%TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,8.0.4*% %TF.CreationDate,2024-07-28T04:47:57-04:00*% %TF.ProjectId,esp32-c3-wroom-socket,65737033-322d-4633-932d-77726f6f6d2d,rev?*% %TF.SameCoordinates,Original*% %TF.FileFunction,Soldermask,Bot*% %TF.FilePolarity,Negative*% %FSLAX46Y46*% G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 8.0.4) date 2024-07-28 04:47:57* %MOMM*% %LPD*% G01* G04 APERTURE LIST* G04 Aperture macros list* %AMRoundRect* 0 Rectangle with rounded corners* 0 $1 Rounding radius* 0 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 X,Y pos of 4 corners* 0 Add a 4 corners polygon primitive as box body* 4,1,4,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$2,$3,0* 0 Add four circle primitives for the rounded corners* 1,1,$1+$1,$2,$3* 1,1,$1+$1,$4,$5* 1,1,$1+$1,$6,$7* 1,1,$1+$1,$8,$9* 0 Add four rect primitives between the rounded corners* 20,1,$1+$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,0* 20,1,$1+$1,$4,$5,$6,$7,0* 20,1,$1+$1,$6,$7,$8,$9,0* 20,1,$1+$1,$8,$9,$2,$3,0*% %AMOutline5P* 0 Free polygon, 5 corners , with rotation* 0 The origin of the aperture is its center* 0 number of corners: always 5* 0 $1 to $10 corner X, Y* 0 $11 Rotation angle, in degrees counterclockwise* 0 create outline with 5 corners* 4,1,5,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$1,$2,$11*% %AMOutline6P* 0 Free polygon, 6 corners , with rotation* 0 The origin of the aperture is its center* 0 number of corners: always 6* 0 $1 to $12 corner X, Y* 0 $13 Rotation angle, in degrees counterclockwise* 0 create outline with 6 corners* 4,1,6,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$1,$2,$13*% %AMOutline7P* 0 Free polygon, 7 corners , with rotation* 0 The origin of the aperture is its center* 0 number of corners: always 7* 0 $1 to $14 corner X, Y* 0 $15 Rotation angle, in degrees counterclockwise* 0 create outline with 7 corners* 4,1,7,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$1,$2,$15*% %AMOutline8P* 0 Free polygon, 8 corners , with rotation* 0 The origin of the aperture is its center* 0 number of corners: always 8* 0 $1 to $16 corner X, Y* 0 $17 Rotation angle, in degrees counterclockwise* 0 create outline with 8 corners* 4,1,8,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$1,$2,$17*% G04 Aperture macros list end* %ADD10RoundRect,0.250000X-0.400000X-0.625000X0.400000X-0.625000X0.400000X0.625000X-0.400000X0.625000X0*% %ADD11R,1.700000X1.700000*% %ADD12C,1.700000*% %ADD13Outline6P,-0.850000X0.340000X-0.340000X0.850000X0.850000X0.850000X0.850000X-0.340000X0.340000X-0.850000X-0.850000X-0.850000X0.000000*% %ADD14RoundRect,0.250000X-0.724784X-0.159099X-0.159099X-0.724784X0.724784X0.159099X0.159099X0.724784X0*% %ADD15C,0.660400*% %ADD16O,1.117600X1.905000*% %ADD17O,1.117600X2.616200*% G04 APERTURE END LIST* D10* %TO.C,R3*% X118450000Y-72500000D03* X121550000Y-72500000D03* %TD*% %TO.C,R2*% X123650000Y-79500000D03* X126750000Y-79500000D03* %TD*% D11* %TO.C,U1*% X112600000Y-59180000D03* D12* X112600000Y-61720000D03* X112600000Y-64260000D03* X112600000Y-66800000D03* X112600000Y-69340000D03* X112600000Y-71880000D03* X112600000Y-74420000D03* X112600000Y-76960000D03* D13* X112600000Y-79500000D03* D12* X138000000Y-79500000D03* X138000000Y-76960000D03* X138000000Y-74420000D03* X138000000Y-71880000D03* X138000000Y-69340000D03* X138000000Y-66800000D03* X138000000Y-64260000D03* X138000000Y-61720000D03* X138000000Y-59180000D03* %TD*% D14* %TO.C,R1*% X121753984Y-58303984D03* X123946016Y-60496016D03* %TD*% D15* %TO.C,J1*% X122314444Y-75232435D03* X123164445Y-75232435D03* X124014443Y-75232435D03* X124864444Y-75232435D03* X125714445Y-75232435D03* X126564446Y-75232435D03* X127414444Y-75232435D03* X128264445Y-75232435D03* X128264445Y-76582435D03* X127414444Y-76582435D03* X126564446Y-76582435D03* X125714445Y-76582435D03* X124864444Y-76582435D03* X124014443Y-76582435D03* X123164445Y-76582435D03* X122314444Y-76582435D03* D16* X120964459Y-79597435D03* X129614429Y-79597435D03* D17* X120964444Y-76212436D03* X129614429Y-76212435D03* %TD*% M02*