2023-11-02 15:58:05 +01:00

492 lines
10 KiB

// FILE: GY521.cpp
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.4.1
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for I2C GY521 accelerometer-gyroscope sensor
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/GY521
#include "GY521.h"
// keep register names in sync with BIG MPU6050 lib
#include "GY521_registers.h"
#define GY521_WAKEUP 0x00
GY521::GY521(uint8_t address, TwoWire *wire)
_address = address;
_wire = wire;
#if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
bool GY521::begin(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)
_wire->begin(sda, scl);
if (isConnected())
return wakeup();
return false;
bool GY521::begin()
if (isConnected())
return wakeup();
return false;
bool GY521::isConnected()
return (_wire->endTransmission() == 0);
void GY521::reset()
_ax = _ay = _az = 0;
_aax = _aay = _aaz = 0;
_gx = _gy = _gz = 0;
_pitch = 0;
_roll = 0;
_yaw = 0;
bool GY521::wakeup()
return (_wire->endTransmission() == 0);
int16_t GY521::read()
uint32_t now = millis();
if (_throttle)
if ((now - _lastTime) < _throttleTime)
// not an error.
return GY521_THROTTLED;
_lastTime = now;
// Connected ?
if (_wire->endTransmission() != 0)
_error = GY521_ERROR_WRITE;
return _error;
// Get the data
int8_t n = _wire->requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t)14);
if (n != 14)
_error = GY521_ERROR_READ;
return _error;
_ax = _WireRead2(); // ACCEL_XOUT_H ACCEL_XOUT_L
_ay = _WireRead2(); // ACCEL_YOUT_H ACCEL_YOUT_L
_az = _WireRead2(); // ACCEL_ZOUT_H ACCEL_ZOUT_L
_temperature = _WireRead2(); // TEMP_OUT_H TEMP_OUT_L
_gx = _WireRead2(); // GYRO_XOUT_H GYRO_XOUT_L
_gy = _WireRead2(); // GYRO_YOUT_H GYRO_YOUT_L
_gz = _WireRead2(); // GYRO_ZOUT_H GYRO_ZOUT_L
// duration interval
now = micros();
float duration = (now - _lastMicros) * 1e-6; // duration in seconds.
_lastMicros = now;
// next lines might be merged per axis. (performance)
// Convert raw acceleration to g's
_ax *= _raw2g;
_ay *= _raw2g;
_az *= _raw2g;
// Error correct raw acceleration (in g) measurements // #18 kudos to Merkxic
_ax += axe;
_ay += aye;
_az += aze;
// prepare for Pitch Roll Yaw
float _ax2 = _ax * _ax;
float _ay2 = _ay * _ay;
float _az2 = _az * _az;
_aax = atan( _ay / sqrt(_ax2 + _az2)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
_aay = atan(-1.0 * _ax / sqrt(_ay2 + _az2)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
_aaz = atan( _az / sqrt(_ax2 + _ay2)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
// optimize #22
// _aax = atan(_ay / hypot(_ax, _az)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
// _aay = atan(-1.0 * _ax / hypot(_ay, _az)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
// _aaz = atan(_az / hypot(_ax, _ay)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
// Convert to Celsius
_temperature = _temperature * 0.00294117647 + 36.53; // == /340.0 + 36.53;
// Convert raw Gyro to degrees/seconds
_gx *= _raw2dps;
_gy *= _raw2dps;
_gz *= _raw2dps;
// Error correct raw gyro measurements.
_gx += gxe;
_gy += gye;
_gz += gze;
_gax += _gx * duration;
_gay += _gy * duration;
_gaz += _gz * duration;
// normalize
// _gax etc might loose precision after many iterations #36
if (_normalize)
// correction at 375 due to the factor 0.96 in roll
if (_gax >= 375) _gax -= 375;
else if (_gax < 0) _gax += 375;
// correction at 375 due to the factor 0.96 in pitch
if (_gay >= 375) _gay -= 375;
else if (_gay < 0) _gay += 375;
// correction at 360
if (_gaz >= 360) _gaz -= 360;
else if (_gaz < 0) _gaz += 360;
// Calculate Pitch Roll Yaw
_yaw = _gaz;
_roll = 0.96 * _gax + 0.04 * _aax;
_pitch = 0.96 * _gay + 0.04 * _aay;
if (_normalize)
if (_pitch >= 360) _pitch -= 360;
else if (_pitch < 0) _pitch += 360;
if (_roll >= 360) _roll -= 360;
else if (_roll < 0) _roll += 360;
if (_yaw >= 360) _yaw -= 360;
else if (_yaw < 0) _yaw += 360;
return GY521_OK;
int16_t GY521::readAccel()
uint32_t now = millis();
if (_throttle)
if ((now - _lastTime) < _throttleTime)
// not an error.
return GY521_THROTTLED;
_lastTime = now;
// Connected ?
if (_wire->endTransmission() != 0)
_error = GY521_ERROR_WRITE;
return _error;
// Get the data
int8_t n = _wire->requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t)6);
if (n != 6)
_error = GY521_ERROR_READ;
return _error;
_ax = _WireRead2(); // ACCEL_XOUT_H ACCEL_XOUT_L
_ay = _WireRead2(); // ACCEL_YOUT_H ACCEL_YOUT_L
_az = _WireRead2(); // ACCEL_ZOUT_H ACCEL_ZOUT_L
// next lines might be merged per axis.
// Convert raw acceleration to g's
_ax *= _raw2g;
_ay *= _raw2g;
_az *= _raw2g;
// Error correct raw acceleration (in g) measurements // #18 kudos to Merkxic
_ax += axe;
_ay += aye;
_az += aze;
// prepare for Pitch Roll Yaw
float _ax2 = _ax * _ax;
float _ay2 = _ay * _ay;
float _az2 = _az * _az;
_aax = atan( _ay / sqrt(_ax2 + _az2)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
_aay = atan(-1.0 * _ax / sqrt(_ay2 + _az2)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
_aaz = atan( _az / sqrt(_ax2 + _ay2)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
// optimize #22
// _aax = atan(_ay / hypot(_ax, _az)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
// _aay = atan(-1.0 * _ax / hypot(_ay, _az)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
// _aaz = atan(_az / hypot(_ax, _ay)) * GY521_RAD2DEGREES;
return GY521_OK;
int16_t GY521::readGyro()
uint32_t now = millis();
if (_throttle)
if ((now - _lastTime) < _throttleTime)
// not an error.
return GY521_THROTTLED;
_lastTime = now;
// Connected ?
if (_wire->endTransmission() != 0)
_error = GY521_ERROR_WRITE;
return _error;
// Get the data
int8_t n = _wire->requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t)6);
if (n != 6)
_error = GY521_ERROR_READ;
return _error;
_gx = _WireRead2(); // GYRO_XOUT_H GYRO_XOUT_L
_gy = _WireRead2(); // GYRO_YOUT_H GYRO_YOUT_L
_gz = _WireRead2(); // GYRO_ZOUT_H GYRO_ZOUT_L
// duration interval
now = micros();
float duration = (now - _lastMicros) * 1e-6; // duration in seconds.
_lastMicros = now;
// next lines might be merged per axis.
// Convert raw Gyro to degrees/seconds
_gx *= _raw2dps;
_gy *= _raw2dps;
_gz *= _raw2dps;
// Error correct raw gyro measurements.
_gx += gxe;
_gy += gye;
_gz += gze;
_gax += _gx * duration;
_gay += _gy * duration;
_gaz += _gz * duration;
// normalize
// _gax etc might loose precision after many iterations #36
if (_normalize)
// correction at 375 due to the factor 0.96 in roll
if (_gax >= 375) _gax -= 375;
else if (_gax < 0) _gax += 375;
// correction at 375 due to the factor 0.96 in pitch
if (_gay >= 375) _gay -= 375;
else if (_gay < 0) _gay += 375;
// correction at 360
if (_gaz >= 360) _gaz -= 360;
else if (_gaz < 0) _gaz += 360;
return GY521_OK;
int16_t GY521::readTemperature()
if (_wire->endTransmission() != 0)
_error = GY521_ERROR_WRITE;
return _error;
// Get the data
int8_t n = _wire->requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t)2);
if (n != 2)
_error = GY521_ERROR_READ;
return _error;
_temperature = _WireRead2(); // TEMP_OUT_H TEMP_OUT_L
return GY521_OK;
bool GY521::setAccelSensitivity(uint8_t as)
_afs = as;
if (_afs > 3) _afs = 3;
uint8_t val = getRegister(GY521_ACCEL_CONFIG);
if (_error != 0)
return false;
// no need to write same value
if (((val >> 3) & 3) != _afs)
val &= 0xE7;
val |= (_afs << 3);
if (setRegister(GY521_ACCEL_CONFIG, val) != GY521_OK)
return false;
// calculate conversion factor. // 4 possible values => lookup table?
_raw2g = (1 << _afs) * GY521_RAW2G;
return true;
uint8_t GY521::getAccelSensitivity()
uint8_t val = getRegister(GY521_ACCEL_CONFIG);
if (_error != GY521_OK)
return _error; // return and propagate error (best thing to do)
_afs = (val >> 3) & 3;
return _afs;
bool GY521::setGyroSensitivity(uint8_t gs)
_gfs = gs;
if (_gfs > 3) _gfs = 3;
uint8_t val = getRegister(GY521_GYRO_CONFIG);
if (_error != 0)
return false;
// no need to write same value
if (((val >> 3) & 3) != _gfs)
val &= 0xE7;
val |= (_gfs << 3);
if (setRegister(GY521_GYRO_CONFIG, val) != GY521_OK)
return false;
// calculate conversion factor..
// 4 possible values => lookup table?
_raw2dps = (1 << _gfs) * GY521_RAW2DPS;
return true;
uint8_t GY521::getGyroSensitivity()
uint8_t val = getRegister(GY521_GYRO_CONFIG);
if (_error != GY521_OK)
return _error; // return and propagate error (best thing to do)
_gfs = (val >> 3) & 3;
return _gfs;
uint8_t GY521::setRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
// no need to do anything if not connected.
if (_wire->endTransmission() != 0)
_error = GY521_ERROR_WRITE;
return _error;
return GY521_OK;
uint8_t GY521::getRegister(uint8_t reg)
if (_wire->endTransmission() != 0)
_error = GY521_ERROR_WRITE;
return _error;
uint8_t n = _wire->requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t) 1);
if (n != 1)
_error = GY521_ERROR_READ;
return _error;
uint8_t val = _wire->read();
return val;
// to read register of 2 bytes.
int16_t GY521::_WireRead2()
int16_t tmp = _wire->read();
tmp <<= 8;
tmp |= _wire->read();
return tmp;
// -- END OF FILE --