
Arduino Library to determine linear correlation between X and Y dataset


This library calculates the coefficients of the linear correlation between two (relative small) datasets. The size of these datasets is 20 by default, but this can be set in the .h file.

The formula of the correlation is expressed as Y = A + B * X, Use with care.


The main functions of the class are

add(x, y) adds a pair of floats to the internal storage. In the future the constructor should get a TYPE parameter, as this allows smaller datatypes to be analyzed taking less memory.

count() returns the amount of items in the internal arrays.

clear() resets the datastructure to clean condition.

setRunningCorrelation(true | false) sets the internal variable runningMode which allows add() to overwrite old elements in the internal arrays. This way the correlation will be calculated over the last N elements.

calculate() does the math to calculate the correlation parameters A B and R

getA() returns the A parameter of formula Y = A + B * X

getB() returns the B parameter of formula Y = A + B * X

getR() returns the correlation coefficient R. The closer to 0 the less correlation there is between X and Y. Correlation can be positive or negative. Most often the sqr(R) is used

getRsquare() returns the sqr(R) which is always between 0.. 1.

** getEsquare()** returns the error squared to get an indication of the quality of the relation

getEstimateX(y) and getEstimateY(x) are used to calculate the estimated values for a certain y or x value.


See example