[esp_lcd](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/peripherals/lcd.html) provides several panel drivers out-of box, e.g. ST7789, SSD1306, NT35510. However, there're a lot of other panels on the market, it's beyond `esp_lcd` component's responsibility to include them all.
`esp_lcd` allows user to add their own panel drivers in the project scope (i.e. panel driver can live outside of esp-idf), so that the upper layer code like LVGL porting code can be reused without any modifications, as long as user-implemented panel driver follows the interface defined in the `esp_lcd` component.
This example shows how to use GC9A01 or ILI9341 display driver from Component manager in esp-idf project. These components are using API provided by `esp_lcd` component. This example will draw a fancy dash board with the LVGL library.
This example uses the [esp_timer](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/system/esp_timer.html) to generate the ticks needed by LVGL and uses a dedicated task to run the `lv_timer_handler()`. Since the LVGL APIs are not thread-safe, this example uses a mutex which be invoked before the call of `lv_timer_handler()` and released after it. The same mutex needs to be used in other tasks and threads around every LVGL (lv_...) related function call and code. For more porting guides, please refer to [LVGL porting doc](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/porting/index.html).
The GPIO number used by this example can be changed in [lvgl_example_main.c](main/spi_lcd_touch_example_main.c).
Especially, please pay attention to the level used to turn on the LCD backlight, some LCD module needs a low level to turn it on, while others take a high level. You can change the backlight level macro `EXAMPLE_LCD_BK_LIGHT_ON_LEVEL` in [lvgl_example_main.c](main/spi_lcd_touch_example_main.c).
The first time you run `idf.py` for the example will cost extra time as the build system needs to address the component dependencies and downloads the missing components from the ESP Component Registry into `managed_components` folder.
See the [Getting Started Guide](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/index.html) for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects.