2024-05-28 11:20:34 +02:00

187 lines
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#pragma once
// FILE: INA236.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// ported from INA226 to INA236 by Josef Tremmel
// VERSION: 0.1.0
// DATE: 2024-05-27
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for INA236 current and power sensor.
// URL:
// Read the datasheet for the details
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#define INA236_LIB_VERSION "0.1.0"
// set by setAlertRegister
#define INA236_SHUNT_OVER_VOLTAGE 0x8000
#define INA236_SHUNT_UNDER_VOLTAGE 0x4000
#define INA236_BUS_OVER_VOLTAGE 0x2000
#define INA236_BUS_UNDER_VOLTAGE 0x1000
#define INA236_POWER_OVER_LIMIT 0x0800
#define INA236_CONVERSION_READY 0x0400
// returned by getAlertFlag
#define INA236_ALERT_FUNCTION_FLAG 0x0010
#define INA236_MATH_OVERFLOW_FLAG 0x0004
#define INA236_ALERT_POLARITY_FLAG 0x0002
// returned by setMaxCurrentShunt
#define INA236_ERR_NONE 0x0000
#define INA236_ERR_MAXCURRENT_LOW 0x8001
#define INA236_ERR_SHUNT_LOW 0x8002
#define INA236_ERR_NORMALIZE_FAILED 0x8003
// See INA226 issue #26
#define INA236_MINIMAL_SHUNT 0.001
#define INA236_MAX_WAIT_MS 600 // millis
// for setAverage() and getAverage()
enum ina236_average_enum {
INA236_1_SAMPLE = 0,
INA236_4_SAMPLES = 1,
INA236_16_SAMPLES = 2,
INA236_64_SAMPLES = 3,
INA236_128_SAMPLES = 4,
INA236_256_SAMPLES = 5,
INA236_512_SAMPLES = 6,
INA236_1024_SAMPLES = 7
// for BVCT and SVCT conversion timing.
enum ina236_timing_enum {
INA236_140_us = 0,
INA236_204_us = 1,
INA236_332_us = 2,
INA236_588_us = 3,
INA236_1100_us = 4,
INA236_2100_us = 5,
INA236_4200_us = 6,
INA236_8300_us = 7
class INA236
// address between 0x40 and 0x4F
explicit INA236(const uint8_t address, TwoWire *wire = &Wire);
bool begin();
bool isConnected();
uint8_t getAddress();
// Core functions
float getBusVoltage(); // Volt
float getShuntVoltage(); // Volt
float getCurrent(); // Ampere
float getPower(); // Watt
// See #35
bool isConversionReady(); // conversion ready flag is set.
bool waitConversionReady(uint32_t timeout = INA236_MAX_WAIT_MS);
// Scale helpers milli range
float getBusVoltage_mV() { return getBusVoltage() * 1e3; };
float getShuntVoltage_mV() { return getShuntVoltage() * 1e3; };
float getCurrent_mA() { return getCurrent() * 1e3; };
float getPower_mW() { return getPower() * 1e3; };
// Scale helpers micro range
float getBusVoltage_uV() { return getBusVoltage() * 1e6; };
float getShuntVoltage_uV() { return getShuntVoltage() * 1e6; };
float getCurrent_uA() { return getCurrent() * 1e6; };
float getPower_uW() { return getPower() * 1e6; };
// Configuration
bool reset();
bool setAverage(uint8_t avg = INA236_1_SAMPLE);
uint8_t getAverage();
bool setBusVoltageConversionTime(uint8_t bvct = INA236_1100_us);
uint8_t getBusVoltageConversionTime();
bool setShuntVoltageConversionTime(uint8_t svct = INA236_1100_us);
uint8_t getShuntVoltageConversionTime();
bool setADCRange(uint8_t adcRange);
uint8_t getADCRange();
// Calibration
// mandatory to set these!
// shunt * maxCurrent < 81 mV (or 20mV depends on ADCrange set)
// maxCurrent >= 0.001
// shunt >= 0.001
int setMaxCurrentShunt(float maxCurrent = 20.0, float shunt = 0.002, bool normalize = true);
bool isCalibrated() { return _current_LSB != 0.0; };
// These functions return zero if not calibrated!
float getCurrentLSB() { return _current_LSB; };
float getCurrentLSB_mA() { return _current_LSB * 1e3; };
float getCurrentLSB_uA() { return _current_LSB * 1e6; };
float getShunt() { return _shunt; };
float getMaxCurrent() { return _maxCurrent; };
// Operating mode
bool setMode(uint8_t mode = 7); // default ModeShuntBusContinuous
uint8_t getMode();
bool shutDown() { return setMode(0); };
bool setModeShuntTrigger() { return setMode(1); };
bool setModeBusTrigger() { return setMode(2); };
bool setModeShuntBusTrigger() { return setMode(3); };
bool setModeShuntContinuous() { return setMode(5); };
bool setModeBusContinuous() { return setMode(6); };
bool setModeShuntBusContinuous() { return setMode(7); }; // default.
// Alert
// - separate functions per flag?
// - what is a reasonable limit?
// - which units to define a limit per mask ?
// same as voltage registers ?
// - how to test
bool setAlertRegister(uint16_t mask);
uint16_t getAlertFlag();
bool setAlertLimit(uint16_t limit);
uint16_t getAlertLimit();
// Meta information
uint16_t getManufacturerID(); // should return 0x5449
uint16_t getDieID(); // should return 0xA080
uint16_t getRegister(uint8_t reg) { return _readRegister(reg); };
uint16_t _readRegister(uint8_t reg);
uint16_t _writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t value);
float _current_LSB;
float _shunt;
float _maxCurrent;
float _voltage_LSB;
uint8_t _address;
TwoWire * _wire;
// -- END OF FILE --