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Arduino CI Arduino-lint JSON check License: MIT GitHub release


RAIN is an Arduino library for a rain sensor (analog).


A rain sensor is a relative simple device. It measures the resistance of a number of wires when these are put in a liquid (water) The device converts the resistance to a voltage typical 0 .. 5 Volt. The more the wires are covered by the liquid, the higher the voltage.

The breakout I used to test also has a digital output, which goes HIGH if a certain threshold (to be set with a potentiometer on the breakout) is reached. The meaning / potential of this digital-out for the library needs to be investigated.

The library is EXPERIMENTAL as it needs more testing. (changes of the interface are definitely possible).


  • RAIN(uint8_t port) constructor. port is the internal analog port to use.
  • bool begin(float maxVoltage, uint16_t maxSteps) sets the ADC parameters. Allows to be changed runtime, e.g. if voltage fluctuates the math can be adapted by calling begin() again. Might be a separate setVoltage() is more efficient.
  • float raw(uint8_t times = 1) makes 1 or more measurements and averages them. returned value is the average number of ADC steps.
  • float read(uint8_t times = 1) makes 1 or more measurements, averages them and convert the average to a voltage. THis voltage is returned, and also cached for percentage() and getLevel().


  • float percentage() returns the last read() to a percentage. Note one needs to call read() again to get a new value as this uses a cached value.
  • float delta() returns the delta voltage compared to previous read. It give the first derivative of the signal. How fast does it rise.
  • bool setLevel(uint8_t nr, uint16_t millivolts) allows a user to set 5 voltage levels in milliVolts.
  • uint8_t getLevel() Returns the level of the current cached voltage. See example.

The library allows the user to set 5 thresholds or levels for the getLevel() function. These 5 levels can help to control behaviour at a certain level. Typical levels are almost empty, to almost full and full. The level do not need to be on a linear mapping like 20% steps, if your project need other levels you can define these.

Note it is possible to adjust the levels runTime with setLevel()


For a continuous mapping one can use the MultiMap library. It allows to map the voltage to any other useful unit as it can handle even non-linearities well. See https://github.com/RobTillaart/MultiMap


The examples show the basic working of the functions.



  • update documentation
    • links etc.
  • add interrupt example for digital output capture.


  • optimizations
    • a lot of floats...==> more uint16_t millivolts?
  • add examples.
  • investigate possibilities of the digital output
    • how to include
    • example (see above)
  • improve the percentage() maxVoltage setter?
    • 2 different meanings of maxVoltage. For ADC and sensor out.
    • is the device linear? does percentage make sense if it is not?


  • add unit-tests
  • make the number of levels configurable
    • dynamic array allocation.?
  • float readExt(float voltage) for external ADC
  • investigate level-changed "event"
  • investigate: getLevel() should it do a read()?
    • setForcedRead(bool flag) + getter
  • investigate "a scale of wetness"
  • investigate
    • different salinity
    • different liquids? which?
    • how linear is the device?
  • incrLevel(nr, amount = 1) + decrLevel(nr, amount = 1) to allow easier runtime tuning


  • example with multiMap
    • see multiMap library.