2013-09-30 16:43:17 +02:00

173 lines
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// FILE: I2C_eeprom.cpp
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 1.0.00
// PURPOSE: Simple I2C_eeprom library for Arduino with EEPROM 24LC256 et al.
// 0.1.00 - 2011-01-21 initial version
// 0.1.01 - 2011-02-07 added setBlock function
// 0.2.00 - 2011-02-11 fixed 64 bit boundary bug
// 0.2.01 - 2011-08-13 _readBlock made more robust + return value
// 1.0.00 - 2013-06-09 support for Arduino 1.0.x
// Released to the public domain
#include <I2C_eeprom.h>
I2C_eeprom::I2C_eeprom(uint8_t device)
_Device = device;
Wire.begin(); // initialise the connection
void I2C_eeprom::writeByte(unsigned int address, uint8_t data )
_WriteBlock(address, &data, 1);
void I2C_eeprom::writeBlock(unsigned int address, uint8_t* buffer, int length)
// determine length until end of page
int le = endOfPage(address);
if (le > 0)
_WriteBlock(address, buffer, le); // todo check return value..
address += le;
buffer += le;
length -= le;
// write the rest at BLOCKSIZE (16) byte boundaries ///
while (length > 0)
_WriteBlock(address, buffer, min(length, BLOCKSIZE)); // todo check return value..
address += BLOCKSIZE;
buffer += BLOCKSIZE;
length -= BLOCKSIZE;
void I2C_eeprom::setBlock(unsigned int address, uint8_t data, int length)
uint8_t buffer[BLOCKSIZE];
for (uint8_t i =0; i< BLOCKSIZE; i++) buffer[i] = data;
// determine length until end of page
int le = endOfPage(address);
if (le > 0)
_WriteBlock(address, buffer, le);
address += le;
length -= le;
while (length > 0)
_WriteBlock(address, buffer, min(length, BLOCKSIZE)); // // todo check return value..
address += BLOCKSIZE;
length -= BLOCKSIZE;
uint8_t I2C_eeprom::readByte(unsigned int address)
uint8_t rdata;
_ReadBlock(address, &rdata, 1); // todo check return value..
return rdata;
// maybe let's not read more than 30 or 32 uint8_ts at a time!
void I2C_eeprom::readBlock(unsigned int address, uint8_t* buffer, int length)
while (length > 0)
_ReadBlock(address, buffer, min(length, BLOCKSIZE)); // todo check return value..
address += BLOCKSIZE;
buffer += BLOCKSIZE;
length -= BLOCKSIZE;
// detemines length until first multiple of 16 of an address
// so writing allways occurs up to 16 byte boundaries
// this is automatically 64 byte boundaries
int I2C_eeprom::endOfPage(unsigned int address)
const int m = BLOCKSIZE;
unsigned int eopAddr = ((address + m - 1) / m) * m; // "end of page" address
return eopAddr - address; // length until end of page
// pre: length < 32;
void I2C_eeprom::_WriteBlock(unsigned int address, uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t length)
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
Wire.write((int)(address >> 8));
Wire.write((int)(address & 0xFF));
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < length; c++)
Wire.send((int)(address >> 8));
Wire.send((int)(address & 0xFF));
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < length; c++)
// pre: buffer is large enough to hold length bytes
int I2C_eeprom::_ReadBlock(unsigned int address, uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t length)
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
Wire.write((int)(address >> 8));
Wire.write((int)(address & 0xFF));
Wire.requestFrom(_Device, length);
int c = 0;
unsigned long before = millis();
while ((c < length) && ((millis() - before) < 1000))
if (Wire.available()) buffer[c++] =;
return c;
Wire.send((int)(address >> 8));
Wire.send((int)(address & 0xFF));
Wire.requestFrom(_Device, length);
int c = 0;
unsigned long before = millis();
while ((c < length) && ((millis() - before) < 1000))
if (Wire.available()) buffer[c++] = Wire.receive();
return c;