# MeterDemo for SSD1306 ![MeterDemo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6020549/166136718-5139deb8-df11-4756-b161-7830ce2251ea.JPG) I borrowed the BIT MAP data from [here](https://forum.arduino.cc/t/analog-vu-meter-i2c-oled-sh1106-oledmeter-animation/388374). __Wire cables should be as short as possible.__ I used a 10 cm wire cable. However, it is sometimes affected by noise. # Convert from BITMAP data to Page and Segment This sample shows how to quickly redraw a BITMAP image. High-speed drawing is possible by converting BITMAP data to Page and Segment. You can use ssd1306_bitmaps function as converter. # Analog source You will need an analog source to run this demo. Connect the analog source to the following GPIO. These are all channel 0 of ADC1. - Analog input gpio for ESP32 is GPIO36. 12Bits width. - Analog input gpio for ESP32S2 is GPIO01. 13Bits width. - Analog input gpio for ESP32S3 is GPIO01. 12Bits width. - Analog input gpio for ESP32C2 is GPIO00. 12Bits width. - Analog input gpio for ESP32C3 is GPIO00. 12Bits width. - Analog input gpio for ESP32C6 is GPIO00. 12Bits width. Schematic I used: ``` ESP32 3V3 ----------- CDS ---+---+ | | ESP32 Analog input ----------+ | | ESP32 GND ------ Register -------+ ```