spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
#include "test/test_common_spi.h"
#include "driver/spi_master.h"
#include "driver/spi_slave.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "soc/spi_periph.h"
#include "test/test_common_spi.h"
* Test By Internal Connections
static void local_test_init(void** context);
static void local_test_deinit(void* context);
static void local_test_loop(const void *test_param, void* context);
static const ptest_func_t local_test_func = {
.pre_test = local_test_init,
.post_test = local_test_deinit,
.loop = local_test_loop,
.def_param = spitest_def_param,
#define TEST_SPI_LOCAL(name, param_set) \
PARAM_GROUP_DECLARE(name, param_set) \
TEST_LOCAL(name, param_set, "[spi][timeout=120]", &local_test_func)
static void local_test_init(void** arg)
*arg = malloc(sizeof(spitest_context_t));
spitest_context_t* context = (spitest_context_t*)*arg;
context->slave_context = (spi_slave_task_context_t){};
esp_err_t err = init_slave_context( &context->slave_context);
xTaskCreate(spitest_slave_task, "spi_slave", 4096, &context->slave_context, 0, &context->handle_slave);
static void local_test_deinit(void* arg)
spitest_context_t* context = arg;
context->handle_slave = 0;
static void local_test_start(spi_device_handle_t *spi, int freq, const spitest_param_set_t* pset, spitest_context_t* context)
//master config
spi_bus_config_t buscfg = SPI_BUS_TEST_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg = SPI_DEVICE_TEST_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
spi_slave_interface_config_t slvcfg = SPI_SLAVE_TEST_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
//pin config & initialize
//we can't have two sets of iomux pins on the same pins
assert(!pset->master_iomux || !pset->slave_iomux);
if (pset->slave_iomux) {
//only in this case, use VSPI iomux pins
buscfg.miso_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MISO;
buscfg.mosi_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MOSI;
buscfg.sclk_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CLK;
devcfg.spics_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CS;
slvcfg.spics_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CS;
} else {
buscfg.miso_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MISO;
buscfg.mosi_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MOSI;
buscfg.sclk_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CLK;
devcfg.spics_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CS;
slvcfg.spics_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CS;
//this does nothing, but avoid the driver from using iomux pins if required
buscfg.quadhd_io_num = (!pset->master_iomux && !pset->slave_iomux ? VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MISO : -1);
devcfg.mode = pset->mode;
const int cs_pretrans_max = 15;
if (pset->dup == HALF_DUPLEX_MISO) {
devcfg.cs_ena_pretrans = cs_pretrans_max;
devcfg.flags |= SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX;
} else if (pset->dup == HALF_DUPLEX_MOSI) {
devcfg.cs_ena_pretrans = cs_pretrans_max;
devcfg.flags |= SPI_DEVICE_NO_DUMMY;
} else {
devcfg.cs_ena_pretrans = cs_pretrans_max;
const int cs_posttrans_max = 15;
devcfg.cs_ena_posttrans = cs_posttrans_max;
devcfg.input_delay_ns = pset->slave_tv_ns;
devcfg.clock_speed_hz = freq;
if (pset->master_limit != 0 && freq > pset->master_limit) devcfg.flags |= SPI_DEVICE_NO_DUMMY;
//slave config
slvcfg.mode = pset->mode;
slave_pull_up(&buscfg, slvcfg.spics_io_num);
2018-09-30 19:00:06 +08:00
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_bus_initialize(TEST_SPI_HOST, &buscfg, pset->master_dma_chan));
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_bus_add_device(TEST_SPI_HOST, &devcfg, spi));
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
//slave automatically use iomux pins if pins are on VSPI_* pins
buscfg.quadhd_io_num = -1;
2018-09-30 19:00:06 +08:00
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_slave_initialize(TEST_SLAVE_HOST, &buscfg, &slvcfg, pset->slave_dma_chan));
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
//initialize master and slave on the same pins break some of the output configs, fix them
if (pset->master_iomux) {
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.mosi_io_num, FUNC_SPI, HSPID_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.miso_io_num, FUNC_GPIO, VSPIQ_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(devcfg.spics_io_num, FUNC_SPI, HSPICS0_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.sclk_io_num, FUNC_SPI, HSPICLK_OUT_IDX);
} else if (pset->slave_iomux) {
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.mosi_io_num, FUNC_GPIO, HSPID_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.miso_io_num, FUNC_SPI, VSPIQ_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(devcfg.spics_io_num, FUNC_GPIO, HSPICS0_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.sclk_io_num, FUNC_GPIO, HSPICLK_OUT_IDX);
} else {
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.mosi_io_num, FUNC_GPIO, HSPID_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.miso_io_num, FUNC_GPIO, VSPIQ_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(devcfg.spics_io_num, FUNC_GPIO, HSPICS0_OUT_IDX);
spitest_gpio_output_sel(buscfg.sclk_io_num, FUNC_GPIO, HSPICLK_OUT_IDX);
//prepare slave tx data
for (int k = 0; k < pset->test_size; k++)
xQueueSend(context->slave_context.data_to_send, &context->slave_trans[k], portMAX_DELAY);
//clear master receive buffer
memset(context->master_rxbuf, 0x66, sizeof(context->master_rxbuf));
static void local_test_loop(const void* arg1, void* arg2)
const spitest_param_set_t *pset = arg1;
spitest_context_t *context = arg2;
spi_device_handle_t spi;
spitest_init_transactions(pset, context);
const int *timing_speed_array = pset->freq_list;
ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "****************** %s ***************", pset->pset_name);
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
const int freq = timing_speed_array[i];
if (freq==0) break;
if (pset->freq_limit && freq > pset->freq_limit) break;
ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "======> %dk", freq / 1000);
local_test_start(&spi, freq, pset, context);
for (int k = 0; k < pset->test_size; k++) {
//wait for both master and slave end
ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "=> test%d", k);
//send master tx data
spi_transaction_t *t = &context->master_trans[k];
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_device_transmit(spi, t));
int len = get_trans_len(pset->dup, t);
spitest_master_print_data(t, len);
size_t rcv_len;
slave_rxdata_t *rcv_data = xRingbufferReceive(context->slave_context.data_received, &rcv_len, portMAX_DELAY);
spitest_slave_print_data(rcv_data, true);
//check result
bool check_master_data = (pset->dup!=HALF_DUPLEX_MOSI &&
(pset->master_limit==0 || freq <= pset->master_limit));
bool check_slave_data = (pset->dup!=HALF_DUPLEX_MISO);
const bool check_len = true;
if (!check_master_data) ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "skip master data check");
if (!check_slave_data) ESP_LOGI(SLAVE_TAG, "skip slave data check");
TEST_ESP_OK(spitest_check_data(len, t, rcv_data, check_master_data, check_len, check_slave_data));
vRingbufferReturnItem(context->slave_context.data_received, rcv_data);
2018-09-30 19:00:06 +08:00
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
/************ Timing Test ***********************************************/
static spitest_param_set_t timing_pgroup[] = {
{ .pset_name = "FULL_DUP, MASTER IOMUX",
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.master_iomux = true,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT_GPIO,
{ .pset_name = "FULL_DUP, SLAVE IOMUX",
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "FULL_DUP, BOTH GPIO",
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_10M,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT_GPIO,
{ .pset_name = "MISO_DUP, MASTER IOMUX",
.master_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ_SYNC,
.master_iomux = true,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT_GPIO+12.5,
//for freq lower than 20M, the delay is 60(62.5)ns, however, the delay becomes 75ns over 26M
{ .pset_name = "MISO_DUP, SLAVE IOMUX",
//.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ_SYNC,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT+12.5,
//for freq lower than 20M, the delay is 60(62.5)ns, however, the delay becomes 75ns over 26M
{ .pset_name = "MISO_DUP, BOTH GPIO",
//.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ_SYNC,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT_GPIO+12.5,
//for freq lower than 20M, the delay is 60(62.5)ns, however, the delay becomes 75ns over 26M
{ .pset_name = "MOSI_DUP, MASTER IOMUX",
.master_iomux = true,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT_GPIO,
{ .pset_name = "MOSI_DUP, SLAVE IOMUX",
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "MOSI_DUP, BOTH GPIO",
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT_GPIO,
TEST_SPI_LOCAL(TIMING, timing_pgroup)
/************ Mode Test ***********************************************/
static int test_freq_mode_local[]={
SPI_MASTER_FREQ_9M, //maximum freq MISO stable before next latch edge
static spitest_param_set_t mode_pgroup[] = {
{ .pset_name = "Mode 0",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.mode = 0,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "Mode 1",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.freq_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_26M,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.mode = 1,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "Mode 2",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.mode = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "Mode 3",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.freq_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_26M,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.mode = 3,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "Mode 0, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.mode = 0,
.slave_dma_chan = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT, //at 16M, the MISO delay (-0.5T+(3+2)apb) equals to non-DMA mode delay (3apb).
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "Mode 1, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.freq_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_26M,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.mode = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "Mode 2, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.mode = 2,
.slave_dma_chan = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT, //at 16M, the MISO delay (-0.5T+(3+2)apb) equals to non-DMA mode delay (3apb).
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "Mode 3, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.freq_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_26M,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_13M,
.mode = 3,
.slave_dma_chan = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
.length_aligned = true,
// MISO ////////////////////////////////////
{ .pset_name = "MISO, Mode 0",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.mode = 0,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "MISO, Mode 1",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.mode = 1,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "MISO, Mode 2",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.mode = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "MISO, Mode 3",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.mode = 3,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
{ .pset_name = "MISO, Mode 0, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.mode = 0,
.slave_dma_chan = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT+12.5, //at 16M, the MISO delay (-0.5T+(3+2)apb) equals to non-DMA mode delay (3apb).
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "MISO, Mode 1, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.mode = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "MISO, Mode 2, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.mode = 2,
.slave_dma_chan = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT+12.5, //at 16M, the MISO delay (-0.5T+(3+2)apb) equals to non-DMA mode delay (3apb).
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "MISO, Mode 3, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_local,
.mode = 3,
.slave_dma_chan = 2,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_INT_CONNECT,
.length_aligned = true,
TEST_SPI_LOCAL(MODE, mode_pgroup)
* Test By Master & Slave (2 boards)
2019-02-28 19:37:17 +08:00
* Wiring:
* | Master | Slave |
* | ------ | ----- |
* | 12 | 19 |
* | 13 | 23 |
* | 14 | 18 |
* | 15 | 5 |
* | GND | GND |
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
static void test_master_init(void** context);
static void test_master_deinit(void* context);
static void test_master_loop(const void *test_cfg, void* context);
static const ptest_func_t master_test_func = {
.pre_test = test_master_init,
.post_test = test_master_deinit,
.loop = test_master_loop,
.def_param = spitest_def_param,
static void test_slave_init(void** context);
static void test_slave_deinit(void* context);
static void test_slave_loop(const void *test_cfg, void* context);
static const ptest_func_t slave_test_func = {
.pre_test = test_slave_init,
.post_test = test_slave_deinit,
.loop = test_slave_loop,
.def_param = spitest_def_param,
2019-02-27 14:32:24 +08:00
#define TEST_SPI_MASTER_SLAVE(name, param_group, extra_tag) \
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
PARAM_GROUP_DECLARE(name, param_group) \
2019-02-27 14:32:24 +08:00
TEST_MASTER_SLAVE(name, param_group, "[spi_ms][test_env=Example_SPI_Multi_device][timeout=120]"#extra_tag, &master_test_func, &slave_test_func)
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
/************ Master Code ***********************************************/
static void test_master_init(void** arg)
*arg = malloc(sizeof(spitest_context_t));
spitest_context_t* context = *arg;
context->slave_context = (spi_slave_task_context_t){};
esp_err_t err = init_slave_context(&context->slave_context);
static void test_master_deinit(void* arg)
spitest_context_t* context = (spitest_context_t*)arg;
static void test_master_start(spi_device_handle_t *spi, int freq, const spitest_param_set_t* pset, spitest_context_t* context)
//master config
spi_bus_config_t buspset=SPI_BUS_TEST_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
buspset.miso_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MISO;
buspset.mosi_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MOSI;
buspset.sclk_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CLK;
//this does nothing, but avoid the driver from using native pins
if (!pset->master_iomux) buspset.quadhd_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MISO;
spi_device_interface_config_t devpset=SPI_DEVICE_TEST_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
devpset.spics_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CS;
devpset.mode = pset->mode;
const int cs_pretrans_max = 15;
if (pset->dup==HALF_DUPLEX_MISO) {
devpset.cs_ena_pretrans = cs_pretrans_max;
devpset.flags |= SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX;
} else if (pset->dup == HALF_DUPLEX_MOSI) {
devpset.cs_ena_pretrans = cs_pretrans_max;
devpset.flags |= SPI_DEVICE_NO_DUMMY;
} else {
devpset.cs_ena_pretrans = cs_pretrans_max;//20;
const int cs_posttrans_max = 15;
devpset.cs_ena_posttrans = cs_posttrans_max;
devpset.input_delay_ns = pset->slave_tv_ns;
devpset.clock_speed_hz = freq;
if (pset->master_limit != 0 && freq > pset->master_limit) devpset.flags |= SPI_DEVICE_NO_DUMMY;
2018-09-30 19:00:06 +08:00
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_bus_initialize(TEST_SPI_HOST, &buspset, pset->master_dma_chan));
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_bus_add_device(TEST_SPI_HOST, &devpset, spi));
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
//prepare data for the slave
for (int i = 0; i < pset->test_size; i ++) {
/* in the single board, the data is send to the slave task, then to the driver.
* However, in this test we don't know the data received by the slave.
* So we send to the return queue of the slave directly.
//xQueueSend( slave_context.data_to_send, &slave_txdata[i], portMAX_DELAY );
uint8_t slave_buffer[320+8];
int length;
if (pset->dup!=HALF_DUPLEX_MISO) {
length = context->master_trans[i].length;
} else {
length = context->master_trans[i].rxlength;
uint32_t* ptr = (uint32_t*)slave_buffer;
ptr[0] = length;
ptr[1] = (uint32_t)context->slave_trans[i].start;
if (context->master_trans[i].tx_buffer!=NULL) {
memcpy(ptr+2, context->master_trans[i].tx_buffer, (context->master_trans[i].length+7)/8);
//Send to return queue directly
xRingbufferSend(context->slave_context.data_received, slave_buffer, 8+(length+7)/8, portMAX_DELAY);
memset(context->master_rxbuf, 0x66, sizeof(context->master_rxbuf));
static void test_master_loop(const void *arg1, void* arg2)
const spitest_param_set_t *test_cfg = (spitest_param_set_t*)arg1;
spitest_context_t* context = (spitest_context_t*)arg2;
spi_device_handle_t spi;
spitest_init_transactions(test_cfg, context);
const int *timing_speed_array = test_cfg->freq_list;
ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "****************** %s ***************", test_cfg->pset_name);
for (int i=0; ; i++ ) {
const int freq = timing_speed_array[i];
if (freq==0) break;
if (test_cfg->freq_limit && freq > test_cfg->freq_limit) break;
ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "==============> %dk", freq/1000);
test_master_start(&spi, freq, test_cfg, context);
unity_wait_for_signal("slave ready");
for( int j= 0; j < test_cfg->test_size; j ++ ) {
//wait for both master and slave end
ESP_LOGI( MASTER_TAG, "=> test%d", j );
//send master tx data
spi_transaction_t *t = &context->master_trans[j];
TEST_ESP_OK (spi_device_transmit(spi, t) );
int len = get_trans_len(test_cfg->dup, t);
spitest_master_print_data(t, len);
size_t rcv_len;
slave_rxdata_t *rcv_data = xRingbufferReceive( context->slave_context.data_received, &rcv_len, portMAX_DELAY );
spitest_slave_print_data(rcv_data, false);
//check result
bool check_master_data = (test_cfg->dup != HALF_DUPLEX_MOSI &&
(test_cfg->master_limit == 0 || freq <= test_cfg->master_limit));
const bool check_slave_data = false;
const bool check_len = false;
if (!check_master_data) {
ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "skip data check due to duplex mode or freq.");
} else {
TEST_ESP_OK(spitest_check_data(len, t, rcv_data, check_master_data,
check_len, check_slave_data));
vRingbufferReturnItem( context->slave_context.data_received, rcv_data );
/************ Slave Code ***********************************************/
static void test_slave_init(void** arg)
*arg = malloc(sizeof(spitest_context_t));
spitest_context_t* context = (spitest_context_t*)*arg;
context->slave_context = (spi_slave_task_context_t){};
esp_err_t err = init_slave_context( &context->slave_context );
xTaskCreate( spitest_slave_task, "spi_slave", 4096, &context->slave_context, 0, &context->handle_slave);
static void test_slave_deinit(void* arg)
spitest_context_t* context = (spitest_context_t*)arg;
vTaskDelete( context->handle_slave );
context->handle_slave = 0;
static void timing_slave_start(int speed, const spitest_param_set_t* pset, spitest_context_t *context)
//slave config
spi_bus_config_t slv_buscfg=SPI_BUS_TEST_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
slv_buscfg.miso_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MISO;
slv_buscfg.mosi_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MOSI;
slv_buscfg.sclk_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CLK;
//this does nothing, but avoid the driver from using native pins
if (!pset->slave_iomux) slv_buscfg.quadhd_io_num = HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CLK;
spi_slave_interface_config_t slvcfg=SPI_SLAVE_TEST_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
slvcfg.spics_io_num = VSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CS;
slvcfg.mode = pset->mode;
//Enable pull-ups on SPI lines so we don't detect rogue pulses when no master is connected.
slave_pull_up(&slv_buscfg, slvcfg.spics_io_num);
2018-09-30 19:00:06 +08:00
TEST_ESP_OK(spi_slave_initialize(TEST_SLAVE_HOST, &slv_buscfg, &slvcfg, pset->slave_dma_chan));
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
//prepare data for the master
for (int i = 0; i < pset->test_size; i++) {
if (pset->dup==FULL_DUPLEX) {
memcpy(context->master_trans[i].rx_buffer, context->slave_trans[i].start, (context->master_trans[i].length+7)/8);
} else if (pset->dup==HALF_DUPLEX_MISO) {
memcpy(context->master_trans[i].rx_buffer, context->slave_trans[i].start, (context->master_trans[i].rxlength+7)/8);
static void test_slave_loop(const void *arg1, void* arg2)
const spitest_param_set_t *pset = (spitest_param_set_t*)arg1;
spitest_context_t* context = (spitest_context_t*)arg2;
ESP_LOGI(SLAVE_TAG, "****************** %s ***************", pset->pset_name);
spitest_init_transactions(pset, context);
const int *timing_speed_array = pset->freq_list;
for (int i=0; ; i++ ) {
const int freq = timing_speed_array[i];
if (freq==0) break;
if (pset->freq_limit != 0 && freq > pset->freq_limit) break;
ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "==============> %dk", timing_speed_array[i]/1000);
//Initialize SPI slave interface
timing_slave_start(freq, pset, context);
//prepare slave tx data
for (int i = 0; i < pset->test_size; i ++) {
xQueueSend( context->slave_context.data_to_send, &context->slave_trans[i], portMAX_DELAY );
//memcpy(context->master_trans[i].rx_buffer, context->slave_trans[i].start, (context->master_trans[i].length+7)/8);
unity_send_signal("slave ready");
for( int i= 0; i < pset->test_size; i ++ ) {
//wait for both master and slave end
ESP_LOGI( MASTER_TAG, "===== test%d =====", i );
//send master tx data
spi_transaction_t *t = &context->master_trans[i];
int len = get_trans_len(pset->dup, t);
spitest_master_print_data(t, FULL_DUPLEX);
size_t rcv_len;
slave_rxdata_t *rcv_data = xRingbufferReceive( context->slave_context.data_received, &rcv_len, portMAX_DELAY );
spitest_slave_print_data(rcv_data, true);
//check result
const bool check_master_data = false;
bool check_slave_data = (pset->dup!=HALF_DUPLEX_MISO);
const bool check_len = true;
TEST_ESP_OK(spitest_check_data(len, t, rcv_data, check_master_data, check_len, check_slave_data));
vRingbufferReturnItem( context->slave_context.data_received, rcv_data );
2018-09-30 19:00:06 +08:00
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
/************ Timing Test ***********************************************/
static spitest_param_set_t timing_conf[] = {
{ .pset_name = "FULL_DUP, BOTH IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_16M,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
{ .pset_name = "FULL_DUP, MASTER IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_11M,
.master_iomux = true,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE_GPIO,
{ .pset_name = "FULL_DUP, SLAVE IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_11M,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
{ .pset_name = "FULL_DUP, BOTH GPIO",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_limit = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_9M,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE_GPIO,
{ .pset_name = "MOSI_DUP, BOTH IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
{ .pset_name = "MOSI_DUP, MASTER IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE_GPIO,
{ .pset_name = "MOSI_DUP, SLAVE IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_iomux= false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
{ .pset_name = "MOSI_DUP, BOTH GPIO",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_iomux= false,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE_GPIO,
{ .pset_name = "MISO_DUP, BOTH IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_iomux = true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
{ .pset_name = "MISO_DUP, MASTER IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_iomux = true,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE_GPIO,
{ .pset_name = "MISO_DUP, SLAVE IOMUX",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
{ .pset_name = "MISO_DUP, BOTH GPIO",
.freq_limit = ESP_SPI_SLAVE_MAX_FREQ,
.master_iomux = false,
.slave_iomux = false,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE_GPIO,
2019-02-27 14:32:24 +08:00
spi: add new test for timing and mode
New unit tests added
**Local:** Local test uses the GPIO matrix to connect the master and the
slave on the same board. When the master needs the iomux, the master
uses the GPIOs of its own, the slave connect to the pins by GPIO matrix;
When the slave needs the iomux, the slave uses the GPIOs of its own, the
master connects to the pins by GPIO matrix.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
**M & S**: Master & slave tests performs the test with two boards. The
master and slave use iomux or gpio matrix according to the config.
- Provide a new unit test which performs freq scanning in mode 0. It
scans frequency of 1M, 8M, 9M and all frequency steps up to the maximum
frequency allowed.
- Provide a new unit test which performs mode test with significant
frequencies. It tests mode 0,1,2,3 with low frequency, and the maximum
frequency allowed.
2018-09-21 16:48:04 +08:00
/************ Mode Test ***********************************************/
//Set to this input delay so that the master will read with delay until 7M
#define DELAY_HCLK_UNTIL_7M 12.5*3
static int test_freq_mode_ms[]={
SPI_MASTER_FREQ_8M, //maximum freq MISO stable before next latch edge
SPI_MASTER_FREQ_9M, //maximum freq MISO stable before next latch edge
static int test_freq_20M_only[]={
spitest_param_set_t mode_conf[] = {
//non-DMA tests
{ .pset_name = "mode 0, no DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_ms,
.master_limit = FREQ_LIMIT_MODE,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 0,
{ .pset_name = "mode 1, no DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_ms,
.master_limit = FREQ_LIMIT_MODE,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 1,
{ .pset_name = "mode 2, no DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_ms,
.master_limit = FREQ_LIMIT_MODE,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 2,
{ .pset_name = "mode 3, no DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_ms,
.master_limit = FREQ_LIMIT_MODE,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 3,
//the master can only read to 16MHz, use half-duplex mode to read at 20.
{ .pset_name = "mode 0, no DMA, 20M",
.freq_list = test_freq_20M_only,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 0,
{ .pset_name = "mode 1, no DMA, 20M",
.freq_list = test_freq_20M_only,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 1,
{ .pset_name = "mode 2, no DMA, 20M",
.freq_list = test_freq_20M_only,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 2,
{ .pset_name = "mode 3, no DMA, 20M",
.freq_list = test_freq_20M_only,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 3,
//DMA tests
{ .pset_name = "mode 0, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_ms,
.master_limit = FREQ_LIMIT_MODE,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = DELAY_HCLK_UNTIL_7M,
.mode = 0,
.master_dma_chan = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 1,
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "mode 1, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_ms,
.master_limit = FREQ_LIMIT_MODE,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 1,
.master_dma_chan = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 1,
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "mode 2, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_ms,
.master_limit = FREQ_LIMIT_MODE,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = DELAY_HCLK_UNTIL_7M,
.mode = 2,
.master_dma_chan = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 1,
.length_aligned = true,
{ .pset_name = "mode 3, DMA",
.freq_list = test_freq_mode_ms,
.master_limit = FREQ_LIMIT_MODE,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 3,
.master_dma_chan = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 1,
.length_aligned = true,
//the master can only read to 16MHz, use half-duplex mode to read at 20.
{ .pset_name = "mode 0, DMA, 20M",
.freq_list = test_freq_20M_only,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 0,
.master_dma_chan = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 1,
{ .pset_name = "mode 1, DMA, 20M",
.freq_list = test_freq_20M_only,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 1,
.master_dma_chan = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 1,
{ .pset_name = "mode 2, DMA, 20M",
.freq_list = test_freq_20M_only,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 2,
.master_dma_chan = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 1,
{ .pset_name = "mode 3, DMA, 20M",
.freq_list = test_freq_20M_only,
.master_iomux= true,
.slave_iomux = true,
.slave_tv_ns = TV_WITH_ESP_SLAVE,
.mode = 3,
.master_dma_chan = 1,
.slave_dma_chan = 1,
2019-02-27 14:32:24 +08:00
TEST_SPI_MASTER_SLAVE(MODE, mode_conf, "[ignore]")