This example performs advertises on different PHY, accepts connection from client app and gets disconnected. It then advertises on different PHY and does the same.
* Make sure to run `python -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt -r $IDF_PATH/tools/ble/requirements.txt` to install the dependency packages needed.
* Currently this Python utility is only supported on Linux (BLE communication is via BLuez + DBus).
## How to Use Example
Before project configuration and build, be sure to set the correct chip target using:
```bash set-target <chip_name>
### Hardware Required
* A development board with ESP32-C3 SoC (e.g., ESP-WROVER-KIT, etc.)
* A USB cable for Power supply and programming
See [Development Boards]( for more information about it.
### Configure the Project
Open the project configuration menu:
```bash menuconfig
### Build and Flash
Run ` -p PORT flash monitor` to build, flash and monitor the project.
(To exit the serial monitor, type ``Ctrl-]``.)
See the [Getting Started Guide]( for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects.
## Example Output
This is the console output on successful connection:
In main.c file, in bleprph_on_sync function, set the s_current_phy to the intended phy.
To advertise, using 2M Phy, set the s_current_phy to BLE_HCI_LE_PHY_2M_PREF_MASK.
To advertise, using Coded Phy, set the s_current_phy to BLE_HCI_LE_PHY_CODED_PREF_MASK
Recompile application and flash the image.
Since , in this mode, the central will initiate direct connection, ensure that peripheral is already advertising, before initiating connection from the central device.