This example demonstrates usage of the MSC (Mass Storage Class) to access storage on a USB flash drive. Upon connection of the flash drive, it is mounted to the Virtual filesystem. The following example operations are then performed:
1. Print device info (capacity, sectors size, and count...)
2. List all folders and files in the root directory of the USB flash drive
3. Create `ESP` subdirectory (if not present already), as well as a `text.txt` file
4. Run read/write benchmarks by transferring 1 MB of data to a `dummy` file
### USB Reconnections
The example is run in a loop so that it can demonstrate USB connection and reconnection handling. If you want to deinitialize the entire USB Host Stack, you can short GPIO0 to GND. GPIO0 is usually mapped to a BOOT button, thus pressing the button will deinitialize the stack.