to send and receive data.