# MouseMoveDemo for SSD1306 Demo of moving a circle using the mouse. The circle moves when you move the mouse. I used [this](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/master/examples/peripherals/usb/host/hid) as a reference. # Hardware requirements - ESP32S2/S3 These have USB-HOST functionality. - USB Connector I used this: ![usb-conector](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a8fb5313-54f6-422a-98de-5f4aff8c94b7) - USB mouse 2-button or 3-button usb mouse. Button 3 is not used in this project. # USB wiring ``` ESP32-S2/S3 BOARD USB CONNECTOR +--+ [ 5V ] --------> | || VCC [GPIO 19] --------> | || D- [GPIO 20] --------> | || D+ [ GND ] --------> | || GND +--+ ``` # How to Use The circle moves when you move the mouse. ![usb-mouse-3](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/020e0f71-aff5-4e12-8fad-1dc724336f2e) Invert with left mouse click. ![usb-mouse-2](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/28ec7de7-d741-408a-8ed6-6821277129c7) Right click the mouse to go back. ![usb-mouse-1](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b8d152c5-2aed-450b-9f18-721f051c0b23) # USB hot socket There are times when it works correctly and times when it doesn't. It works more stably if you connect before starting the firmware. When it works correctly, a log like this will be displayed. ``` I (1166) usb_hid: hid_host_device_callback I (1166) usb_hid: HID Device, protocol 'MOUSE' CONNECTED ``` # Using USB-HUB I tried it, but it doesn't work properly via USB-HUB.