- It is strongly recommended to also install ccache_ for faster builds. If you have HomeBrew_, this can be done via ``brew install ccache`` or ``sudo port install ccache`` on MacPorts_.
Basing on macOS `Catalina 10.15 release notes`_, use of Python 2.7 is not recommended and Python 2.7 will not be included by default in future versions of macOS. Check what Python you currently have::
If the output is like ``Python 2.7.17``, your default interpreter is Python 2.7. If so, also check if Python 3 isn't already installed on your computer::
python3 --version
If above command returns an error, it means Python 3 is not installed.
Below is an overview of steps to install Python 3 and making it default interpreter.
- Installing with HomeBrew_ can be done as follows::
Adjust above directory name ``/usr/local/bin/python3.8`` to point where Python 3 has been installed. To check this directory you can run ``which -a python3``.
Python 2 reached its `end of life <https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/>`_ and support for it in ESP-IDF will be removed soon. Please install Python 3.6 or higher. Instructions for macOS are listed above.