2022-08-01 04:58:53 -04:00
2022-08-18 04:55:24 -04:00
* SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2022 - 2023 Espressif Systems ( Shanghai ) CO LTD
2022-08-01 04:58:53 -04:00
* SPDX - License - Identifier : Unlicense OR CC0 - 1.0
2020-12-29 23:08:59 -05:00
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <time.h>
# include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
# include "freertos/task.h"
# include "freertos/queue.h"
# include "freertos/semphr.h"
# include "unity.h"
2022-01-12 01:53:47 -05:00
# include "esp_random.h"
2020-12-29 23:08:59 -05:00
# include "touch_element/touch_element_private.h"
# include "touch_element/touch_button.h"
static portMUX_TYPE test_button_spinlock = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED ;
# define TEST_BUTTON_ENTER_CRITICAL() portENTER_CRITICAL(&test_button_spinlock)
# define TEST_BUTTON_EXIT_CRITICAL() portEXIT_CRITICAL(&test_button_spinlock)
static const touch_pad_t button_channel_array [ 14 ] = {
} ;
const uint8_t BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM = sizeof ( button_channel_array ) / sizeof ( touch_pad_t ) ;
typedef struct {
QueueHandle_t valid_msg_handle ;
SemaphoreHandle_t response_sig_handle ;
} test_monitor_t ;
typedef struct {
QueueHandle_t valid_msg_handle ;
SemaphoreHandle_t response_sig_handle ;
touch_button_handle_t button_handle ;
} test_concurrent_monitor_t ;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void test_button_event_simulator ( touch_button_handle_t button_handle , touch_button_event_t button_event ) ;
void test_button_event_check ( touch_elem_message_t * valid_message , touch_elem_message_t * current_message ) ;
static void test_button_callback_check ( touch_button_handle_t current_handle , touch_button_message_t * current_message , touch_elem_message_t * valid_message ) ;
void test_button_event_trigger_and_check ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_event_t button_event ) ;
void test_button_callback_trigger_and_check ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_event_t button_event , bool should_trigger , test_monitor_t * monitor ) ;
/* ------------------------------------------------ Dispatch method test -------------------------------------------- */
static void test_button_disp_event ( void ) ;
static void test_button_disp_callback ( void ) ;
void test_button_handler ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_message_t * message , void * arg ) ;
/* ------------------------------------------------ Run-time test --------------------------------------------------- */
static void test_button_event_change_lp ( void ) ;
static void test_button_callback_change_lp ( void ) ;
static void test_button_change_lp_handler ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_message_t * message , void * arg ) ;
/* ------------------------------------------------ Concurrent test ------------------------------------------------- */
static void test_button_event_concurrent ( void ) ;
static void test_button_random_trigger_concurrent ( void ) ;
void test_random_trigger_concurrent_task ( void * arg ) ;
static void random_trigger_concurrent_handler ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_message_t * message , void * arg ) ;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
TEST_CASE ( " Touch button dispatch methods test " , " [button][touch_element] " )
touch_elem_global_config_t global_config = TOUCH_ELEM_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_install ( & global_config ) ) ;
test_button_disp_event ( ) ;
test_button_disp_callback ( ) ;
touch_element_uninstall ( ) ;
TEST_CASE ( " Touch button run-time test " , " [button][touch_element] " )
touch_elem_global_config_t global_config = TOUCH_ELEM_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_install ( & global_config ) ) ;
test_button_event_change_lp ( ) ;
test_button_callback_change_lp ( ) ;
touch_element_uninstall ( ) ;
TEST_CASE ( " Touch button concurrent test " , " [button][touch_element] " )
touch_elem_global_config_t global_config = TOUCH_ELEM_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_install ( & global_config ) ) ;
test_button_event_concurrent ( ) ;
test_button_random_trigger_concurrent ( ) ;
touch_element_uninstall ( ) ;
void test_button_event_simulator ( touch_button_handle_t button_handle , touch_button_event_t button_event )
te_button_handle_t te_button = ( te_button_handle_t ) button_handle ;
touch_pad_t channel = te_button - > device - > channel ;
if ( button_event = = TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_PRESS ) {
touch_pad_set_cnt_mode ( channel , TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_3 , TOUCH_PAD_TIE_OPT_DEFAULT ) ;
} else if ( button_event = = TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_RELEASE ) {
touch_pad_set_cnt_mode ( channel , TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_7 , TOUCH_PAD_TIE_OPT_DEFAULT ) ;
} else {
touch_pad_set_cnt_mode ( channel , TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_3 , TOUCH_PAD_TIE_OPT_DEFAULT ) ; //LongPress
void test_button_event_check ( touch_elem_message_t * valid_message , touch_elem_message_t * current_message )
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( current_message - > handle = = valid_message - > handle , " check handle failed " ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( current_message - > element_type = = valid_message - > element_type , " check element type failed " ) ;
const touch_button_message_t * valid_button_message = touch_button_get_message ( valid_message ) ;
const touch_button_message_t * current_button_message = touch_button_get_message ( current_message ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( current_button_message - > event = = valid_button_message - > event , " check event failed " ) ;
static void test_button_callback_check ( touch_button_handle_t current_handle , touch_button_message_t * current_message , touch_elem_message_t * valid_message )
const touch_button_message_t * valid_button_message = touch_button_get_message ( valid_message ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( valid_message - > handle = = current_handle , " check handle failed " ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( valid_message - > element_type = = TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON , " check element type failed " ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( valid_button_message - > event = = current_message - > event , " check event failed " ) ;
void test_button_event_trigger_and_check ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_event_t button_event )
{ //TODO: refactor this with a constructor
touch_elem_message_t valid_message = {
. handle = handle ,
. element_type = TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON ,
. arg = NULL ,
} ;
touch_button_message_t button_message = {
. event = button_event
} ;
memcpy ( valid_message . child_msg , & button_message , sizeof ( touch_button_message_t ) ) ; //Construct valid_message
test_button_event_simulator ( handle , button_event ) ; //Trigger signal
touch_elem_message_t current_message ;
te_button_handle_t te_button = handle ;
esp_err_t ret = touch_element_message_receive ( & current_message , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 2 * te_button - > trigger_thr * 10 ) ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( ret = = ESP_OK , " button event receive timeout " ) ;
test_button_event_check ( & valid_message , & current_message ) ; //Verification
void test_button_callback_trigger_and_check ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_event_t button_event , bool should_trigger , test_monitor_t * monitor )
if ( should_trigger ) {
touch_elem_message_t valid_message = {
. handle = handle ,
. element_type = TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON ,
. arg = NULL
} ;
touch_button_message_t button_message = {
. event = button_event
} ;
memcpy ( valid_message . child_msg , & button_message , sizeof ( touch_button_message_t ) ) ; //Construct valid_message
xQueueSend ( monitor - > valid_msg_handle , & valid_message , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
test_button_event_simulator ( handle , button_event ) ; //Trigger signal
te_button_handle_t te_button = handle ;
if ( should_trigger ) { //Verification
BaseType_t os_ret = xSemaphoreTake ( monitor - > response_sig_handle , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 2 * te_button - > trigger_thr * 10 ) ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( os_ret = = pdPASS , " Button queue timeout " ) ;
} else {
BaseType_t os_ret = xSemaphoreTake ( monitor - > response_sig_handle , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( os_ret = = pdFALSE , " Button invalid trigger " ) ;
static void test_button_disp_event ( void )
touch_button_handle_t button_handle [ BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ] ;
touch_button_global_config_t global_config = TOUCH_BUTTON_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_install ( & global_config ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
touch_button_config_t button_config = {
. channel_num = button_channel_array [ i ] ,
. channel_sens = 0.1F
} ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_create ( & button_config , & button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_subscribe_event ( button_handle [ i ] ,
( void * ) button_channel_array [ i ] ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_longpress ( button_handle [ i ] , 300 ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_dispatch_method ( button_handle [ i ] , TOUCH_ELEM_DISP_EVENT ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_start ( ) ) ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ; //Mention in README, code-block-1
srandom ( ( unsigned int ) time ( NULL ) ) ;
//10 times random press/longpress/release test
printf ( " Touch button event test start \n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + ) {
printf ( " Touch button event test... (%d/10) \n " , i + 1 ) ;
touch_button_handle_t current_handle = button_handle [ random ( ) % 14 ] ;
test_button_event_trigger_and_check ( current_handle , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_PRESS ) ;
test_button_event_trigger_and_check ( current_handle , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_LONGPRESS ) ;
test_button_event_trigger_and_check ( current_handle , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_RELEASE ) ;
printf ( " Touch button event test finish \n " ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_stop ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_delete ( button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
touch_button_uninstall ( ) ;
static void test_button_disp_callback ( void )
test_monitor_t monitor ;
touch_button_handle_t button_handle [ BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ] ;
monitor . valid_msg_handle = xQueueCreate ( 10 , sizeof ( touch_elem_message_t ) ) ;
monitor . response_sig_handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary ( ) ;
TEST_ASSERT ( monitor . valid_msg_handle ! = NULL | | monitor . response_sig_handle ! = NULL ) ;
touch_button_global_config_t button_init = TOUCH_BUTTON_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_install ( & button_init ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
touch_button_config_t button_config = {
. channel_num = button_channel_array [ i ] ,
. channel_sens = 0.1F
} ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_create ( & button_config , & button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_subscribe_event ( button_handle [ i ] ,
( void * ) & monitor ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_dispatch_method ( button_handle [ i ] , TOUCH_ELEM_DISP_CALLBACK ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_callback ( button_handle [ i ] , & test_button_handler ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_longpress ( button_handle [ i ] , 300 ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_start ( ) ) ;
srandom ( ( unsigned int ) time ( NULL ) ) ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ; //Mention in README, code-block-1
//10 times random press/longpress/release test
printf ( " Touch button callback test start \n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + ) {
printf ( " Touch button callback test... (%d/10) \n " , i + 1 ) ;
touch_button_handle_t current_handle = button_handle [ random ( ) % 14 ] ;
test_button_callback_trigger_and_check ( current_handle , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_PRESS , true , & monitor ) ;
test_button_callback_trigger_and_check ( current_handle , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_LONGPRESS , true , & monitor ) ;
test_button_callback_trigger_and_check ( current_handle , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_RELEASE , true , & monitor ) ;
printf ( " Touch button callback test finish \n " ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_stop ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_delete ( button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
touch_button_uninstall ( ) ;
vQueueDelete ( monitor . valid_msg_handle ) ;
vSemaphoreDelete ( monitor . response_sig_handle ) ;
void test_button_handler ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_message_t * message , void * arg )
test_monitor_t * monitor = ( test_monitor_t * ) arg ;
touch_elem_message_t valid_message ;
BaseType_t os_ret = xQueueReceive ( monitor - > valid_msg_handle , & valid_message , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 200 ) ) ; //Get the valid message for the verification, 500ms timeout
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( os_ret = = pdPASS , " test_button_handler: queue timeout " ) ;
test_button_callback_check ( handle , message , & valid_message ) ;
xSemaphoreGive ( monitor - > response_sig_handle ) ;
static void test_button_event_change_lp ( void )
touch_button_handle_t button_handle [ BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ] ;
touch_button_global_config_t global_config = TOUCH_BUTTON_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_install ( & global_config ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
touch_button_config_t button_config = {
. channel_num = button_channel_array [ i ] ,
. channel_sens = 0.1F
} ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_create ( & button_config , & button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_subscribe_event ( button_handle [ i ] , TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_LONGPRESS , NULL ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_dispatch_method ( button_handle [ i ] , TOUCH_ELEM_DISP_EVENT ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_start ( ) ) ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ; //Mention in README, code-block-1
srandom ( ( unsigned int ) time ( NULL ) ) ;
//10 times random press/longpress/release test
printf ( " Touch button event change longtime test start \n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + ) {
printf ( " Touch button event change longtime test... (%d/10) \n " , i + 1 ) ;
esp_err_t ret ;
uint8_t channel_index = random ( ) % BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ;
touch_elem_message_t valid_message = {
. handle = button_handle [ channel_index ] ,
. element_type = TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON ,
. arg = NULL
} ;
touch_button_message_t button_message = {
} ;
memcpy ( valid_message . child_msg , & button_message , sizeof ( touch_button_message_t ) ) ; //Construct valid_message
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_longpress ( valid_message . handle , 200 + ( i + 1 ) * 50 ) ) ;
test_button_event_simulator ( valid_message . handle , button_message . event ) ; //Trigger signal
touch_elem_message_t current_message ;
ret = touch_element_message_receive ( & current_message , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 10 * 1000 ) ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( ret = = ESP_OK , " button event LongPress timeout " ) ;
test_button_event_check ( & valid_message , & current_message ) ; //Verification
test_button_event_simulator ( valid_message . handle , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_RELEASE ) ; //Release the button.
printf ( " Touch button event change longtime test finish \n " ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_stop ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_delete ( button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
touch_button_uninstall ( ) ;
static void test_button_callback_change_lp ( void )
test_monitor_t monitor ;
touch_button_handle_t button_handle [ BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ] ;
monitor . valid_msg_handle = xQueueCreate ( 10 , sizeof ( touch_elem_message_t ) ) ;
monitor . response_sig_handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary ( ) ;
TEST_ASSERT ( monitor . valid_msg_handle ! = NULL | | monitor . response_sig_handle ! = NULL ) ;
touch_button_global_config_t global_config = TOUCH_BUTTON_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_install ( & global_config ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
touch_button_config_t button_config = {
. channel_num = button_channel_array [ i ] ,
. channel_sens = 0.1F
} ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_create ( & button_config , & button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_subscribe_event ( button_handle [ i ] , TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_LONGPRESS , ( void * ) & monitor ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_dispatch_method ( button_handle [ i ] , TOUCH_ELEM_DISP_CALLBACK ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_callback ( button_handle [ i ] , & test_button_change_lp_handler ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_start ( ) ) ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ; //Mention in README, code-block-1
//10 times random press/longpress/release test
printf ( " Touch button event change longtime test start \n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + ) {
printf ( " Touch button event change longtime test... (%d/10) \n " , i + 1 ) ;
uint8_t channel_index = 5 ; //Always this channel
touch_elem_message_t valid_message = {
. handle = button_handle [ channel_index ] ,
. element_type = TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON ,
. arg = NULL ,
} ;
touch_button_message_t button_message = {
} ;
memcpy ( valid_message . child_msg , & button_message , sizeof ( touch_button_message_t ) ) ; //Construct valid_message
xQueueSend ( monitor . valid_msg_handle , & valid_message , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
test_button_event_simulator ( button_handle [ channel_index ] , button_message . event ) ;
BaseType_t os_ret = xSemaphoreTake ( monitor . response_sig_handle , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 10 * 1000 ) ) ; //100ms timeout
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( os_ret = = pdPASS , " Button LongPress queue timeout " ) ;
test_button_event_simulator ( valid_message . handle , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_RELEASE ) ; //Reset hardware
printf ( " Touch button event change longtime test finish \n " ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_stop ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_delete ( button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
touch_button_uninstall ( ) ;
static void test_button_change_lp_handler ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_message_t * message , void * arg )
test_monitor_t * monitor = ( test_monitor_t * ) arg ;
touch_elem_message_t valid_message ;
BaseType_t os_ret = xQueueReceive ( monitor - > valid_msg_handle , & valid_message , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 200 ) ) ; //Get the valid message for the verification, 500ms timeout
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( os_ret = = pdPASS , " test_button_handler: queue timeout " ) ;
test_button_callback_check ( handle , message , & valid_message ) ;
xSemaphoreGive ( monitor - > response_sig_handle ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_longpress ( valid_message . handle , 300 ) ) ; // Always 300ms
static void test_button_event_concurrent ( void )
touch_button_handle_t button_handle [ BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ] ;
touch_button_global_config_t global_config = TOUCH_BUTTON_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_install ( & global_config ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
touch_button_config_t button_config = {
. channel_num = button_channel_array [ i ] ,
. channel_sens = 0.1F
} ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_create ( & button_config , & button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_subscribe_event ( button_handle [ i ] , TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_PRESS | TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_RELEASE , NULL ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_dispatch_method ( button_handle [ i ] , TOUCH_ELEM_DISP_EVENT ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_start ( ) ) ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ; //Mention in README, code-block-1
//10 times random press/longpress/release test
printf ( " Touch button event concurrent test start \n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + ) {
printf ( " Touch button event concurrent test... (%d/10) \n " , i + 1 ) ;
esp_err_t ret ;
uint32_t message_count = 0 ;
touch_elem_message_t current_message ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; idx + + ) {
test_button_event_simulator ( button_handle [ idx ] , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_PRESS ) ; //All channels trigger
message_count = 0 ;
do {
ret = touch_element_message_receive ( & current_message , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ;
if ( ret = = ESP_OK ) {
message_count + + ;
} while ( ret = = ESP_OK ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( message_count = = BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM , " button concurrent Press failed " ) ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; idx + + ) {
test_button_event_simulator ( button_handle [ idx ] , TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_RELEASE ) ; //All channels trigger
message_count = 0 ;
do {
ret = touch_element_message_receive ( & current_message , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ;
if ( ret = = ESP_OK ) {
message_count + + ;
} while ( ret = = ESP_OK ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( message_count = = BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM , " button concurrent Release failed " ) ;
printf ( " Touch button event concurrent test finish \n " ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_stop ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_delete ( button_handle [ i ] ) ) ;
touch_button_uninstall ( ) ;
static void test_button_random_trigger_concurrent ( void )
uint64_t sem_and_monitor [ BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ] ;
printf ( " Touch button random trigger concurrent test start \n " ) ;
test_concurrent_monitor_t monitor [ BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ] ;
SemaphoreHandle_t count_sem = xSemaphoreCreateCounting ( BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM , 0 ) ;
touch_button_global_config_t global_config = TOUCH_BUTTON_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_CONFIG ( ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_install ( & global_config ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
touch_button_config_t button_config = {
. channel_num = button_channel_array [ i ] ,
. channel_sens = 0.1F
} ;
monitor [ i ] . response_sig_handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary ( ) ;
monitor [ i ] . valid_msg_handle = xQueueCreate ( BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM , sizeof ( touch_elem_message_t ) ) ;
TEST_ASSERT ( monitor [ i ] . valid_msg_handle ! = NULL & & monitor [ i ] . response_sig_handle ! = NULL ) ;
uintptr_t temp_count_sem = ( uint32_t ) count_sem ;
uintptr_t temp_monitor = ( uint32_t ) & monitor [ i ] ; //Prevent compiler warning
sem_and_monitor [ i ] = ( uint64_t ) ( ( ( uint64_t ) temp_count_sem < < 32 ) | ( uint64_t ) temp_monitor ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_create ( & button_config , & monitor [ i ] . button_handle ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_subscribe_event ( monitor [ i ] . button_handle , TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_PRESS | TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_LONGPRESS | TOUCH_ELEM_EVENT_ON_RELEASE , ( void * ) & sem_and_monitor [ i ] ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_longpress ( monitor [ i ] . button_handle , 500 ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_dispatch_method ( monitor [ i ] . button_handle , TOUCH_ELEM_DISP_CALLBACK ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_set_callback ( monitor [ i ] . button_handle , & random_trigger_concurrent_handler ) ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_start ( ) ) ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) ) ; //Mention in README, code-block-1
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
BaseType_t os_ret = xTaskCreate ( test_random_trigger_concurrent_task , " test_random_trigger_concurrent_task " , 1024 * 4 , ( void * ) & sem_and_monitor [ i ] , 10 , NULL ) ;
TEST_ASSERT ( os_ret = = pdPASS ) ;
uint32_t run_count = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
if ( run_count + + % 1000 = = 0 ) {
printf ( " Touch button random trigger concurrent test running... (1/1) \n " ) ;
uint8_t count = uxSemaphoreGetCount ( count_sem ) ;
if ( count = = BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ) {
vTaskDelay ( 1 ) ; //Let IDLE task running and get tasks cleanup
break ;
vTaskDelay ( 1 ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_element_stop ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CHANNEL_NUM ; i + + ) {
vQueueDelete ( monitor [ i ] . valid_msg_handle ) ;
vSemaphoreDelete ( monitor [ i ] . response_sig_handle ) ;
TEST_ESP_OK ( touch_button_delete ( monitor [ i ] . button_handle ) ) ;
touch_button_uninstall ( ) ;
printf ( " Touch button random trigger concurrent test stop \n " ) ;
void test_random_trigger_concurrent_task ( void * arg )
uintptr_t temp_monitor = * ( ( uint32_t * ) arg ) ;
uintptr_t temp_count_sem = ( * ( ( uint64_t * ) arg ) > > 32 ) ; //Prevent compiler warning
test_concurrent_monitor_t * monitor = ( test_concurrent_monitor_t * ) temp_monitor ;
SemaphoreHandle_t count_sem = ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) temp_count_sem ;
uint32_t start_delay_time = ( esp_random ( ) % 100 ) * 10 ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( start_delay_time ) ) ;
touch_elem_message_t valid_message = {
. handle = monitor - > button_handle ,
. element_type = TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON ,
. arg = NULL ,
} ;
touch_button_message_t button_message ;
button_message . event = TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_PRESS ;
memcpy ( valid_message . child_msg , & button_message , sizeof ( touch_button_message_t ) ) ; //Construct valid_message
xQueueSend ( monitor - > valid_msg_handle , & valid_message , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
test_button_event_simulator ( valid_message . handle , button_message . event ) ; //Trigger signal
BaseType_t res_sem_ret = xSemaphoreTake ( monitor - > response_sig_handle , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 1000 ) ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( res_sem_ret = = pdPASS , " Response timeout " ) ;
uint32_t hold_state_time_ms = ( esp_random ( ) % 100 ) * 10 + 100 ;
te_button_handle_t te_button = ( te_button_handle_t ) valid_message . handle ;
if ( ( int ) ( hold_state_time_ms - te_button - > trigger_thr * 10 ) > 50 ) { //should raise longpress event
button_message . event = TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_LONGPRESS ;
memcpy ( valid_message . child_msg , & button_message , sizeof ( touch_button_message_t ) ) ; //Construct valid_message
xQueueSend ( monitor - > valid_msg_handle , & valid_message , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
test_button_event_simulator ( valid_message . handle , button_message . event ) ; //Trigger signal
res_sem_ret = xSemaphoreTake ( monitor - > response_sig_handle , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 1000 ) ) ; //+100 make sure it will really raise longpress event
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( res_sem_ret = = pdPASS , " Response timeout " ) ;
} else { //should not raise longpress event
//Do nothing
button_message . event = TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_RELEASE ;
memcpy ( valid_message . child_msg , & button_message , sizeof ( touch_button_message_t ) ) ; //Construct valid_message
xQueueSend ( monitor - > valid_msg_handle , & valid_message , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
test_button_event_simulator ( valid_message . handle , button_message . event ) ; //Trigger signal
res_sem_ret = xSemaphoreTake ( monitor - > response_sig_handle , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 1000 ) ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( res_sem_ret = = pdPASS , " Response timeout " ) ;
xSemaphoreGive ( count_sem ) ;
vTaskDelete ( NULL ) ;
static void random_trigger_concurrent_handler ( touch_button_handle_t handle , touch_button_message_t * message , void * arg )
uintptr_t temp_monitor = * ( ( uint32_t * ) arg ) ; //Prevent compiler warning
test_concurrent_monitor_t * monitor = ( test_concurrent_monitor_t * ) temp_monitor ;
touch_elem_message_t valid_message ;
BaseType_t os_ret = xQueueReceive ( monitor - > valid_msg_handle , & valid_message , pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 1000 ) ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( os_ret = = pdPASS , " valid message timeout " ) ;
const touch_button_message_t * button_message = touch_button_get_message ( & valid_message ) ;
if ( button_message - > event = = TOUCH_BUTTON_EVT_ON_LONGPRESS ) {
touch_button_set_longpress ( handle , portMAX_DELAY ) ; //Prevent button triggers LongPress event again
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( handle = = valid_message . handle , " check handle failed " ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( valid_message . element_type = = TOUCH_ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON , " check element type failed " ) ;
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE ( message - > event = = button_message - > event , " check event failed " ) ;
xSemaphoreGive ( monitor - > response_sig_handle ) ;