# CounterDemo for SSD1306 ![CounterDemo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6020549/166628057-fc8c0f7f-7d94-4ffe-8866-d145d953f94d.JPG) I borrowed the PNG image from [here](https://www.iconspng.com/image/5656/seven-segment-display-gray-0). __Wire cables should be as short as possible.__ I used a 10 cm wire cable. However, it is sometimes affected by noise. # How to create BIT MAP data - Download PNG image. - Shrink PNG images below frame size. - Convert from PNG to BMP data using [this](https://www.mischianti.org/2021/07/14/ssd1306-oled-display-draw-images-splash-and-animations-2/) page. - Paste the BMP data into your code.