2024-08-19 20:34:31 +02:00

283 lines
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// FILE: RunAvgWeight.cpp
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.2.0
// DATE: 2024-06-30
// PURPOSE: Arduino library to calculate the running average with weights by means of a circular buffer
// URL:
// based upon:
#include "RunAvgWeight.h"
RunAvgWeight::RunAvgWeight(const uint16_t size)
_size = size;
_values = (float*) malloc(_size * sizeof(float));
_weights = (float *) malloc(_size * sizeof(float));
if (_values == NULL) _size = 0;
if (_weights == NULL) _size = 0;
if (_values != NULL) free(_values);
if (_weights != NULL) free(_weights);
// resets all counters
bool RunAvgWeight::clear()
_count = 0;
_index = 0;
_sumValues = 0.0;
_sumWeights = 0.0;
_min = NAN;
_max = NAN;
if (_size == 0)
return false;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < _size; i++)
// setting values and weights to zero keeps addValue simpler
_values[i] = 0.0;
_weights[i] = 0.0;
return true;
// adds a new value to the data-set
bool RunAvgWeight::addValue(const float value, const float weight)
if (_size == 0)
return false;
// TODO weight should be > 0 or at least != 0?
_sumValues -= _values[_index] * _weights[_index];
_values[_index] = value;
_sumValues += _values[_index] * weight;
_sumWeights -= _weights[_index];
_weights[_index] = weight;
_sumWeights += _weights[_index];
// update index (next spot to add value).
if (_index >= _size) _index = 0; // faster than %
// update count
if (_count < _size) _count++;
// handle min max
if (_count == 1) _min = _max = value;
else if (value < _min) _min = value;
else if (value > _max) _max = value;
return true;
float RunAvgWeight::getValue(const uint16_t position)
if (_count == 0)
return NAN;
if (position >= _count)
return NAN; // cannot ask more than is added
uint16_t pos = position + _index;
if (pos >= _count) pos -= _count;
return _values[pos];
// returns the weight of an element if exist, NAN otherwise
// "partner" of getValue()
float RunAvgWeight::getWeight(const uint16_t position)
if (_count == 0)
return NAN;
if (position >= _count)
return NAN; // cannot ask more than is added
uint16_t pos = position + _index;
if (pos >= _count) pos -= _count;
return _weights[pos];
// returns the average of the data-set added so far, NAN if no elements.
float RunAvgWeight::getAverage()
if (_count == 0)
return NAN;
// OPTIMIZE local variable for sums.
_sumValues = 0;
_sumWeights = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < _count; i++)
_sumValues += _values[i] * _weights[i];
_sumWeights += _weights[i];
return _sumValues / _sumWeights; // multiplication is faster ==> extra admin
// the larger the size of the internal buffer
// the greater the gain with respect to getAverage()
float RunAvgWeight::getFastAverage()
if (_count == 0)
return NAN;
return _sumValues / _sumWeights;
// What is standard deviation in weighted average context?
// pop_v = sum( w * (x-mean)^2 ) / sum( w )
// if the weights are frequency pop_v = sum( w * (x-mean)^2 ) / (sum( w ) - 1)
weighted.var = function(x,w,type="reliability") {
if(type=="frequency"){ return( sum(w*(x-m)^2)/(sum(w)-1) ) }
else { return( sum(w*(x-m)^2)*sum(w)/(sum(w)^2-sum(w^2)) ) }
weighted.sem = function(x,w,...) { return( sqrt(weighted.var(x,w,...)*sum(w^2)/sum(w)^2) ) }
// If buffer is empty or has only one element, return NAN.
float RunAvgWeight::getStandardDeviation()
if (_count <= 1) return NAN;
float average = getFastAverage();
float variance = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < _count; i++)
float t = _values[i] - average;
variance += t * t * _weights[i];
variance /= _sumWeights;
return sqrt(variance);
// TODO: What is standard error in weighted average context?
// see above.
// If buffer is empty or has only one element, return NAN.
float RunAvgWeight::getStandardError()
float temp = getStandardDeviation();
if (temp == NAN) return NAN;
float n;
if (_count >= 30) n = _count;
else n = _count - 1;
temp = temp/sqrt(n);
return temp;
// Return coefficient of variation.
// If buffer is empty or has only one element or zero average, return NAN.
float RunAvgWeight::getCoefficientOfVariation()
float temp = getStandardDeviation();
if (temp == NAN) return NAN;
if (_sumValues == 0) return NAN;
// float cv = temp * getFastAverage();
float cv = temp * _sumWeights / _sumValues;
return cv;
// returns the minimum value in the buffer
float RunAvgWeight::getMinInBuffer()
if (_count == 0)
return NAN;
float _min = _values[0];
for (uint16_t i = 1; i < _count; i++)
if (_values[i] < _min) _min = _values[i];
return _min;
// returns the maximum value in the buffer
float RunAvgWeight::getMaxInBuffer()
if (_count == 0)
return NAN;
float _max = _values[0];
for (uint16_t i = 1; i < _count; i++)
if (_values[i] > _max) _max = _values[i];
return _max;
// returns the value of an element if exist, NAN otherwise
float RunAvgWeight::getElementValue(const uint16_t index)
if (_count == 0)
return NAN;
return _values[index];
// returns the value of an element if exist, NAN otherwise
float RunAvgWeight::getElementWeight(const uint16_t index)
if (_count == 0)
return NAN;
return _weights[index];
// -- END OF FILE --