3. To distinguish between sections, use the following `heading levels <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html#sections>`_:
1. This repository provides for automatic update of API reference documentation using :doc:`code markup retrieved by Doxygen from header files <../contribute/documenting-code>`.
2. Update is done on each documentation build by invoking Sphinx extension :`esp_extensions/run_doxygen.py` for all header files listed in the ``INPUT`` statement of :idf_file:`docs/doxygen/Doxyfile`.
3. Each line of the ``INPUT`` statement (other than a comment that begins with ``##``) contains a path to header file ``*.h`` that is used to generate corresponding ``*.inc`` files::
4. When the headers are expanded, any macros defined by default in ``sdkconfig.h`` as well as any macros defined in SOC-specific ``include/soc/*_caps.h`` headers will be expanded. This allows the headers to include/exclude material based on the ``IDF_TARGET`` value.
5. The ``*.inc`` files contain formatted reference of API members generated automatically on each documentation build. All ``*.inc`` files are placed in Sphinx ``_build`` directory. To see directives generated for e.g., ``esp_wifi.h``, run ``python gen-dxd.py esp32/include/esp_wifi.h``.
7. Optionally, rather that using ``*.inc`` files, you may want to describe API in you own way. See :idf_file:`docs/en/api-reference/storage/fatfs.rst` for example.
8. In any case, to generate API reference, the file :idf_file:`docs/doxygen/Doxyfile` should be updated with paths to ``*.h`` headers that are being documented.
9. When changes are committed and documentation is build, check how this section has been rendered. :doc:`Correct annotations <../contribute/documenting-code>` in respective header files, if required.